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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Might as well wait Hatcity, you may go through several more trucks and be drawing social security before fuel ever goes down,,,randyp
  2. POWER DIVIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thas my diagnosis, been there, bought that, no hopping,,randyp
  3. Ah yes, good ole Ft. Hood, that be Killeen, Texas. Not too far from me, summa ole stompin grounds too. Have safe trip,,,randyp
  4. Well, quit just sitting round in White Pine and get busy doing sumpin, balance the budget, mow yard, go birdwatching or sumpin,,,randyp
  5. I think Texas has all global warming gathered up now, we done had 4 days in 90's and today was one of them,,93. No rain here for a long time, dusty, dry, hot and getting hotter. Easter is late this year so easter eggs may rot where hidden,,,randyp
  6. All yous guys make good honest sense and am in full agreement, great refreshing reading! I have been curious the past couple days, ever since government nearly shut down, and they finally reached agreement to extend budget. While they were all arguing and hassling over votes to decide, I would just like to know what it cost our government, or us, the taxpayers, what it really cost us to do all that. I am talking bout what concessions were promised to different states to buy votes, and what riders snuck in on that! Im betting in got us in even deeper doodoo. No telling what was promised,,,randyp
  7. randyp

    Special Day:

    Thas wonderful Rob,,best wishes to all,,randyp
  8. heh heh,,told ya,,,big head and all,,,randyp
  9. Hey!!! Im in that picture!!! Im the smallest one right in front of B bumper, yeah, thas me, the one the cop is staring at! randyp
  10. randyp


    I dont know Rhasler, I never was aa very good rioter when I was drinking, I mostly just fell over,,,randyp
  11. Yeah Mark, really cant say this enough,,why,why,why why why????? Musta had more time and money than anything else. Thas bout the ugliest truck i ever did see. randyp
  12. Nice clean truck,,ahma gonna keep eye out for it in Texas, and sic Spot on it to chew a radial off if it tries to come through without stopping and enjoying my hospitality,,,randyp
  13. I know u right!! ride careful and be safe,,,wanna see a pic of harley in action! randyp
  14. Hogs are very proficient breeders, a sow can have upwards of 15. They are originally from domestic pigs escaped, or intentionaly turned loose to breed for hunting, most prolly intentional. I know several people around here who were turning them loose 25 or 30 years ago. Its kinda funny cause one cattle farmer here, he spearheaded the drive here to really get them started back then, I have gone to his farm and put in bout 20 hours dozer work repairing pasture,,heh heh,,he was whining the whole time. I told him to stop whining, he got what he was after I guess. It doesnt take a domestic pig long to turn "feral" when released, and those born in wild are just getting closer and closer to original Ferals. A domestics hair will even start turning courser in the wild, and wont do it in captivity. Scientists are really baffled and having a DNA field day studying this phenomena. Most will tell you there is no such thing as a "True Russian Boar" in this country. Heh,,I could drag them off in bottoms around here, and show them some boars that will make your knees shake. They are well equipped with tremendous tusks and thick bushy manes, and will eat some of your ass up in a heartbeat! Even in my older years now, I guarantee you I havent lost my "tree climbing ability". You go ambling off in some places and startle a sow with pigs, you better be well armed, preferably semi-auto, and have a tree in mind if you get low on ammo. (or have Spot with you). Lil ole pigs look just like a watermelon, stripes and all, not bad eating either, split open and barbecued. randyp
  15. heh heh,,all i can think of you left off "revamped" 4 wheeler Tom, is maybe one them crane arms to load all em stinking rascals up, and maybe a sink so me and spot can wash summa all at blood and guts offn us. We are loaded up with hogs round here, they are even going into some neighborhoods in town and city has hired a trapper. You can imagine what they can do to a golf course. I been thinking bout trying to train one to "plow" my garden for me, will wait till i find one with a good sharp rooter. I have had 4 dozer jobs this spring, just going into pastures repairing hog wallers so farmers wont turn their hay tractors over. They make a real mess out of a hay meadow! randyp
  16. I think they swap notes on what the best midget porn sites are,,randyp
  17. Gambi, a dern excavator is bout the hardest thing there is to put a value price on,,,just tremendous amount of factors involved in those, undercarriage and cylinder condition being big parts of it. It almost boils down to just how much is it worth to you or affordability or how much work have lined up for it, or having a buyer located or something like that. I realize Im not giving you much of an answer, I pologize for that, just many factors, couldnt tell you. Sorry,,,randyp
  18. Nothing wrong with taking "scenic" route Bigen. I once left Panama City, Fla. with family in the family truckster, after a lil vacation and R and R when kids were small. I was headed back here to Texas, or so I thought. heh,,When I got to I-10, I went east instead of west, wife was asleep. I drove for an hour east, kept wondering why kept seeing so many palm trees and when i was gonna reach Alabama. I thought to myself, "I didnt know Alabama had this many palm trees." Long story short, wife woke up, asked where we were, i said almost Alabama, surely, then wife asked then why did that sign just say how far it was to Jacksonville? Mistake hit me, wife threatened to hit me, she has never to this day let me forget it. She prolly wouldnt have bought it if I had said there must be a Jacksonville, Alabama. Anyway, stuff happens. randyp
  19. Heh heh heh,,,Rob,,been there, doing that, I hear you buddy! randyp
  20. Killer B has so much horsepower and mind boggling torque, to save transmission, sometimes even loaded or empty, I just slip her in neutral, rev engine way up, and let fan pull me around, kinda like airplane. Have to watch bout pulling "compact" cars or pedestrians into radiator though. (sorry, too much caffeine lately) randyp
  21. heh heh,,as long as I have Barrys E-mail, im a computer whiz! randyp
  22. Welcome back talented Tom,,,,outstanding!!!! randyp
  23. Well, its late Sunday evening BIgen, we come dragging in. we sho is tired to! Have to give all details later, well, some details cause whatever happens in wilds, stays in wilds, kinda like vegas. Will elaborate when rested and debriefed, get summa all this blood and gooey guts ofn me,,,,randyp
  24. Loading up and leaving here shortly, packing 4 wheeler, weapons hot, me and grandson wont be out of woods till sunday evening,,,,,no bathing, no shaving, taking a lil grub, moslty gonna try to eat whatever dont eat us. I aint sure what we gonna get into, but lookout nature, here we come! randyp
  25. I gots a confession to make,,yes,,well,,I wake my grandson up each morning, we watch Spongbob, I like Spongebob, cant miss it, i dunno, wierd, aint it? randyp
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