Hogs are very proficient breeders, a sow can have upwards of 15. They are originally from domestic pigs escaped, or intentionaly turned loose to breed for hunting, most prolly intentional. I know several people around here who were turning them loose 25 or 30 years ago. Its kinda funny cause one cattle farmer here, he spearheaded the drive here to really get them started back then, I have gone to his farm and put in bout 20 hours dozer work repairing pasture,,heh heh,,he was whining the whole time. I told him to stop whining, he got what he was after I guess. It doesnt take a domestic pig long to turn "feral" when released, and those born in wild are just getting closer and closer to original Ferals. A domestics hair will even start turning courser in the wild, and wont do it in captivity. Scientists are really baffled and having a DNA field day studying this phenomena. Most will tell you there is no such thing as a "True Russian Boar" in this country. Heh,,I could drag them off in bottoms around here, and show them some boars that will make your knees shake. They are well equipped with tremendous tusks and thick bushy manes, and will eat some of your ass up in a heartbeat! Even in my older years now, I guarantee you I havent lost my "tree climbing ability". You go ambling off in some places and startle a sow with pigs, you better be well armed, preferably semi-auto, and have a tree in mind if you get low on ammo. (or have Spot with you). Lil ole pigs look just like a watermelon, stripes and all, not bad eating either, split open and barbecued. randyp