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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I know you right on the payday Southbound, I would like to know what that cost them to move that far, I bet it was super high! I understood it was built overseas and came in to the port at houston. randyp
  2. Me snapping pictures at rate of $100.00 per hour may affect their sense of humor though, oh well, theres trees all over texas to dig up, they didnt grow the last one,,heh heh randyp
  3. earlier in week rassling with big dumb giant stupid tree, I asked landowner if they would consider having a "pond" in place of this tree. (heh,,they werent amused, no sense of humor) randyp
  4. more
  5. It was so big, i was too close to highway to get a good "take it all in" picture, but i will keep practicing Tom,,,randyp
  6. transformer "train"
  7. more
  8. not your creature comfort cab
  9. I bet I made that great american and venerable historian Other Dog proud today! To quote from one of his famous world renowned dissertations,,"Cameras are like condoms, always carry one with you and be ready to whip,,um,,er,,use it." I had told him I would get a pic of old wabco loader sitting at local power plant where i acquire road base material. Behold, its not a Wabco, but an old "Dart". Its still a rather monstrous oddball looking machine with a very sizeable cummins power plant. It hasnt been run in years, I worked for the owner about 6 months over 30 years ago, but never ran this machine. I got pics and was about to leave when i was informed over radio that exit road was temporarily closed, power plant was bringing in a million pound transformer by truck. I drove on out and parked by highway, whereupon escort "motorcycles" with flashing lights told me I would have to wait a while. Someone said over radio that trailer had 108 tires, with one truck pulling and 2 pushing, and it was taking up both lanes of farm market road. It had come all way from Houston, wich, normal driving is over 6 hours away. I got some pics of it too, so am glad I took Other Dogs advice and had condom,,,er,,,camera with me. Either way, look how much fun i would have missed! Randyp
  10. Yeah Mark, that would be a right nice "varmint" gun, just not sure if Killer B could pull it. talk bout recoil,,,sheeeit fire!!!! randyp
  11. Its a push bumper for push starting v#lv#s and peterbilts,,,randyp
  12. I know u right bout dem dam fire ants Hat, we are loaded with those here too! They are the main reason I gave up on the home garden, they just love soft tilled ground and rows. Lil bastards would get in potatos and drill holes in every one of them. The only sure fire way to kill them is with a 4 lb. shophammer and a flat piece of steel plate, its time consumming, but they just cant take that. randyp
  13. Woo-Hoo
  14. We have had 4 or 5 days now of sunshine, high 60's or low 70's. Been really nice, cepting, Them texas bad boys are out enjoying sunshine too. I been clearing timber during all this nice weather, but I aint too anxious to get off tractor, might be doing the two step. I am seeing whole bunches of em, may box up a couple and send em to Rob,,,,randyp
  15. They have CAT motors,,,,randyp
  16. Actually Tom, you dont want those from Walmart, I guess they are okay, but you wont get that "through the window" or "down the chimney" accuracy. The best ones are from the place Gambi mentioned in above post. Now thas accuracy with them units! I tried walmart units and deleted several neighborhoods from map before going with quality units. randyp
  17. Ah ha,,I fed that GPS reading from your picture into my guidance computer, it decoded the coordinates, sent them to my backyard Tomahawk Cruise missile guidance system, it locked on, but luckily I had you listed on the "friend" section of the "friend or foe" activity list, so all systems stood down. Wow,,,your lucky day Tom! randyp
  18. You would not be proud of me Tom, I hauled rock for 2 days driving right by that old Wabco loader, forgot my camera both days. I will be back over there though, its where i get my road material. randyp
  19. Making Hot Sauce and books is excellent hobbies, les find a publisher!! randyp
  20. heh heh,,,now thas an idear there, the haircut is just natural, dont ever have to fuss with it,,,randyp
  21. Yes, welcome, good luck in all your endeavors! (never work on a greyhound bus, you wont like it) randyp
  22. randyp


    Happy Birthday Bubba, better late than never,,,,randyp
  23. I been making lots of clanking noises, digging, crashing trees to the ground, all while the sun is shining! ahhhh,,,sunshine,,,randyp
  24. Thats good news bigen, hope all continues to go well for you and the misses,,,randyp
  25. Thas right bollweevil, santa anna had prolly sh#t in them silk panties too,,,randyp
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