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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I wish my wife could geotag her dern car keys,,,randyp
  2. It does have a rather "Euclidian" flair to it, exquisit perception and cerebral interpretation Mark,,,randyp
  3. Yeah Tom, Ive used WD-40 in diesel engines too, it will work, doesnt seem to be as good as silicone lube. Ether was banned in the coal mines years ago, maintenance blamed too many engine problems on it, They bought cases and cases of silicone, thats all they would use. It seems to be more gentle on engines, and you can hear engine start spinning faster as lube hits it. I dont know bout extreme cold though, our low here may be in mid teens for usually only a week or so then mostly in mid 20s. randyp
  4. Denny, if it is generator equipped, unlatch brush cover on rear of generator and spray lectra clean and run commutator cleaner stick against commutator while engine is running. It could be brushes stuck or commutator dirty. I have to do mine that way every now and then as power steering pump is mounted behind generator and leaks just a tiny bit, soiling commutator. I do agree with Rob, dead batteries wouldnt stall that engine, just make it a pain when it does stall. randyp
  5. Well Strollin, I guess I answered my own question, i googled it and you are east texian also, just a lot farther south, from a metropolis of 489 citizens. I also learned it is considered the birthplace of the Lone Star flag of Texas, and also contains a 40,000 square foot underground bunker built in early 80's by one individual in case of nuclear attack to house his employees, very interesting! Again, good luck on project,,,randyp
  6. Ah,,,I see a fellow Texan, welcome aboard! Where is Montgomery, not familiar with that town, im in east texas. Good Luck with project and post lots of pics on progress. randyp
  7. Loaded up and pulling in winter, mine will run around 180, and in hard pulls might do 185 or 190. I would guess its a 180 thermostat, it has shutters also. It wont get very warm, even cranked and left idling in winter, shutters wont ever open just idling. randyp
  8. Well Happy Birthday Lt. Rob, hope you have a good one and many more after! randyp
  9. I like to use Silicone Spray Lubricant, stead of ether, it makes them spin faster when gets to engine, they will fire with it, and doesnt possess the "lockup" capapbilities that ether does. I will prolly discover a few years down the road that it causes engine cancer in lab rats of something though, hopefully that will only be if your in california. randyp
  10. Im specting you best be getting you a rain bonnet on top of that air filter mister,,,good pics,,,randyp {thas prolly whats making it bounce}
  11. Your trucks kinda dirty Tom, think you need to get out there and clean er up a lil,,,randyp
  12. Bigen,,heh heh,,now thas movie making and plot lines at its finest! I dont know how he does it! Kudos! randyp
  13. Yep,,,life is good,,,spot
  14. Thanks for the warm welcome back guys, really nice of you! It was an interesting lil vacation, kilt a couple of bobcats, maimed and mutilated a bear, I had to do it, she wouldnt leave me alone, kept following me and turning her rear toward me, smelt bad too! Funny thing bout that strange bear, her growl sounded funny, sounded like,,"R R R R O O O O B B B B !!!" Anyway, told fellow who thinks hes my owner, theres gonna be some changes round here, else, Im gone again! I am gonna require box of chicken strips from Sonic drive-in for breakfast, not out of road ditch or second hand either, as you can see, so far hes complying. I got several other changes, will pass them along as they are fullfilled by dummy, I mean, randy. Anyway, thanks for welcome back, its good to be back with herd. Spot
  15. randyp

    Go Bears!

    24! huh,grunt, 16! ooh, ouch, grunt, 52! oof,oof,oof,,,HUNCH! HUNCH! HUNCH!
  16. randyp

    Go Bears!

    LMAO,,heh heh,,too late Rob, I seen it, looks like that packer may be getting packed! randyp
  17. You best get your ass back here, Robs been giving you a pretty good "cuffing" with his paws.

  18. heh heh,,Welcome,,and beware, some of us even "clown" around with bears! randyp
  19. thas the finest looking bunch of kids and dogs I ever did see!!! randyp
  20. I also am quite fond of german shepherds, had one that died of old age bout a year and half ago. Spot is some kinda jack russell mix, I acquired him, wasnt shopping for that breed or mix, yet, now am quite fond of him, although he is somewhat independent and hard headed, good around children, aggressive as hell around wild game, most of the time moves with cows and sleeps with them at night, very strange behaviour, very protective of them. I guess my favorite mix is german shepherd and lab, very loyal dogs. I dont know what Spot was up to all that time, but i guess his independence helped him survive. Im thinking he may have went on a long term hog hunt, hates them with a vengeance, will do anything to get at one, also armidillos, hates them too. Just glad to have him back, feel safer now. randyp
  21. heh heh heh, I guess you got me there,,,LOL pardner
  22. heh heh,,,youse guys
  23. Its a full moon tonight, I just went out and checked on him, gave a whistle and he came running out of pasture, dragging an old dried out bovine legbone, I say running, he was having trouble bringing legbone with him and didnt seem to wanna give it up. Hes doing fine though. randyp
  24. WELCOME!!!! Welcome to the jungle, keep your powder dry and your eyes wide open,,,randyp
  25. heh heh Awww hell, just take matters into your own hands,,,randyp
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