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Everything posted by randyp

  1. heh heh,,now thas a winner there Ernie!!!! randyp
  2. me too bigen,,,
  3. Aint no 2 ways bout it Rob, your gonna have to lay off that bear a while, let some of the blood get back to your brain,,,randyp
  4. Yes, Happy Birthday Charlie!
  5. Good googly gawd o mighty Ernie, them all look too good!I like all of some of all them! great pics,,,,,,,randyp
  6. heh heh,,am looking forward to it Rhasler, when i get over excitement, will even get you some fresh pics,,,thanks,,randyp
  7. Personally, I would not log with anything but Mack, strictly because its the finest, toughest offroad or rough terrain rear end in the world! It keeps the power to the ground. Thats just my 2 cents, but i would look hard for a Mack. randyp
  8. Hooah! I was too excited to get any pics yet, much less upload them, but went this afternoon to a creek bottom 6 miles from my house where i have a hog trap set, drove up on trap, lo and behold theres spot sitting beside the trap watching me drive up and looking at me like "where the hell you been, look what i cornered up, now open this dam trap door and let me at em!" He has been gone since Christmas. He had a couple of extra scars on him, hell, looked like he actually gained weight, (prolly hog meat or rhino or sumping). Anyway, will post some pics of him later, its great having ole spot back, dont know how he wound up 6 miles away, however, he has ridden to that place with me a lot to check traps, so, who knows? Its no doubt hes one tuff sumbitch,,,randyp
  9. woo hoo hoo hoo heh heh....randyp
  10. Name: Mack B-61LT (1961) Date Added: 12 August 2009 - 07:05 AM Owner: randyp Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  11. I agree and think how much fun it would be watching Rob try to walk around with that bear "attached" to him! LOL randyp
  12. Congrats Sean, glad it worked out for you! Dont you just love it when a plan comes together? randyp
  13. heh heh heh,,stop that bollweevil,,LOL John, believe it or not I am considering making that trip, its on my bucket list I guess. It gets a lil closer, I will know more for sure. I aint driving Killer that far, but may just make it there and no longer be a "Macungie Virgin". later,,,randyp
  14. As a sidenote Mark, I find me the right lil pole trailer, Ole Killer B may just get to pull a lil double duty and haul a few loads of wood, prolly light loads of course. randyp
  15. 7 or 8 till i finally got it right, Rob may deny my diploma and give me a GED. randyp
  16. Yeah Mark, I know xactly what you mean. This reality shit bout logging, cooking cupcakes, baking cakes, TV has gotten to where it just sucks! I am lightly dabbling bout going back in to doing a lil light logging on the side, it sorta ties in with what im doing now. I push up a quite a bit of timber that could be sold stead of piled and burned. I advise landowners of that, they usually just shrug and say pile it up, I need to grow grass for cows, oh well. Wife says aint no way in hell i am going to take on any more, heh heh, bless her heart, shes so funny. randyp
  17. Sorry, but, I think she only has eyes,,er,,ass for me now. I may have ruined her. randyp
  18. Boy,,I just waded right off in that one, I may be a full blooded certified bonifide pedigreed idiot! Can i have my diploma now? randyp
  19. heh heh,,again, just my 2 cents, but i think he needs dragging across counter,,randyp
  20. heh,,yeah, I hear you Lmack. I logged for several years with my dad (may he rest in peace) and he was just a man who really commanded respect. He was a short stocky man, huge arms, very dark, actually half apache indian and was very quiet and mannerly, (if treated respectfully). We went in to a Case equipment dealer one time with a stripped hydraulic pump, dad laid it on counter, parts man (a big fellow) complained bout oil on counter, dad appologized, guy looked it up in book, went in back and came back with a pump in box. Dad opened box, and was really giving pump a good looking over and rolling it around making sure it would match. The man said "You gonna buy that pump or just keep f*cking my counter up, you already got oil all over it!" I took a step back cause I knew my dad well. Dad slid old pump to one side, new pump to other side, and in a lightning move reached over counter and completely drug big fellow all way across and onto floor. I think the guy just went into shock, Dad bent down and said "I cleaned your g*ddam counter off for you, you smart mouth SOB, now you best learn you some manners, and if you wanna go any further than this, just get up off your big fat ass, and les have a go". The guy just laid there, dad slowly walked out door, we got in truck and I said "I guess we better locate nuther Case dealer,,huh?" Hope that wasnt a boring story, just kinda goes with treating people right. randyp
  21. Both of these guys have a Phd in Mack also, i absolutely apologize for ommitting them! You never need an invite Rob, please forgive and omit my literay transgression. truly silly of me,,,,,,randyp
  22. I dont know much bout that, but i guarantee when my friend Master Chief Head Mack guru "rhasler" sees this, you best get your pencil out and get ready for solid, time proven advice,,,get in here rhasler, theres work to be done! randyp
  23. I have had 3 major careers in my life, logger, coal miner, now a semi-retired half assed dirt contractor. I watch american loggers on tv every now and then, have bout quit though, cause of some of the stupid sh*t some of these so-called professionals do sometimes. I guess maybe they prolly spice it up for cameras, but they aint no way in hell people I worked for would ever talk to me that way, hell, I dont even know anybody here who would take that kind of crap! I guess its just TV, but bout tired of watching all that arguing. Texans dont take well to arguing, sh*t usually hits the fan pretty quick here,,heh heh anyway, thas just my 2 cents, I think everybody ought to just work together and get along. randyp
  24. Hate to hear that bigen, they become like members of the family, I know it will be a great and sad loss, hang in there,,,randyp
  25. Well bgloss, They are right, chain dumping really takes practice. Since I am the one who dumps it and then has to get on dozer and spread (or smear) it, well, I aint much good at anything else, but, aint bragging, I have become somewhat an expert at chain dumping. I had to, or else overwork myself on dozer. I do a lot of farm road construction with native gravel, and it becomes a chore keeping gravel out of ditches if I dont spread dump it. You just drag you self on down here to the great state of texas and class will start, and will buy your lunch, (after you help me split couple cords of firewood). Keep practicing and tell em picky dozer drivers to tighten up and quit whining,,,heh heh,,,randp
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