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Everything posted by randyp

  1. randyp

    41 Chevy:

    Yes,,have a very Happy Birthday Paul,,,,,,,randyp
  2. Rob, I just read an article in Popular Mechanics magazine, car repair section. A consumer wrote in about having to replace front CV joints and wheel bearings bout every 6 months and dealer could not figure out why they kept failing. He said they would start making unusual noises very soon after replacement, then shortly after, fail again, dealer mechanic was stymied. PM magazines diagnosis, which they also said was not that unusual, is that the car had a bad grounding strap or maybe two, so current was finding an easier, lower resistance path from engine to chassis passing through the wheel bearings, axles, and CV joint internals. The high current, transmitted through small points of contact between the machined races and the rollers or balls, strikes tiny arcs, damaging the smooth surfaces. Within a few hundred miles, the joint or bearing fails. I have always been careful welding on trucks, bout where locating ground, so as not to route current through wheel bearings. I thought was an interesting article, a lil unusual, but worth passing on. You gave a good dissertation in a post good while back bout importance of good clean, tight electrical connections, so, there you go Dr. Rob! randyp
  3. I got fired from a gas station when i was 14, dough popped the bosses son right square in his ugly ole left eye. He was 16, talking shit down to me, I got nuff of it so I let him have it. I earned every bit of that firing, it was worth it. Wish I had a pic of his eye the next day, I done a right good pop on that SOB, I didnt work there no more, but he gave me a good wide berth after that. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. randyp
  4. They just dont make front axles like they used to, hope the boss does show up, I will "chloroform" him with the shovel. randyp
  5. Well Happy Birthday David, its your day, hope it is a great one and you have many more,,enjoy! randyp
  6. Hey Mark, when in dallas, you wont be but bout 125 miles west of me, shreveport only bout 75 miles. Its not snowing here anymore, it melted. just wet and rainy. Keep an eye out for Spot, hes still missing, thought he may have wandered off to dallas doing some clubbing. randyp
  7. Yeah, I see your thinking Thaddeus, but a good heavy shovel also doubles as chloroform, one good whack and theyll go right to sleep. My way of saving space. randyp
  8. building signal fire for rescue or smoking creeses,,,randyp
  9. I spect you best be getting us some pics of that beauty on here, just like right prolly quick as you can, mister! pics,,,hurry,,,pics!!! randyp
  10. heh heh get him Tom, get him! heh heh,,,randyp
  11. A big pistol, rope, shovel, sack of lime, panty hose, rubber gloves, 3 hand grenades, rolling papers, duct tape and ear plugs. randyp
  12. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,,you aint right,,randyp,,
  13. Rob, ole buddy, ole pal, you find the strangest things sometimes. I guess I am too old school or naive or whatever, but I dont have a clue what spreader bars have to do with sex. I need to get out more. heh, once I get them legs gapped, im the spreader bar, heh heh,,,,randyp
  14. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    hah,,,makes me wanna drive to florida and lock hatcity in the freezer for a couple of days,,,randyp
  15. heh heh,,what part of him is 5 foot? LOL randyp
  16. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    When I think of the drive-in movie memories, thas all I remember is things getting "blown". wee-hee-hee-hee,,,randyp
  17. heh,,now thas a word I havent read in years,,muh-fuggahs. I like it, right to the point! randyp-muh-fuggah
  18. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    Ah yes,,,drive-in movies,,what a wonderful memory! heh heh,,yeah randyp
  19. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    Rob, as a young strapping lad, I did my time plowing, and can honestly say, a tractor was the bestest, most wonderfullest, invention ever invented. Plowing behind a horse or mule is some of the hardest work in this here world! I do not miss it, specially when you plow till lunch, then your loving father hitches you up a nice, rested up fresh one after lunch. Once again, I do mot miss it one bit! randyp
  20. What thong? randyp Rob sees that, he may kick bear out!
  21. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    heh heh, I must have read that wrong hatcity, you saying all your employees get to sleep with your wife every night? Hey buddy, sign me on, Florida and warm weather, here I come. randyp
  22. and dont forget your a regular bigen now instead of a guest bigen,,be careful,,randyp
  23. randyp

    Sick Horse:

    Excellent work there Dr. Rob, a fine father, driver, and veterinarial investigator to boot! randyp When the going gets tough, the tough get going!
  24. Thanks Prof. Barry,,,randyp (you earned a point)
  25. heh heh,,that fox better be glad bolt is open and he doesnt pull trigger now, he would really get a world class shiner, and prolly stitches to go with it! (I know, cause as a young man, been there, suffered through that) randyp
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