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Everything posted by randyp

  1. I never got any pics of it but when I was miserable in coal mine before retirement, we used to drag 120 yard B&E dragline bucket in for repairs on a big skid with 3 657 CAT scrapers all hooked in together. I always wanted to be leader in train, cause middle and end really sucked with dust and all. We usually flipped coin for it and as usual, i always lost. randyp
  2. I would have to say, "I dont believe I quite ever seen any thing rigged up all like that!" Looks like something that may require "teamwork of an unprecedented nature". When Barry gets this "rep" bidness straightened out, you getting a point buddy! randyp
  3. That Barry is just a "whizbang" Mark, wish I could give him a rep point! randyp
  4. heh heh heh heh heh thas too good!! randyp
  5. LOL,,,yeah Mark, I did point it up in air though, would have been nice to have seen some "bubbling crude" though,,randyp
  6. Many thanks Barry for all your hard work and technical expertise! randyp
  7. I wonder if it was the "throw up threat" or "pitchforking peasants?" randyp
  8. Hooray!! Bigens back from northern siberia! randyp
  9. hah,,,,,,,guess the bear gets it tonight! randyp
  10. Well, we may just have to "bow" up and get irate and unruly, pitchfork a few peasants, stage a sit-in, throw up on floor, and, and, and,,,,,,yeah,,all the above! randyp
  11. For some reason, it wont let me give rep points anymore. I cant reward anybody for a post "well done". Have I hit my limit? Does my judgement matter any more? Whatsa going on here? I want answers Barry! randyp
  12. Happy Birthday Mark, way to go! randyp
  13. heh heh,,having bear there probably would not have made it any noisier Rob, coyotes smelled chili and circled cabin howling all night, Clem stood on downwind side of cabin and bumped his horns against it every 5 minutes, I guess reminding me it was cold and he wanted in. I did go on porch bout 5 this morning and busted off couple of 12 gauge rounds to scare coyotes, all I accomplished was Clem shitting all over side of cabin and taking off in a dead run, coyotes never skipped a beat. I think I will stay home tonight. I dont like snow,,,,,,,,,,randyp
  14. Happy G'day birthday duck mate,,,,,,,,randyp
  15. Current weather pattern is not conducive to dirt work or land clearing, or anything for that matter, cept maybe retiring to hunting cabin with big pot of chili. Thats where im gonna ride this out with big roaring fire and plenty of grub. I just wish spot was here, not the same without him. If you look closely, you can see Clem the longhorn peeking under roof, prolly wanting range cubes,,,randyp
  16. randyp

    Short Test:

    I have marked my calendar, thanks Rob,,,,randyp
  17. heh heh,,as stated earlier in this post, cruise control scares me, I think I have been conditioned against it, must be the knots on the head. randyp
  18. Yeah Rob, Ive seen a lot of the ones you are talking bout, Killer has one without the red lock button, you just twist knob to left to unlock, pull out till you get prefered RPMs, then twist back to right to lock at that RPM. I only use it on cold morning warmups. It works good though, randyp
  19. I havent had need for any in years, I do know any car or truck parts stores used to stock universal cables, just trim to length. I guess thats something else they dont do anymore,,oh well,,,randyp
  20. sounds like some throttle linkages out of wack. have someone work throttle while you watch linkages for slack or out of adjustment or slop. randyp
  21. Once upon a time I was driving a 100 ton euclid coal hauler in coal mine, it was the newer cabover type, (prolly bout 1985 model), they were bad bout bucking and beating crap out of operators. I was doing bout 40 mph, in the middle of a curve headed for overpass, and it started bucking sideways, kinda pissed me off a lil, so I stomped real hard on accelerator pedal just to kinda pay it back a lil, (it had a V-12 cummins). The pedal hung under very stiff floormat at wide open throttle, she really went to bucking then, I leaned way down to try to unstick it, all the while in a curve approaching overpass and picking up speed, steering wheel hammered me in head bout 18 or 22 times fore I got relief. I dont think I will ever forget that episode, still dont like cruise controls to this day. randyp
  22. may be why im just a dirt digger,,
  23. I dont think Im much of a picture taker, i tried, but mine kinda suck,,randyp
  24. Thanks for your timely alertness and having camera cocked Rhasler, Pics of those just make me feel all warm and bubbly inside! I like those trucks! Good Job sojer!! randyp
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