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Everything posted by randyp

  1. heh heh heh,,now you in there with darth other dog vader, you two aint right. I am wore slap out, killing and eating is tiring business. randyp
  2. Ahm back!!!! I take a week off, and I see Other Dog has managed to corrupt Rhasler, drag him over to the dark side and teach him the lost art of "Photographic misdemeanor". Me and spot did have a wonderful time though, scattered blood and entrails of various game animals all over the woods, some werent even game animals. Me and spot managed to consume an entire young tender doe, ham and backstrap of a large buck, 7 squirrels, one barbecued coon, 2 dozen dove breasts wrapped in bacon, 3 dozen eggs, 2 lbs. bacon, and about 5 loaves of bread,,,woo,,,we stuffed ourselves! Spot started to get a lil bored, so I purposely gut shot a female coyote to slow her down so spot could have his way with her, seemed to perk him up. Only thing could have made trip better would be to have girl from store picture in cabin, if she would fit through door. randyp
  3. hmmmmm,,,now I need bout ten dimes,,,,randy
  4. pouring powder down barrel now,,,,,randy
  6. now ats a sad story,,,randy
  7. the far end of buddy the bassett hound
  8. nuther pic
  9. Went to quarterly cardiologist visit, wife went with me, as usual, doc says slow down, stop, cease, desist strenous activities. Have had couple of major "in-frame" repairs on it, think its bout time to "sleeve" it again. Wife sitting there saying "I been telling him hes overdoing it, he wont listen to me." I think they both trying to put me in a wheelchair. We left doc, went home, she went in house, I hooked up my handy dandy lil trailer, drove to local Polaris dealer and bought me a wheelchair. Hell, its amazing, I feel better already! Well, my wife told me on way home from doc I needed to "take less steps", and my lil criminal brain caught on to that phrase so I decided to capitalize on it,,heh heh,,you can imagine how proud she is of me now. Her words,,"Well, looks like you got something else to load and drag around on a trailer now". Dam,,,I married a smart woman! randy
  10. HOOAH!!!!
  11. pears to have been in a dust storm,,,,randy
  12. DOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Thanks Rhasler, Spot has a lil jack russell, buncha something else, mostly badass, speaks english, barks spanish, likes beer and tater chips and can chew the bark off a hickory tree, and no kidding, the whole time I worked on tractor, just kept circling daring something to sneak up,,(absolutely hates hogs),,randy
  14. Thas right, and it wouldnt have been possible without "spot" keeping guard for feral hogs while I mechaniched, hes da meanest, scrappiest, most do-anything, attack anything dog that has ever been,,,,randy
  15. oh yeah, its 4 wheel drive turbo,,,weeeeeeeeee!!!!
  16. My brother-in-law is a large landowner, well, land is large, he isnt, lotsa cows, timber, mucho deer hunting. I asked him other day if he wanted to go to equipment auction with me, he asked what I was buying and I told him I been hankering for a rubber tire backhoe to keep in gravel pit. He got a funny look on his face and said get in truck and go with me a minute. I did, we went to his farm, drove long ways down a hi-line right of way, got out, went to walking through woods, lo and behold, there was a john deere 310D backoe covered up with briars, vines, and saplings growing up between axles, I mean, covered up! I asked whose it was and he said, "Well, this is embarrassing, but I bought it at an auction 5 years ago just cause I wanted one to mess around farm with and do a little clearing. I had it hauled out here, ran it a little in pasture, it died. I cranked it, run a lil, and die. I had it hauled to tractor shop, worked on, brought back, it died again, long story short, 3 more trips to tractor place and $1800.00 later, it died right where it is now, I had started clearing a lil lane through these woods and when it died that time, I turned key off, dismounted it, and left it right where it is now, that was 5 years ago." He said he never said anything to me bout it, cause it was embarrassing,,heh heh, anyway hes not mechanically inclined any at all, none whatsoever. He said if I could get it out of woods and fix it, I could use it all I wanted, just like it was mine, just let him play with it every now and then, if it wasnt fixable, he would pay me to get a lane to it, drag it out, and salvage it for scrap. I went back next day, walked in with few tools and couple of pry bars, wanted to see if engine would turn by hand fore I went to much trouble, it did, took dozer back, cleared lane to it, spent half day with chain saw freeing it up. LOng story short, put a battery on it, starter, fuel filter, air filter, it cranked, backed dump truck in lane, aired all tires back up and drove it out of woods. The next day I flushed fuel tank and put fresh fuel in, took it to gravel pit and loaded 6 loads of gravel with it, no problems at all,,heh heh,,there was a lot of water and gunk in tank, I think that was reason for original trouble. i know there will be some lines needing changing later and other lil things, but so far, after 5 years, its ready. Hope I didnt bore yall, just thought that was good success story, oh yeah, it cranked on original 5 year old fuel to drive it out woods,,,,randy I could kick my ass for not taking a before pic in woods, didnt think bout it, just pics after I got it out and loaded on "killer B" for trip to pit
  17. Like when the monkey got caught doing the skunk and said "It aint love, but it aint bad",,,,randyp
  18. That is the ugliest, goofiest, blasphemous, hideous, stinky, ding dang dong looking,,,heh,,,heh,,,piece of dung I have ever seen,,,,,,,,,blah,,,,,,hate it,,,,randy
  19. (while tugging my hair),,,,I AM SO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,randypeepee
  20. I couldnt tell from the pic, but does it have factory front tow hooks? just joshing,,,nice looking truck,,,randyp
  21. Well apparently you have never watched a "doggie porn" movie, green giant, or you would know the answer to that one. Good Grief,,do me and freight have to answer everything for you? randyp
  22. An ironical coincidence, hypothetically,,,randy
  23. Well,,,ats the best answer yet, Freight. Finally!, a fellow genius engineerian mind shows up and solves dis mystery! randypee
  24. The Fall, autumnish colors in your area are also quite lovely,,,,,,randy
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