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Everything posted by randyp

  1. What truck? Wowee! Bleeve it or not, I been outta texas long enough one time to go through Helena. Nice place. Its not too far, you hafta come down here some time and go hog hunting,,,(bring girlfriend, or if your too busy digging sumpin, just send her) randyp
  2. Thanks for all opinions and info above. I do bleeve its gonna be Garmin. However, sumpins wrong with the tires on Other Dogs newfangled ultra modern nuclear powered mono side X side humanoid 4 wheeler transporting swine decimator, I dont think the wheels are round. We have known ever since caveman days, dern wheels gotta be round! Nice weaponry though. onliest other thing it needs is a blonde dead armadiller in seat. randyp
  3. All I ever see down here on the side of the road is runned over armadillos, i gotta start traveling more,,,or traveling farther anyway. randyp
  4. We dont want no yeller rain in Texas, smells bad on our campfires. randyp
  5. 10-4,,went academy online and perused Garmins. Did like what I did saw. Thank You vewy much. Garmin has yet to market one with bayonet, and caliber not large enough in their chain gun. All that said, yes, like garmins. randyp
  6. All the above, plus be able to put it on my belt and use both hands to climb tree, be even better if it came equipped with bayonet and 30 MM chain gun. (although may drag my pants down with all that, and catch swine flu,,,,,,,again) randyp
  7. Anybody way out there got any favorite brand of handheld GPS, measure distance walked, (or ran from a pig), mark route walked, (or ran), coordinates, compass, etc. Your opinions valued and accepted. Thank You,,,randyp (the kinder and gentler randyp)
  8. I have run some of that old stuff, and i think i worked harder pulling levers and concentrating and anticipating terrain and working legs than I would have ifn I had just climbed off, got me a rake and hoe and shovel and did it by hand. Im not making fun of them, I love em, but sure is hard work and a big difference to the equipment today. randyp
  9. heh heh heh,,,now thas a new one i hadnt thought of Mike! Have you been way up in that thin atmosphere again too long lately? LOL,,,randyp
  10. Just dont try to pull all 3 loboys at the same time loaded. randyp
  11. I was clearing a fence row today, guy on joining property had lots of old cars and trucks and stuff stacked everwhere. He came back to talk to me, I stopped tractor and we were walking and looking at some of his loot. I spied an old PTO driven Tulsa winch lying in weeds and asked him if he wanted to sell it and if it worked. He said he didnt even remember where he got it and didnt know if it worked or not, but for 100 bucks I could load it up. I made a pretty fast walk back to my truck, got wallet and paid him right quick. It took both of us to get it in truck, rascal was heavy! I hope it works, if not, guess will just scrap it. i got a flatbed truck I wanna put it on,and power it with PTO and hydraulic motor. Dern, hope it works! Havent read tag on it yet, gotta clean it up, but I think its bout 30,000 lb. winch. randyp
  12. Yes,,,scratch head,,then good deep scratch on ass,,then long deep pick up nose,,,DOH! (use different finger on nose) randyp
  13. randyp


    Heh Heh,,wish i had 2.51 cents for everything Ive monkeyed up in my life, I would be a wealthy rascal. I learned a dern lesson from all of them though. I like that term "monkeyed up" Other Dog. Heh Heh,,,wife told me just bout 2 days ago that I was dumber that a freaking monkey. I prolly cant argue with her though. randyp
  14. That pic makes me start drooling,,,well,,,drooling more than usual anyway. Macks and old cats get my motor running. Had my D6D loaded up on ole Killer B yesterday, bellering down the highway. Congratulations on good find! randyp
  15. Of the 3 hairs on my head? You really wanna see those? (no, cousin U, gotta gets me a new camera) randyp
  16. heh heh,,all outta positive likes,,i owe you,,,LOL randyp
  17. Maybe even stood my hair up on my head,,all three of them. randyp
  18. Jumped in Killer today, turned key on, hit starter button, just couldnt get enough power to turn him over good to crunk. I cleaned battery terminals, load tested batteries, they were hot. Tried it again,,nothing. Cleaned grounds on frame, crawled under and cleaned cables on starter,,,nothing. Barely would turn over. Scratched my head, my ass, picked my nose coupla times,,,decided starter must be going out and dragging bad. I crawled back under to pull starter, then noticed and remembered at same time battery wires going to backside of button on firewall. I backed pickup up to side of killer to stand on tailgate and opened hood and lo and behold,,never seen so much corrosion before. i took all wires off and sanded them up good, put back together and Killer spun over like button on outhouse door! And to think i almost pulled starter. Oh well,,,I hate to be losing my memory and slowly slipping away. Somebody call Hazmat. randyp
  19. Thanks GG,,yours is another opinion i value highly, sorry i left your name off,,just got too stirred up. America has a scary future ahead, especially those of us trying to make it on our own, lots of major companies going to be going belly up too. randyp
  20. Amen Glenn, Yours is another name i left off, blood pressure shot up and couldnt think, guess thas part of slipping away. Hatcity, rowdy rebel, Mike,,,buncha good people I left off, apologies for that, as for what I said above, no apologies. i only apologize when Im wrong. randyp
  21. randyp


    LOL,,i ran outta "positives", so I owe you one when they gimme some more. randyp
  22. I really aint for dam sure what you mean gearhead whatever gggrrr and all that, I dont need people with your fucked up liberal ass views apologizing for me. As for that being in the ground shit, from dust i came and to dust i will return, the rest of me is going to heaven. You bunch of liberal ass, gay rights donkey heads are gonna miss my generation, people like vision, mowerman, chevy, david, other dog. Im talking bout people with common sense, know how to work, worked all their life, got good values. i know I left some names out, lots of them on here i really like them and agree with their views. This country is slowly slipping away because there arent enough of us left who were raised right, to have any voice in this screwed up gay loving government. If you had lived in germany in the 30s, I suspect you mighta been a hitler voter also. If you are offfended,,well,,,tough shit. Now go call your hazmat team to clean that up. Barry, yall wanna kick me off for spouting, well,,have at it. Thats my 2 cents. randyp
  23. I diagnose you as a "chronic" AC hoarder, drink 2 sixpacks and dont call me in the morning. Congratulations on nice finds! Dr. Randyp M.D.,,,D.D.S,,,Phd,,S.O.B...
  24. Lemmee see here now then,,,disarm citizens,,,ignore constitution,,,get 2 term limit dropped,,,raise taxes on working people,,,get elected again even though majority hate the sumbitch,,,wouldnt suprise me if within next coupla years he declared himself presidente for life. I bleeve we got us a despot dictator in the making. He also says "old people" are living too long. Theres a word for that too, but it eludes me. Sorry gearhead grrl, but that mothers got to go, I thinks hes the antichrist! randyp (now bring your ass on down here black helicopters and getcha summa dis)
  25. randyp


    Im not an authority on the water flow theory my good friend,,,but i can tell you from experience i never ever want to have another "reverse flow" 300 Mack engine on a steep incline. I earned my doctorate in bass ackward running engines that day! randyp (air filters were not engineered to be mufflers)
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