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Everything posted by randyp

  1. Rob, that is very well spoken advice, and I go by it daily, always being concious of the limitations of your equipment and what limits it can go to will save you a lot of time and money in breakdowns. Im not saying it never happens, but I am always listening for unusual drivetrain noises, vibrations, etc. and am fully aware of limitations of older equipment. I have no doubt you are a "true" vintage equipment and truck driver. That is also why I have no employees, its just me, so I feel like equipment will last longer. (I am really bragging on you, not just blowing smoke up you ass to get momma to sell me that truck) Polygraph expert Randy STARE INTO MY EYES MOMMA ROB, YOU ARE UNDER MY SPELL
  2. Thank you for that fashion advice Mark, however it must be noted that my socks generally start out white in the morning and are usually dirty brown by lunch, wet, and sagging over my boots, no doubt, rather odorous also. I used to tuck my shirt in, but if I was hauling dirt, moving equipment, or going to local pac-a sac, gas station, etc. for a microwave quickie salmonella samwich, I just got so tired of whatever women were around whistling at my muscular buttocks, it is just so demeaning and embarrassing, one look at those buns of mine just gets them acting like a bunch of rude and boisterous construction workers, not to mention some of them probably wound up late getting back to work cause they had to run home to get dry panties. I keep shitail out just to protect them I guess, it feels like a curse sometimes, wish I could afford a muscle reduction back there,,just have to cope with it i guess. NAVY SEAL Ret. Randy (I know 387 ways to kill you and they all hurt)
  3. Memo---Personal assistant rhasler,,Put bollweevil on staff pronto, this team needs thinkers like him, secondly, if you can find a toilet big enough to plunge Robs head in, then hire him,,END OF MEMO, carry on,,,Chief Randy
  4. heh heh ,,gosh all mighty,,heh,,all i can say,,other dog will be impressed,,Donator Randy
  5. Well good morning rhasler, I can see right now you would make an excellent personal assistant to follow me round with a clipboard, taking notes, fetching coffee and stuff. I wont require you to wear a dress or shave your legs, so relax, (you aint sitting in my lap on the note taking either, so simmer down). We have to come up with what to do with the "downside" of this weather change, meaning, also stead of hail, we could have tar balls pummeling us! Take a memo,,,"Find use for tarballs". CEO Randy (hope we not gonna have to pay BP a royalty fee)
  6. Okay thanks on beacon info, just would feel safer with one, well, i would feel safer knowing maybe i was making it safer for my fellow idiots out there. I really kinda sorta do think if momma were to look really deeply into my eyes, she would just give me that truck, (maybe its kind of a dracula thing). Dammit, I like that truck! Some of my fuel pump, tank, and grease gun stuff posed to be here tommorrow, wish it was today, not working so I could play with it. Momma Rob,,,,L O O K---I N T O---M Y--E Y E S---D E E P L Y--- Count Randy
  7. Ahem,,if earth gets its rain by water evaporating upwards, forming clouds, wind patterns moving them around, they become heavy laden and release their load,,heh heh,,get your mind out of gutter Mark, then will it may be possible for us to soon begin receiving rain showers of crude oil from gulf? If so, i am putting life savings ($42.13) towards purchase of numerous rain barrels, or as case may be, crude oil barrels. I am working in my lab on a machine to refine aforementioned oil into diesel fuel, will call it something catchy like ummm,,,Biodiesel generator! If any investors want on board now, notify me and get your money to me really quick before next board meeting. This country was born and built by pioneering geniuses like me. This may be why they measure oil in "barrels". Advanced lubricationist and pioneer Randy
  8. I dont know why but you feel like your accomplishing something or provving something when you actually work with something like that, kinda like going back in time or something. Its raining like hell here tis morning (4:30 a.m.) SOMETHING,,there, I typed it again. I wont be in gravel pit today. Whilst you be here Rob, I want to put a magnetic warning beacon on top of Killer B, found a lil round one I like at Northern Tool. I just want to plug it in power socket in cab, gotta put that in also. Killer is positive ground, how do I need to wire that up so magnetic fluxuations will be molecularly aligned? Im not required to have one, not overwidth or overweight, but do a lot of backing off highway, u-turns, wierd shit, etc. I always turn 4 way flasher on at aforementioned goofy times, but would feel better with a lil flashy yellow dingy too. Electrical engineer Randy If I pm you as mentioned before, will you also send me that dump truck? pweese? You should see my eyes now, theyre all big and kinda drippy, doe looking
  9. heh heh,,thats what im talking bout Rob, LOL, I like that term "Hot Seat Hero" Podiatrist Randy
  10. Mark, if you really were a "fashion consultant" you would have bragged on my attire! Dammit to hell, ya cant claim the title till you earn it! Now go learn how to dress yourself,,heh heh,,District Attorney Randy
  11. Sounds like a good plan,,,Design engineer Randy
  12. Thanks Rob, will get with you on the emblem, dont have broken piece, it came that way. (gotta figure out how to PM, Im so embarrased! Blushing Randy
  13. heh heh,,I somehow managed to screw that reply up, wound up in lil box,,sorry
  14. Hi Rhasler, no, thats not mine. Thats a good picture though. heh heh,,,you better ask Rob about something on mine he noticed, I should say Forensic detective Rob, He blew one of killer Bs pictures and noticed I had the dyne broke off of thermodyne one the right side. He is absolutely correct (as usual). However, He has offered to help me remedy that. A good while back I was on some web site and saw it for sale, it was $200.00, so I decided then to just let it go, however, Rob said that is very unmannerly. I bought truck through Dennis Mehan in Cairo, New York, Old Macks.com, and bought it sight unseen except for pictures, I think a guy in Pennsyvania restored it and he did an outstanding job. So far, it performs maybe 2 or 3 times weekly and hasnt missed a beat, really a joy to drive. Earlier this summer, a landowner hired my dozer and another guys dozer cause he needed a large pool dam done as quickly as possible, (he didnt mind paying double per hour, I guess). Anyway, other guy had 850 john deere, pulling it with an older tandem axle Kenworth, he arrived bout 30 minutes ahead of me, it was kind of a bad place to get in off highway, lil steep and tad bit loose gravel. He met me at road and advised me he couldnt make it up and had to back down and unload off side of highway. I got out, looked at it and said I think I can pull that. He laughed real hard, and said well have it "Single Axle Einstein". heh heh,,,Killer B eased up it in low gear, never spun a tire, just bellered real hard. When I got out to unload, (we dont get along real amicable anyway), I told him he probably could have pulled it if he learned a little bout "throttle control". I wasnt there, but I think he probably ran at it like he was storming Normandy Beach. LOL, needless to say, we were even less amicable after that. (he didnt run a dozer any better that he drove a truck that day either) Oh well, shit happens,,,have a good day and be safe,,Neruosurgen Randy
  15. Rob, i do quite believe in your case you misspelled wholesomeness, it should be "Holesomeness". heh heh. I ordered that trailer new, shipped from Nebraska. Its really kinda custom designed, in a way. The one I was looking at online sloped all the way to the front, so you could actually load something over axle. I wanted it built "open necked" cause killer B is a little short and didnt wanna be worried bout getting corner of trailer into cab at some of these "God forsaken" out of the way places I have to get myself in and out of. I shopped for a used lowboy for a long time, and all I fouond was high priced used junk, needing floors, tires, brakes,,etc. I would have to check but I believe I got it delivered for somewhere round $14,500.00. I have had no problems whatsoever, has huge main beams and is heavily cross braced, I would highly reccomend it! Excavator or dozer doesnt even wiggle it and tracks really straight. Its rated 25 tons. Wella, anyway, just came in for lunch, gotta get back out there and attack "Porkchop Hill". Thanks all for comments,,,Gynecologist Randy
  16. I do my mature best when your not here Mike to keep em under control, but Hell. I give up! We may need to send em all to ettiquette training, and make other dog stand with his nose in corner, stead of at the "Y". Quantum Physics Engineer Randy
  17. Hi Rhasler, Yeah, when you only got one axle doing the pulling , you better keep it knee deep in tread. Im glad you like my gloves, I guess you didnt realize how fashion oriented I was. My wife always either checks on me regularly on cell phone or comes out to see if Im really doing anything. I took my "man bag" off for the picture, didnt want to upset Rob. He might would have liked it though, a beautiful mauve color with sequins. heh heh (just kidding). If Im doing much with my hands, have to keep them covered up, take so many blood thinners, the tiniest little scratch, and Im digging in first aid kitwhile holding ice on it looking for bandaid, hell, a paper cut can look like major surgery. I work by myself so I guess she thinks she needs to keep an eye on me. Thanks for comment on truck, I really do like driving it, I didnt do it, but its been rebuilt from ground up, nice and tight, no leaks, just neeeds a muffler, cause it do wanna beller when loaded. Its got a 10 speed 2 stick duplex in it, you could also cook a ham in it here in the summer. Yeah Mackmann, she took several pictures, but post will only let me do a couple at a time, will post some more as I take "porkchop hill." Well, better go slurp coffee and have "pill" sandwich, get ready to move excavator. Yall have a good , safe day. Embassy Guard Randy
  18. heres a couple more
  19. Well, got up at 4:15 this morning, slurped coffee, took 4 lbs. heart medicine, drove out to yard and changed oil in dozer, new air filter, fuel filter and a good greasing. I loaded it up on Killer B and took it to an old gravel and clay hill I havent worked since last summer. A customer called me and wanted 25 or 30 loads, I priced it kinda high, wasnt too anxious to re-open old pit anyway, had a lot of washouts in it, but he said get it as soon as possible and he would probably have me haul after that till he ran out of budget. Well Hell, think I will just see how big his wallet is! It will smell better than dairy lagoon anyway, only bout a 12 mile haul too. You may need to get your ass down here and help me Mackmann. Im gonna move excavator earlly in morning and it, me and old R-model are gonna wreak havoc in side of that hill. I cant end a post without a heh heh and "It was hot as hell here today!' Dirt Doctor Randy M.D. D.A. B.S. (or dirty doctor)
  20. Just a wondering, (as i often do) you mind ifn I borrow that for my next "lagoon" contract? It looks to me like it would really hold a good shitload of lagoon material and if you got it good and waxed up smooth, you shouldnt have much trouble cleaning it up when im through. Let me know when your ready to bring it to texas, and will give you directions to my house, (may be low on fuel, so be sure and deliver it full and ready to work, that will need to be part of the deal too) Witch Doctor Randy
  21. heavenly days! need a machete to get to that one,,dog
  22. heh heh,,,I guess you know definition of virgin in oklahoma,,,,,10 year old who can outrun her brother,,GRAND POOBAH Randy (third degree)
  23. better oil your beaver, dog
  24. Hatcity,,,please tell me you are not hitting other dog up for some beaver!! heh heh,,,port authority Randy
  25. One what? beaver or explanation? Border Agent Randy
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