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Everything posted by randyp

  1. heh heh heh,,,that pictures worth a million bucks Mark, take him to the DQ for a treat anyway when he wakes up,oh man, we all have so much to be thankful for in this world! I lost a son, he was grown, but have a lot of memories of stuff like you got there, enjoy these times a lot, good pic and story,,,mad scientist randy
  2. galldang silly ass gooberhead,,,I cant type for the eyes watering up from laughing,,,YOU JUST AINT EVEN RIGHT! heh,,heh,,,heh thats alright,,,,IRS agent Randy
  3. preciate info and will go check website out and help if I can,,,bantam weight champ randy
  4. Rob, its the handheld lincoln grease gun that takes cartridges, if you hold trigger down, it continues to pump. I will hook it into the air on killer b or the dump truck. I will probably mostly grease when im gathered at yard anyway, however, I had a thought on those hot dogs you mentioned, if you could send me enough of those, I could just get good and gassed up and stick air supply hose up my ass and really get some greasing done! May get 8 or 9 thousand lbs. line pressure out of that,(if i get a good seal). Im bout 4 hours from waco, ever return, let me know and will buy your lunch. Happy 4th,,,,Safety Officer Randy
  5. Well Rob, since I officially retired from coal mines in Feb. and been doing this lll dinky dirt business, actually started it before I retired, I been using a barrel and hand pump to fuel equipment. I broke down and ordered me a brand new fuel transfer tank and lectric pump from Northern Tool. It should be here in 7 to 9 days, and am excited to get to just stand there and pump fuel and whistle, stead of wearing my arm out pumping and having barrel slide around in bed of pickup. I also ordered me a Lincoln continuous flow air operated grease gun. This is gonna be so much fun, hell, my arm muscles may atrophy now from non-use! Take a break from your screwing round and come to texas and we will play with my new toys, will even let u squirt my grease gun! Have nice , safe holiday, and eat a hot dog or 12. Komrade Randy
  6. might be some in my gallery too mackmann,,,,secretary of state randy
  7. heh heh well it catches the wemen eyes,,master chef rob,,,,Cat Burgler Randy
  8. As you know mackmann, its no speed demon, pulls bout 55 loaded or empty, have to work your aux. on a few hills, interesting story few weeks ago, 2 young guys passed me on narrow road, passenger stuck arm out and flipped me off, lil did they know, coal train had country road blocked going into power plant, just over next rise, train usually blocks road for 15 minutes. Well, I really aint the picture of health, have had 3 heart surguries, have diabetes,am 56 and weigh bout 160 pounds. They were the car sitting in front of me, so I pondered moment, said hell, aint had a good cardio workout in a while, but I got this real neat lil tire knocker, short piece of cable with lead ball on end, got out with it, kinda twirling it like a cop does a baton, approached passenger, he rolled window up real fast, I kinda laughed and said, "we really do need to talk bout your manners, you wanna roll it down, or just cover your eyes and I will open it for you". Well, he rolled it down, apologized, said he was just kidding so went on back to truck fore i got in trouble or they took knocker away from me. I probably shouldnt act that way but sometimes ya just get tired of that shit. (I was just glad he apologized),,,"speak softly and carry a big tire knocker Randy
  9. well otay den,,lemme see if I can figure these buttons out macmmann,,,dictator for life randy
  10. very good rowdy, avery true to a politicians character, most of them that go to hell probably screw that up too,,,colonaded archbishop randy of texas, also shriner with upside down purple popcorn buckeat with tassel
  11. heh heh heh,,cant help it, thas just funny! Im gonna start calling you comedian rhasler. That job paid well, but is certainly nice to be out of there, moved equipment and been cleaning on it all day so far, just came home for lunch. To bend a statement from an old war movie,,,"I just love the smell of lagoon shit in the morning". I subbed laggon shit stead of napalm. Have a good day,,,Excrement Excavation and Extraction Specialist Randy
  12. Rob said he was wearing "Depends" manly diapers,but they got so wet and full, he was afraid he would fall and couldnt geta up, not to mention all the squishy noises he made when he moved, (wich is kinda rare}.BP would probably arrest him on sight for all the leaking hes doing. I may consider not being so hard on my favorite, genius advisor,,,oh,well,,,naaaah,,hes to fun to pick at, and he takes it so well,,"I think". I sure could use a nice shop like that Mike, make things so much easier. I broke ground foar one but its pretty far off in some woody, grown up land i own, so i been steadily clearing a road to it, and had to buy a 48 inch tinhorn, 30 feet long to cross a big creek. Dont want anyone pestering me when im there thinking, inventing, and tearing shit up, be a while for i finish it, not even gonna tell lil wifey where it is. Oh well, moved all equipment to big gravel yard today, got steam cleaner rented, gonna try to get all "dairy" remnants off it, and make it normal again. probably need to invest in a hazmat suit. Yall all have a good fourth july and keep the shiny side up and rubber side down, the big thing tween ditches and lil thing in britches. later dudettes,,,Fire Marshal randy
  13. Looks good there Mike, wish you wouldnt show pics of B model all shining and pretty though, mines sitting out in pasture with cow shit slung all over back of it. You cant beat good bright lights either. By the way, Rob is not really an earth being, I think hes from uranus,,,heh heh,,,King randy
  14. Just aint no doubt bout it Rob, you are indubidably handier than horns on a billy goat! I printed that out, made a lil presentation cover for it and titled it "Robs AC bible". really do thank you and thad for help, will keep you informed of progress when i get started. prime minister randy
  15. Thanks for all the helpful info Thaddeus, I had actually forgot bout the charging part. I have a manifold, but it is from years ago and wont fit anything now. Ive never owned a vaccum pump, may just have to get me some of that stuff, after what they charge for all that nowadays. It would sure be nice to sit in excavator with cold air blowing down on my lil head, be able to shut doors and windows and actually hear radio. Thanks for help,,,Pope Randy IV
  16. Wella,,Wella,,storkmack, Those are such fine pictures, and such a bright campaign idea, I do believe right here and now I am gonna bump your rep up a notch! Good luck with race! Constable Randy
  17. Yeah, thas right HK. I got my poor lil dozer and excavator and dump truck so dirty and smelly today, dont know whether to try and wash them or just sell , and start over. I been off in a "Dairy Lagoon". I do any more of these in future, gonna have to charge em extra for the smell. Hell, not sure if they will ever clean up. I did have me a lil slurp of raw cows milk right out of the "chiller" before I left there today, owner insisted, but I do believe I will stick with store bought milk. It had been a long time since I had any as a kid, and I have definitely lost a taste for it. I am still planning on the Red Dot roof air for excavator, link you gave me really came in handy,,thanks,,,Attorney General Randy
  18. heh heh,,,see? I told you to just give it time, and you would get a world of information.,Theys gurus,thats all they is to it,,genius gurus! Fine Job gentleman! Philanthropist Randy
  19. HK, called yesterday and got price on complete roof AC package, its $1900.00 plus $75.00 if I need a universal comprressor bracket. I suppose that sounds kinda high, thats if I do the install myself. It shouldnt be much trouble, just cut hole in roof, mount unit, mount compressor, run hoses and wire it up. However, have been kknown to say "probably be a piece of cake" before and got my ass bit pretty good. Thats for the heavier duty unit designed for offroad equipment, looks pretty ruggedly built. The cheapest unit was for trucks, weighed lot less, less BTU,s, and price wasnt really much cheaper. Thanks for link info, gonna try to get it pretty quick and cool my lil bony ass off a little in there. will let you know how all goes, thanks again,,,,Climate Control Tech. Randy
  20. LOL, you got that right Gambi, by bout one in the evening, im all wet and smelling like my ass been drug through a swamp! We been averaging bout 102 or 103 here every day, but the worst part is the dam humidity, hell, cant even breathe here. I may be a sissy, but here pretty soon im gonna be a cool sissy. Judge Randy (I am just bou t to run out of official titles and may have to start over) P.S. keep that load of grenades clear of texas, one may cook off here.
  21. All this love and thankfullness just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, (and maybe a lil damp) Im just so glad we can show so much brotherly love and cameradery, and to think we owe it all to those wonderful MACK trucks, and Barry and his innovative ideas. Hell Barry, you oughta start an online dating service! (or if Robs involved, maybe an escort service) Keep up the good work, Barry! iMACKuatelly yours, Rabbi Randy
  22. Thanks for link HK, Red Dot has some good looking roof air units, looks like exactly what I want, very low profile and all, and they show 3 dealers for them in Dallas, Texas. bout 125 miles from me,,,thanks,,,Ensign Randy
  23. no, I dont do facebook either. Commodore Randy
  24. WELCOME HOME PAPAL ROB!!!! Its so good to hear your text again! field marshal randy
  25. Oh man, I could tear off into me some of that and have it all up in my eyebrows! That do look good! Mayor Randy
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