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Everything posted by randyp

  1. On the subject of Rob, wonder if hes sitting on a bag of frozen peas bout now? He probably scoots round on them, then eats them. Reverend randy
  2. I think hes an alien, bringing us technology from the future,,detective randy
  3. If I sat on a bag of frozen peas, balls would really get blue then. deputy randy
  4. I know, i find it hard to believe myself, but s**t happens. I just hope youve learned your lesson! archbishop randy
  5. Yeah, uh huh, put some ice on that eye and it will take the swelling down,,heh heh,,senator randy
  6. Hi Trenton, I dont know bout all involved in changing ground polarity, there are some on here who when they read this will clue u in, but I asked the question one time bout 4 batteries verses 2, and was advised I may have less cranking amps with just the 2, so I stayed with 4 on a 86 R688ST, 2 on each side. I hope you get a more expert opinion on it, I do know, stay on top of batteries and keep terminals clean and tight and will have less trouble with them. Prof. Rob gave an excellent dissertation on this subject a while back, so check the archives. Every now and then, Rob seems to be of some use on here. space cadet randy
  7. Hee Hee other dog,,,if i overwork my lil pointy thing, it gets real red and kinda sore,,,Bro. Randy
  8. Thats right Mark, now some you gurus correct me ifn im offbase here, but isnt there something about a window unit ac that must always be level or the compressor will labor or burn up? I have run lots of different equipment in mines that had roof air, course the compressor was mounted on engine, RVs have roof air, the compressor is mounted inside roof air unit, but I think it has to be level to be efficient. The direction im headed here, LOL, is it seems like I am always bout to slide out the front window or fall through back glass, or standing on my head on excavator, shit, never get to work anywhere flat! One durn way or another, am a gonna have me some cool air in that hot SOB real soon one way or another. Heh,,I even saw an ad online for a box that you fill with ice, (says it takes 20 pounds of ice a day), it has a circulating pump and fan, but good grief it cost over $700.00!!! I get paid to move dirt anyway, not haul ice,,LOL,,,Spec4 Randy
  9. Hi Herb, thanks for air cond. info,,,its so dam hot here in texas!,,,Randyp

  10. I shouldnt reveal this rhasler, but i did remotely consider the generator, window unit deal. When I worked in the coal mines, we actually had one shovel equipped that way,,,Corp. Randy
  11. LOL,,,it sounds more like Rowdy may have directed a few "porn" movies in his time. I kinda particular where I put my lil pointy doodad,,,,Sir Randy
  12. heh heh heh,,thanks HK, unlike Marks links, it even turns red when I put my lil mousy doodad over it. LOL, have never in my life seen so many innovative (if thats the word) opportunities for cool air! thanks all,,,Lt. Randy (I cant help it, just love giving myself official titles)
  13. Thats quite alright Mark, in the future though, plesse curtail your messing up. This may sound unbelievable but, well, I booboo on occasion. Dr. Randy
  14. Well, I am bout at my limit. I am going to check on putting a roof air unit on excavator this week, just cant take the heat anymore and excavator has glass all around. I slide front window up so I can get good and dirty, lock side door open, open right side window so I can get a good fresh breeze of hot hydraulic hose heat, am at my limit! Gonna bite the bullet and check into one, if it works out right, think I may put one on "Killer B". Dozer doesnt bother me so much, its open ROPS, I can handle that better, I seem to be spending all my time on excavator and truck at this, the hottest months of year here, so you all know of any after market companies or got any ideas, please to be of advisement to me. Oh yeah and also, if you put a link here for me, please make it where it will light up so I can transfer to it, then show Mark how to properly do that, heh,,heh,,hang in there Mark,,LOL,,Randy
  15. I put my lil mousy pointer arrow thingy over that craigs list link, but the lil writing dilly bobber didnt light up or change colors, now you have really messed my day up, I wanted to look at that truck, your probably gonna mention something silly like, "Well, just paste it", so dont say that cuz, yes, thas right, I DONT KNOW HOW! Its bout all I can do just to turn this dilly on, please in future dont get me all urgy to look at a truck and then mess the lil doodle up,,,yours truly,,,Prof. Randy
  16. rowdy, please tell me that is not a dead squirrel in the floor of your truck! randyp
  17. randyp


    LOL,,if i ever get there, turn your hearing aid up and will tell you,,,randyp
  18. yeah mark, I have great respect for all our veterans, but those guys who crawled in those bombers and flew over germany and france, now that took some real cojones. Mind you, I mean to take nothing away from our beachlanding veterans, or any of them, they have a special place in my heart. I buy vintage aircraft mags, just always had a big interest in them. You actually got to ride in one! Now that would have to be the thrill of a lifetime! Randy
  19. Anybody ever have a hankering to be a bomber pilot or navigator, drag your google map screen out and see where i will be doing all my sweating for the next couple of weeks,,,33 06'31.24"N 94 43'37.95"W just dont drop anything when you make your run over,,,Randy
  20. I had a 69 chevelle SS with an "Allison" in it when I was a young lad, oh yeah, just thinking bout her makes my toes wiggle! She was bad, and that was good, Randy
  21. All this vacation excitement makes me want to get my nails did,,,Randy
  22. randyp


    heh heh,,I hear ya,,but one of these days (when the deerflies and horseflies slow down a lil bit, I just may do it! will give you ample warning though, thank all for helping make it and enjoyable birthday! Randy
  23. Thas what im talking bout,,,outstanding! Randy
  24. randyp


    heh,,heh,,thank you. Birthday wishes must come true, while trying to reply to this post, phone rang 3 times, 2 were from dirt jobs that I had won bid on, other was from tinhorn mfg. saying they would add 4 feet to a tinhorn I had already ordered and paid for at no extra charge, things are really looking up today,,wow,,I can always use 4 feet at no charge,,what a great birthday! thanks,,,Randy
  25. randyp


    Well, Thank You very much, I wish you would just go ahead and make well fun of me. Randy
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