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Everything posted by randyp

  1. randyp


    I jokingly told crew foreman i wanted transformer to cut in half for a pig smoker. He just stared at me kinda funny, for some reason i get a lot of those looks. It would be kinda neat, comes with its own basting oil. randyp
  2. randyp


    I thought I membered that Hat. I havent got bill from power co. yet, however they took down all personal info,,,so,,im specting it. As a young lad cutting logs, I took a major line down with a tree, I guess bout 1974 or so and it cost me $1,600.00 even way back then. They itemized the bill, lunches for 6 men, cost per hr. for 2 bucket trucks, insurance, retirement, and oh yeah, line went down in a small lake so I had to pay boat rental too. Dern, woulda rented them my boat for that much!!! DOH!! randyp
  3. Who needs a monarchy when we got a dictator. randyp
  4. randyp


    I know you right! randyp
  5. randyp


    Yeah, course it would be easier to just not knock it down, but he learned a valuable lesson on the start of his new career, and survived. He may wind up being really top notch driver someday and tell his kids or grandkids bout it. Hes got a wife and lil one that he got to go home to. Dont really give a rats ass bout truck, or 100 just like em. I can buy trucks, but not somebodys life. randyp
  6. randyp


    All seems to be okay on truck, he ran it all day today with no problems. Old 80 R,,just dont make em like that anymore. It was actually his first time to drive a truck, he just got his CDL. I thought I had covered all he could encounter,,,,but that is silly,,,cause its a lifetime learning process. He will be okay, just needs to get settled, relax a lil and pay close attention. Just glad hes okay. Thanks all for concerns. randyp
  7. randyp


    yes it do David!
  8. I just lean my big head out the window and holler at everybody, nary a problem to date with that system, cepting maybe one maniac buzzard. randyp
  9. randyp


    If my memory serves me correct, I think Hatcity has had some experience with a power line. Seems like i remember some pics he put on here. It is very scary. randyp
  10. randyp


    You are correct,,,randyp
  11. randyp


    I dint have camera, was prolly too nervous to operate it ifn I did. You never try to exit vehicle, sit very still and wait for help. If vehicle catches on fire and you must leave, a matter of life or death, then you jump as high and far as you can from it, again, only as a last resort. randyp
  12. randyp


    heh heh,,,Your my hero. World needs more deductive, pondiferous thinkers,,,,and less kicks in the nuts. I wouldnt mind a good kick in the nuts every once in a while, least something would be going on down there, maybe even swell again like it used to. randyp
  13. randyp


    Was running both dump trucks today, had a new driver in the old 80 model. He just so happened to dump, not lower bed, and drag power line down on himself, snapped transformer pole off at ground. I had just dumped and was bout 100 yards away. i yanked brake button out, jumped out, and for an old dude, i think I set a new 100 yard dash record getting to him. I guess its a good thing i did, cause he had plans on trying to step out! I kept yelling at him to sit still, dont move, dont blink, keep hands where they were. He told me there werent any wires around door, I think I can get out. Yeah my friend, your foot hits the ground and you are fried meat! Long story short, he stayed in truck and lived and power company got there and all is well now,,,till i get their bill I guess. Im just glad nobody hurt or killed. Im getting way too old for that much excitement. I need a long vacation. I may go to Virginia and watch Other Dogs garden grow or sumpin. randyp
  14. Its just me and my opinion, but I think the painted tanks look awesome with those steps! I think that truck would look good anyway you do it though. Nice truck! I sure hope you werent planning on crossing any RR tracks with that big loader! Holt was bringing us a brand new D9 dozer one time, was 1 mile from the shop heading down a back road, I had already warned them bout the high RR track. The freight train comes through bout 60 mph trying to gain speed for a grade farther down. Yes,,,you guessed it, he hung on track, train was in sight within 45 seconds of hangup, squealed every brake he had, plowed into dozer and trailer and delivered them farther down the track, completely unassembled though. Bigggest mess I ever did see! The driver may still be running to this day. randyp
  15. Well,,I guess i decided to call it Howard one night during a real amorous moment with the lil misses a few years ago Hat. She was little then anyway, (i said a few years ago). I thought i musta been hitting the spot, cause she was moaning and saying,,"Oh Howard, Howard,,,give it to me Howard!" Thats when I named him. I was telling my neighbor Howard bout it a few weeks later, he got a big laugh,,,,er,,,hmmm,,,my neighbors name just happens to be Howard,,hmmm,,,let me get back with you bout this later,,,hmmm,,,,Doh!!!! (this is one hell of a coincidence,,,hmm,,howard?) randyp
  16. I would rather piss my pants than pull "howard" out of his hiding place anywhere it was that cold! Thats too cold!! randyp
  17. I use power service additive year round in everthing. I use it mostly for the cetane boost, and a lil added lubrication for pumps. I do add a small amount of 2 cycle oil to storage tank for more lubrication, as all my engines are from the days when diesel was diesel. Nothing worse than trying to ram a dry hole,,er,,,um,,,diesel hole? randyp
  18. Hmm,,looks like george crooked, I dropped my monitor trying to turn it upsides down to look at pictures, spilt my cheerios, still all good pics though. Other Dog gets hero of week award for fixin them too. Back in my old coal mining days, I had to do a lots of pushing round one them giant draglines, building walkways for it and such. You have to stay in close radio contact with operator all the time, as he cant stop swinging very fast. Best practice is stay out of his boom radius, but there were times when you had to "get up in there close and personal". The scariest time was when you had to drive off the face of the cut, go down in pit and push his tailings up closer to him. If you pissed the operator off, he wouldnt give you much "face cut" to drive off of. It required gathering all dirt you could in front of your blade, and driving straight off cut, hoping you dint run outta dirt or hit a giant boulder fore you found bottom. I did go gray headed at an early age too. randyp
  19. I am shocked to think anyone in florida could say something "odd". Loosen your thong and clear your head up. Frost is not cold, or even edible, or snow ball material. i dont wanna see no more talk bout fuel gelling from you,,,just beach scene pictures! randyp
  20. The Lone Star State is fine, just in a major giant cold fog right now. I cant hardly see over hood of dozer, guess it dont matter much on that though, just run over everthing in sight. I just keep going forward till motor pulls way down and lugs, thats when I figger I must be on top of something,,,heh heh,,back up, turn sideways, look, and say "Gee, I hope they didnt wanna keep that." i bleeve am all over flu now, bout time too. I just be glad when spring, baseball, and bikinis get here. I got a new bikini I wanna try on. randyp
  21. LOL,,,Eh?? randyp
  22. Thanks,,am doing way better, did get touch and go there for a while though....randyp
  23. Hat,,bleeve this or not, A big movie producing mogul called me this weekend from way down there in the Keys. Seems to be talk of a movie in the works from a book the misses is working on. We may possibly fly down there one weekend for some negotiations. I hope my arms dont give out flying that far. randyp
  24. Well hello thar Hatrack!!! whuts been all up in the nekkid state? randyp
  25. Do you mean you sent a private message? If so, when they answer you, there will be a lil red notification at top right saying you have a message. I guess thats what your talking bout, if not, explain more in detail, cause i is kinda slow. randyp
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