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Everything posted by randyp

  1. on my duplex, most of the time, i shift 1 thru 5 low, hood sets up a good vibration, air starts to get thin, afterburner temp starts wasrming up, lots of cars are lined up behind me, waiting on me to face that ole demon, they must be excited cause they honk and yell a lot and give me the number one sign, I ease my goggles down, reach over and slip box into 5 high (with trembling sweaty hand) take the collar off that 673 and let her graze. WHEw,,,according to my fancy dancy GPS i have just achieved maximum velocity of 58.241 MPH again! Man, what a ride! I love beating that ole demon
  2. yeah, ya might be there in wet leotards
  3. I have a 61 with a duplex and most of the time i just drive it like a 6 speed cause its too much shifting and hard work scratching to try to do a lot of splitting. I have driven triplex and quads and i think the duplex is by far the hardest one to use. I didnt really think the six speed had a lot of repetitive ratios though,,,my opinion anyway,,,randy
  4. yeah willys, I use a 61 B-61 single axle to move a dozer around jobs 2 or 3 times a week, its like vanscott said though, I spent quite a bit after i bought it to upgrade to tubeless rims and tires and other things to pass DOT. It is definitely slower and probably a little more work driving it, but i love driving it cause it takes me back to younger days,,LOL. My situation is a different than yours though, hauling dirt daily. My truck had gone through a frame off restoration before i bought it, but it still takes a lot more maintenance than a newer truck, always seems to be some lil something to fix, seems that way anyway, but i enjoy it,,,,good luck,,,randy
  5. LMAO,,,thas too good
  6. I get a magazine from Holt Cat 3 or 4 times a year, in this summer issue, Cat is going to cease providing OEM truck engines for truck manufacturers late this year, and has teamed up with Navistar to produce their own brand of on-off highway trucks, with production to begin late 2010 or early 2011. May have a big impact on truck market. Article says they will continue to provide all other engines, just not for truck manufacturers.
  7. Anybody got any advice on changing belt tensioner on cummins 6-BT on Komatsu dozer. The idler is pressed on and tensioner and idler are changed as one unit. Do i need to relieve tension with bolt in middle of tensioner? It looks like it bolts to brace but head of bolt is under plastic cover on front of tensioner, any advice is appreciated, eating belts, idler bearing is out, and im not a very strong person and dont want to wear tensioner home on my forehead,,,,randy
  8. dont care who you are, that is one funny sticker
  9. 12 gauge, number 4 shot, aim for ftont shoulder so they wont run off and die in some corner and stink
  10. I dont know of any Mack, im in texas and would like to see some here too, if i find any, will let u know,,,randy
  11. Lil mouse no longer "peeps" and is no longer full blooded. randy
  12. If you only knew the horrible memory ive had to carry of that curdling lil scream and how it stopped so abruptly,,,woe is me,,,why did i do it?
  13. hate to tell this, long time ago, had fancy trash compactor in garage, would probably turn 6 bags of trash into one lil bale, opened it one day to put trash in, lil mouse sitting on top looking at me, slowly closed door and,,,"sob" dont hate me,,,I PUSHED THE BUTTON,,, there,,its out. I will never, ever forget that high pitched lil scream,,,sniffle,,,oh the pain! I thought i had all that behind me,,,thas mean bout dog though,,later,,randy
  14. ok rob, but if you find a stray gear tooth or two in it, i will be needing them back, if you swallow one,,,,welll,,,never mind,,,reminds me what i had to do when lil son swallowed a penny years ago,,,keep them,,,later,,,randy
  15. Thanks Terry, Im gonna get on that today, rear wheel seal started leaking too so while Im smelling all gear oily, Im just gonna give all gear train a good servicing,,,later,,,Randy
  16. Welcome, welcome welcome, Im not one of them but there are some knowledgable, smart people here, you will enjoy it and learn a lot,,,randy
  17. My 1961 B has 10 speed duplex, main has drain plug and fill plug on side, aux only has drain plug, no fill, is drain on aux. just there to get what oil is left in bottom and it will fill when i re-fill main and do i use 90wt? Bout how much will they hold also, roughly?
  18. yeah, guess i should have mentioned all oour coal mine stuff is moved on big wide private haulroads, will get you guys a picc of the custom built equipment hauler and post it, (after all these 12 hr days are over)
  19. Well, you can say you actually pulled a 10 with it now then, thats great, i bet she did squat, lol. I move a komatsu with mine, it only weighs about 25,000 lbs. I work in a strip mine here mining lignite for a power plant, I run a cat 10 prestripping dirt, all decked out i think a 10 weighs a little over 300,000 lbs. or approaching it anyway. When it has to go in for maintenance they move them with an old converted Euclid 100 ton coal hauler and a really wide hydraulic drop neck custom built trailer, single axle on truck and trailer, but really huge tires. We run 3 cat D-10s stripping, 3cat D-9s supporting 100 ton dump trucks, 3 cat scrapers , 2 hitachi 1800 shovels loading trucks, 4 cat 637 twin engine scrapers, and 2 cat 992s with 4 dart 120 ton haulers moving lignite. Haulers are 1971 models with 12 cylinder cummins, heh,,we go through bout 4500 gallons of fuel a shift and moved about 16 million yards a year, running 7 days a week 24 hrs a day, 12 hr shifts. i dont think i better back my lil single axle under one,,lol,,,later,,,Randy
  20. I like Kohler engines, they rank right up there with Mack, got one on my 0-turn grasshopper lawnchopper, all it needs now is a triplex and a stack. Have a good time and learn a lot,,,randy
  21. Rob,,,I wear leather helmet and goggles for windblast,,,its the G-forces that bother me. I said "forces" Rob not spot.later,,Randy
  22. Thanks Paul, Yeah, its kinda gotten to where i would rather move dozer than run it,,wifey cant understand that,,brought it home the other evening,,wife said "finished that job in one day?" I said no,,was worried bout leaving tractor overnight, taking it back in the morning,,rolled her eyes,,she knows me like a book. I told her im saving gas in my pickup though, technically i am if i dont drive it and take the "B". Thanks Paul,,I qualify for your company motto,,,later. Randy
  23. Thanks Mike, yeah ive cleaned many a oil bath filter, kinda messy, saw ad in B-store for retro dry type and just got to wondering a little about efficiency differences, power and all, (my mind wanders a lot). I dont really think I could make myself harm one little strand inside that cute lil stock original critter, gook and all. Besides, I wouldnt want to set off the "Check Engine " light ro risk failing an "emissions" test,,,heh,,,heh ( 8 words back is posed to be or instead of ro ) Thanks for info,,now i will have more money for snuff and root beer,,,having a mack attack now,,,gotta go drive,,later,,Randy
  24. Thanks M and Freight, appreciate you thoughts on that, my 61 has valve for summer intake and winter intake, kinda thinking dry filter with scoop on top instead of bonnet, get me some airflow going when im at warp speed on 58.216 MPH. LOL. I hate to change anything from stock though, just like the old school look. (The 58.216 MPH is with cetane boost and everything in my favor)
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