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Pedigreed Bulldog
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keg1 last won the day on November 8 2016

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About keg1

  • Birthday 09/30/1961


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    Franklin, PA

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  1. looking for passenger door inner panel ,window regulator for r model. My window tracks are rusted off at the bottom. Looking for something in NW Pa
  2. keg1

    Mack ch613

    What year and where is it located and what transmission
  3. thanks for the replies. I'll let him know
  4. My nephew just bought 2 2008 garbage trucks which i believe are MR,s and he said when you turn the key off the 2 outside cab lights stay on you have to turn key back to acc then they go out. Ive never been around one so i was wondering if there's a seperate switch for the lights like how the R models have 2 switches. He said its a rotary style switch rather than toggle switches like the R model
  5. sold everything
  6. yea i say your truck your money build it the way you want it. i think it looks pretty good. was told that last r model i did was nothing more than a parts truck but i put it to work with no problems and as far as i know its still running up and down the road. i do things the way i want them and don't really care what others think.
  7. i love when people tell you what you should do with things you work for and pay for with your money. you should have left it sitting in the weeds somewhere rusting away instead of doing what you want with it. ill bet the coronavirus made you do it. keep up the good work
  8. I'm pretty sure i scrapped most everything off that. i know i don't have anything now
  9. i don't know why my pictures post upside anymore
  10. you might be thinking of mine, i thought that at first but the new owner painted the bottom half red
  11. i can get some pictures when i go to garage next time
  12. also have R model air cleaner,battery box covers, tan dash parts gauge panels with gauges and brake valves, small diameter fuel tank with brackets off 83 Superliner, ch and mh stack brackets, ch sun visor, pair of new shocks. small misc parts. would like to move everything no longer have any trucks would like the room in my garage back make me an offer on everything. one cowl panel at watts is 1100 ill let everything go for a lot less than that
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