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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. Thanks for the link. They will probably work for the front but the back ones are different. I'll see if I can get a picture. I also need core support mount.
  2. I was wondering if anyone might no where i could find rubber motor mounts for a 74 chevy c 60 with 427 engine?
  3. Looks Canadian to me also.
  4. The Dynatard on my R model would stick on and it cost me a motor. Bent pushrod one time and second time pretty much took out everything. That's the bad part when the motors cost more than you get out of the truck.
  5. Very nice. Always thought those were sharp looking trucks.
  6. All of the GOOD country singers are passing away.
  7. I see you must have the old girl working. I wish I would have kept it. Looking good.
  8. No drip edge on roof either
  9. I welded the ones on my Ch and had no problems.
  10. I painted the frame on my CH with por 15 and I didn't think it held up any better than anything else. It still rusted and blistered up like any other paint but cost more.
  11. Looking good
  12. where did you get this and is it 1 1/2 to 2 inches wide. I need some for my 83 and wasn't sure what it should have on it. Thanks
  13. Thanks I haven't seen it .I was told it was at an auction and didn't sell so I called about it. I never heard of them. I thought it might be lighter than that . My 39' east weighed around 12000. 33' is a little short but I thought if the price was right I might check it out.
  14. Was wondering if anyone has heard of Aztec trailers and if they're any good. Also if anyone would have an idea what an aluminum 33' frameless would weigh
  15. Saw one of these headed north on I-43 just south of Green Bay yesterday pulling a tanker. Looking good
  16. I also had that problem with the wing nut connection. I unhooked the connection and engaged the pump and pushed in on the female side and had hyd fluid spray out so I new it was the connection. Just an idea
  17. Found one thats close
  18. I had that problem with mine if I didn't use it for awhile. Mine was air operated but the shaft would seize up and I would have to get under it and free it up.
  19. I had that 3 leaf on my 84 R and broke a few springs myself. It didn't work well for dump work.
  20. My dad drove for Werner Continental. He started with PPC and Continental bought them out and then Werner bought them and it was Werner Continental and then Halls bought them and I think it was Flying Tigers or someone bought them and then they went under. I know they ran B models when he started.
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