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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. My bad I'll go stand in the corner now
  2. My bad I'll go stand in the corner now
  3. Ok Thanks. Im pulling a 39 ft frameless dump.
  4. I thought that might have been you. What is the legal axle weight on a tandem axle up there. I crossed the scale at Vineland twice now grossing about 81000. I can't get enough on the steer to be legal down here but they didn't stop me there so I figured you must be allowed more than 34000.Another driver here said he's crossed it grossing 83000 and never got bothered.
  5. I think I may have seen you Monday morning . I was turning onto Parkdale Ave in Hamilton going to Triple M Metals.
  6. That was going to be my next move if there weren't any other ideas. I bought a new one today( $15) and I think that fixed it. I'll try it more tomorrow.
  7. Checked ground ok. Found that brake lights also quit working when 4 ways do. Acts like something is getting hot and cuts out but I cant find anything. Also tried another turn signal switch I had and still did the same thing.
  8. This is on my 89 R model. 4 ways work fine unless you start using brakes then they quit shortly after. Like starting down a hill with them on and hit the brakes a few times they quit like the flasher gets hot. I think it has to do with trailer because I tried the tractor with the trailer unplugged and they were fine? It does it with any trailer I pull though. I replaced flasher and light cord didn't help. Any ideas?
  9. I've been going through Weirton every other day I'll keep my eyes open.
  10. I wish. I hate the heat and humidity.
  11. Sold my CH today. Conestoga is supposed to go on Wednesday. Hated to get rid of truck but didnt want it sitting around rusting away. Had it for 9 years and for a newer truck it was a good one. People that bought it said they have 11 trucks with 3 of them being newer and they are always in the shop so they wanted something older.
  12. I agree keep the R
  13. Very nice. I had them make one for my Ch and I was real happy with it.
  14. I was talking to a guy up in Canada yesterday and he said there are some new Freightliner cab overs running around .
  15. She said she saw some
  16. I really wasn't paying attention to her just like when she's yelling at me talking to me
  17. No the Superliner is still in pieces in the garage
  18. Nice looking trucks
  19. I look for you because some of your pictures are on roads I travel.
  20. This is my new to me trailer. Wife was looking for fish in the stream I didnt realize I had her in picture.
  21. Does anyone know the difference in weight between 24.5 spokes and changing over to hubs and alum budds all the way around.
  22. A 13 speed won't help much. I changed my 9 to a13 and it didn't help. I've had my 2000 Ch 400 for 9 years and it's always been sick on the hills. Mack told me there was nothing you could do to it. That's why I run my R model. The 350 runs circles around the 400.
  23. I saw one at the garage the day I signed on had a snowplow on it . Don't know if they still use it or not. I'll try to get a picture next time I'm there. They haul a little bit of everything. I'll be running between Pittsburgh/ East Liverpool to Buffalo/ Hamilton, On. area.
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