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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. I thought the same thing when I put that one on. It was taking up room in the garage so I put it on and once I got the stacks on it wasn't to bad. I've only seen the truck once since I sold it and he put aluminum wheels on the rear. I hear he stretched it out now. I know he wanted to put a big bunk on it.
  2. I clamped mine to the headache rack. Hard to see in the picture though.l sold the truck or I would take a better picture.
  3. The Granite looks nice but your B is way nicer
  4. That's how I did it also
  5. If they run them until they breakdown that would be a short trip in a new truck.
  6. We're not laughing at you were laughing with you. Lol
  7. Picture of the new purchase
  8. It never needs to get above 65 or 70 in my opinion
  9. I think I might take up golfing
  10. They're easier to unload this way, throw the straps and kick them off the side
  11. I had a 69 with the grill guard but it was painted
  12. Nothing better than that
  13. I had a 2000 CH also with a 400 and 9 speed Fuller. I preferred the R models I owned but the CH was probably the most reliable truck I had. Had just under a million miles on it when I sold it. Never much of anything ever went wrong with it.
  14. Get the exterior shined up and that will be nicer than any new truck. And a lot more reliable.
  15. Looks like 12 in difference to me according to drawing
  16. I don't see why they make a big deal about that. Doesn't look like a busy street and he's off the street.
  17. It would go off when you got near the white and yellow lines and when someone was out ahead of you. It locked the brakes up twice on me when a car turned onto a side road ahead of me. Would have been nice if the road was icy. I prefer to drive the truck not the truck driving me.
  18. I went from a new Anthem to 06 International. I liked the truck but the thing beeped at you for everything , drove me nuts. I told them to give me my old truck back. No def either.
  19. Santa wasn't as nice to me. Found a 360 to replace the 440 that came apart. Just trying to get the little bugs work out of this one and then this. Had a 318 in another truck I bought for parts sticking it in today.
  20. I loosened mine in the driveway just to see if that was the problem. Cleaned them but got a couple new ones.
  21. My caps were vented to. I put a new one on it and didn't have any more problems. I cleaned the old caps good and used them on one of my r models
  22. No it was a 2000
  23. Happened on my Ch when I had it. Loosened both caps up and in a little while fuel equaled out.
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