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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. I was wondering if you would have either of these. Just the cover for the heater box. Thanks Kevin
  2. Thanks I don't know about the excellent part though. Lol
  3. Finally got the roof back on. Dynamat in and painted. I went ahead and painted the roof so I could take the scaffolding down. Changing color to black metallic. Its a little dusty in picture. Cut the rocker off the drivers side and replaced backing plate and sill plate. Put on a new cowl panel on drivers side. Made new mounts for speakers. I didn't like them hanging in corners. Have some extra holes in firewall to weld up and try to fix some cracks in heater box cover or find another one and then maybe I can get interior painted. If only there were more hours in a day.
  4. Do they have an R model also? Thought I saw that name on one running around Pitt. before.
  5. Thanks for the info. Saw it on Truckpaper awhile back but before I got around to call it wasn't on there. Called tonight and supposed to go take a look on the way back from Macungie.
  6. keg1

    New job

    Good luck. Nice looking truck
  7. Congrats and good luck
  8. Very nice rawhide, good luck
  9. You will be in my backyard. I'm about 8 miles from Oil City.
  10. Check Amazon.com . I bought my first box at Summit then got on Amazon and found it quite a bit cheaper
  11. Glad you decided to keep it. Way to nice to give up.
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