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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. Looks good
  2. Yes when Halls bought them out he had to go to West Middlesex. I think Trinity is still in there.
  3. She's working on getting her CDL and I told her there was more to it than just driving it. LOL. Seriously though she has polished the truck most of the time I've had it, going on 8 years. She's a keeper.
  4. I was wondering if anyone had any pictures of Werner Continental or Warner & Smith trucks. My dad drove for Werner Cont. until they were bought out by Halls Motor. He drove for Halls until they closed the doors. Both were LTL freight companies. Thanks Kevin
  5. Maybe she works cheap
  6. The wife did some polishing on the tanks and wheels yesterday. She got the first layer of winter grime off. I think it should be done snowing so maybe they'll stay clean awhile.
  7. George was the best. I like my sirius but my ipod doesnt have any commercials or talking just good classic country
  8. Looking good, like the dodge also
  9. Im going on 27 years myself and my wife doesnt say much either. I guess some of us get lucky.
  10. I agree 100%, now if my wife could see it that way
  11. I will be going
  12. Good luck with it. Nice looking truck.
  13. Happened to me on my Ch . Changed fuel cap and all was good.
  14. Thanks for the info. I was able to find what i needed.
  15. Thanks for trying Steve. I was able to get it off of Wiki. Thanks again.
  16. Thanks Steve. Im having problems with trailer brake lights. I replaced brake light switches in dash but that didnt help. Im not sure where wires go and hate to cut harness apart.
  17. I was wondering where i could get a wiring diaghram for a '83 Superliner.
  18. The price might seem high but buy a rusted out one and start redoing it and youll end up with more than that in it. I know i've done it many times
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