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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by keg1

  1. This one doesn't go off when your over the speed limit but the new International we got does. I guess I lucked out on that. I wish they had aluminum wheels at least on the front. I saw one of Pitt Ohios with that bright red and alum wheels all around it was pretty sharp.
  2. Our terminal got our first Anthem and I guess I get it. Had it two days now and still not sure if I want it or go back to my worn out International. I guess it's not the worst thing out there but I just don't get into all the new modern stuff. Get close to white or yellow line and beeper goes off get within a half mile of someone in front of you and beeper goes off. Don't put your seatbelt on beeper goes off. Doesn't run to bad Mp7 425 with M drive. All the trucks they bought this year are single axles. I wish Mack would have stuck with building R models and forgot this new stuff. Not sure why picture is upside down
  3. Anyone else interested in this truck
  4. There's a pair on Pittsburgh Craigslist.
  5. I'm guessing the y pipe is stock. It looked new when I bought the truck. I came off it with a couple short pieces of flex pipe into I think 4 to 6 in adapter
  6. I would have to have 30,000 for it. I have a whole lot more than that in it. It needs head and tail lights wired and the interior finished. Probably a few little things need done. Besides what I've done and posted here I had the motor rebuilt has around 7000 miles on it.
  7. It could be bought but you probably wouldn't like the price. Since I got a somewhat normal job I don't really need it.
  8. Here's our Bolens at a show a few years ago. I had the one with dual wheels but sold it but still have the other three that were dads.
  9. Something you don't hear now days
  10. They both end in liner that's similar. Lol
  11. Ok thanks just curious as to what might have happened
  12. Thanks. My welder is a Hobart. Can't remember which model off the top of my head. I didn't know if it would be any good or not but I've had it quite awhile and I'm real happy with it.
  13. I never really did much with tearing into engines mainly because I don't know what I'm doing. Not that it matters but is there a way to know what went wrong first, cam broke and then rod broke or other way around?
  14. Pulled motor out today. Took pan off, a pushrod, some lifter pieces, other small pieces and about a 3 inch chunk of cam fell out. The block is also vented like the pan. I think a 2 pack of jb weld and I'll be good to go.
  15. I was always afraid to tear into something not knowing what I was doing, figured I'd really screw it up but after going to a few garages and watching these guys that looked like they knew even less than I did fumble around while I'm paying big bucks per hour I started doing a lot myself.
  16. I can't believe I started on this over 5 years ago and it's still not done. To much other stuff to do . Stuck 4 new batteries in it yesterday hit the key and I don't think it even rolled over once and it was running. Truck at work cranks for what seems like 5 minutes before it starts and it runs everyday. Pulled it outside so I could move things around to make room for a couple pickups I have to change engines in. Maybe then I can get back on the Superliner.
  17. I just got my 78 Dodge pickup with 440 state inspected last Friday first time in six years and went to drive it to work on Tuesday and motor came apart. Haven't had time to look at it but pieces are sticking through the oil pan.
  18. I ran Roadmasters on my flatbed never any problems
  19. I would rather keep the r and sell the new one
  20. Thanks that's what I thought
  21. Is the saw different or can you put those blades on an abrasive wheel saw?
  22. Thanks for the info. Always saw them but never paid attention how they went on.
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