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fullfuel01 last won the day on August 13 2015

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  1. We still have DMM here. they were very popular in our area
  2. check for en ex fire truck. they all had Allison and they sell cheap.
  3. I heard that they had a kit to swap a mack gas engine to diesel. that was in the B model time. I have seen one in a B42, that was in my early age I can't remember exactly what it was, but it was odd The way the air cleaner stand on the intake, a carburetor can be mounted easily.
  4. i sent you a pm
  5. The DMM 103 was from our fleet. I sold it to DePaul last year. The 110 is the one who never worked. It's brand new with 1200 kilometers on it, never had a load. I am very happy DePaul is taking 103 to shows and enjoying it. It was the first truck I drove when I got my cdl. We switched to front discharge so when I got my new Oshkosh in 2007 we parked my DMM, it was out of service for 10-11 years then we used it for a spare before it was sold.
  6. worn out clutches. very very common for a T318. it can be done in place juste by removing the rear case of the transmission. PAI have an updated kit that make it last longer. I never had good luck with T318 mack.. I replace them with fuller
  7. one mack E9 inline pump, was told it ran when removed. it's all i can say. I have another one that was on a john deere loader, apparently they share lot's of internal components. Located in canada, can ship at your expenses. drop an offer.
  8. Do you want to sell your repto?
  9. I can transfer what the odometer read, but you can certainly understand I have no clue if it's accurate.
  10. 2010 MP10 605, fuller 18, 14300 steer, guessing 20k pusher and 44 mack rears on air ride, single frame, wet line, 3.94 ratio, 24.5 rubber, 400K miles, clean cab and frame, appear to be all original paint, Rawhide interior package It was sold new in Louisiana, it's now in Quebec Canada, we can ship to USA and provide document to title in your state. It was already reigster in USA before so FET taxes been paid before. 45zero-803-7211 for more info
  11. The real deal, 88 mack RW713 with heavy single frame all original no stretch, E9-500 with the 12 speed, neway air ride on mack 38k rears 4.17 ratio, no rot on cab or sleeper, sharp truck out of storage. 450-8zero3-7211, I can ship to USA and I take care of customs brokerage for you.
  12. RS786LST with a 283HP tip turbine engine, 2 stick transmission, 34 rears on hendrickson, long wheelbase all original single frame, almost rust free truck, good solid cab. Run and drive perfect, need tlc to get back on the road but definitely a good truck. Located near montreal in Canada, we can ship to USA and do the paperwork for the customs. 450-8zero3-7211
  13. ex Fremont fire truck. run and drive good, need tlc. cab have rust. located in NH. 5000$obo 4five0-803-72one1
  14. easier to find a RB hood here in Quebec and in Ontario Canada. they were pretty popular. the distance might kill the deal but I can help finding one around here if they are desperate
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