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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. 01 E-7 427 1200-1700 Check for econodyne or other. Some are governed
  2. C'mon Tom-DO IT DO IT!!!!
  3. "...and fetch me a sammich before ya leave"
  4. hatcity


    He's been running along the west side alot. That, and hitting the midget porn in Vegas. I catch him on FB a few times
  5. No, just slightly chubby
  6. Damn. And I was in Danbury just two weeks ago. He has had stuff on fleabay several times-always rather high priced
  7. As I said Mike, the scenery. Had to check somethings two/three times standing on the tire. Also, with the toolbox door open, my scrawny ass was about 12 inches from traffic. Had to look over every time i moved. Will have to "break down" there again
  8. Yesterday, just got off the highway and approached a red light. As i slow down, steam is coming out from the hood. Pull over quick and shut 'er down. Look around for the leak as the engine is covered with coolant. Makethe assumption that the leak is in the front as it is front to back covered. Start the truck quick, see the top radiator hose is broke, shut down. Hose is split in the center. HMMMM. if i can cut the hose in half, can I get the two pipe ends close enough to clamp tight to make it to the yard (about 3 miles) Get it back together. Put some tools away and getting coolant that I carry anyway, when I see a car pull up behind me. Slightly chubby woman heads over to me. First thought-"Are ya broke down?" or "my boyfriend is a mechanic, blah blah" Nope. Walks over and says "It's too hot to be broke down here. God loves you, have a nice day" Hands me a bottle of cold water from the store, turns and gets in her car. All I could say was thank you and have a good day. Sorry, no pics. Had other things to do. However, that red light do have some fine scenery pass thru it
  9. I'm sure insurance had something to do with it also. What is this hoisting/rigging thing? Few years back, a storm went thru Mass. and trucks went up there to work. All were shut down due to no license. Expensive drive from Florida to Mass. and back with little pay
  10. A wonderful day to both gentlemen
  11. Our people are not like that. They are friggin snot nose Yale assholes
  12. Rowdy, when she is of proper age, post again
  13. Couple were posted in Odds and Ends-logtruckman's TITAN
  14. Lucerne's alarm is going crazy RED HEAD ALERT-RED HEAD ALERT
  15. YOU?-Code of Silence? That does not compute . . . . Congrats on the OoA
  16. He sent the pics to me to post for all y'all's pleasure Also, pics of the rest of the fleet
  17. Who is looking at faces?
  18. I'm still in the house waiting for UPS
  19. I guess you're a couple days ahead of Don Quitoxe
  20. I know Other dog wants to come down here. He just wants to get a hot dog at the beach. Ask him. He'll show you why
  21. and... Obama supporters swipe "da EBT"
  22. WAH WAH WAH!!!!!!!!!! Y'all would never last here in Florida. Every day is over 90. Morning are about 80 Un fortunately, parts stores don't open til 8. Got an air spring and had it replaced in 1/2 hour Course it was on the sunny side of the truck Damn near $800 for the spring* *includes lost work time
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