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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. Idda like ta motorboat the brunette
  2. BKrois-do you have any pics of O&G twn steer DM's? Remember seeing them hauling into the Danbury yard
  3. Ma EBT can git me some chips,soda,gum,smokes,BBQ. The chirrens too. Dem white folk don't know nuthin 'bout BBQ
  4. Looks good there Tom. I gots a poke butt on the grill now, and some chickens waiting to go
  5. Looks great, GOT to have age appropriate items on a classic truck.
  6. The elusive G model. A free hot dog aint near as good as one from here
  7. Year 'round event here.......unless it's Okeechobee. Them wimmins rassle with the cows....and usually win Now that school is out, I have to try and get the route to the beach
  8. Thank You for Your Service and Sacrifice
  9. Appreciate the responses. Sooooo, I should just say ef it. I'll just pump out as much gas as I can, dump some diesel in and let it slosh around. Then pump the stuff out. Tank is only for "cane season when we first get rolling, Power out and I have fuel available. 100 gal should last a few days Thanks again, Ed
  10. I bought a 100 gal. aux. fuel tank. Does not have a drain plug. Question: can I weld a nut on the outside, then drill into the tank, install proper size bolt with gasket/o-ring to seal? Presently has some gas in it. Would fill with water above location. Thanks, Ed
  11. Trying to read the title made me pucker. There may be some on here that can read it. As far as the accident, Truck driver looked like "WTF do I tell the boss"
  12. Happy Birthday. Bobo is "special" today. Just today?
  13. treadmill is good. Gives some excersize that you can do anytime. BUT, be sure to do it. My wife had to go to the doctors next day from treatment for some pill to combat nausea. Keep your spirits up, rest when the body wats it, eat well. Prayers continue
  14. Happy Birthday to Dad.
  15. Hmmmm.....................she don't like your appreciation of real good music . . . . .. . . . . .. . And she don't know where the door is?
  16. Tom-did you get the vin# on those U's?
  17. The 4-H newsletter is gonna have a prom special. On the cover is Ben with a ham hock in each hand. Other pics will show Amber,eyes closed loving it as ben griiiinds on
  18. nice looking unit. I don't see you hauling rip-rap with that for a little while
  19. Have to change your handle to -The dooda man" Vinnie-you won't understand, so don't ask 1 mil and never been apart. Thats a right proud thing. says alot about the truck AND the driver
  20. Happy Birthday gentlemen
  21. Warning-you get some warning. Tornadoes just appear, planes fall from the sky. Usually the NOAA people give some warning. Might be wrong area, but at least it got your attention
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