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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. When Bush announced "his" intentions of invading Iraq, he gave his real reason at the end of his speech. "After all, this is the man that tried to kill my father"
  2. My chart shows "starter input" Check batteries and cables. look for broken wires that would cut voltage. Warm weather helps truck start easier, but cold weather would have it tough to start.
  3. Where in Florida you headed?
  4. Notice Tim is the only one in full protective mode
  5. Damn Green Dash, you should change your handle to the Green Hornet for that. Quick and precise. I AM impressed
  6. Why does this not surprise me?
  7. Welcome to "The Show" Newbies buy a round Dunkin Donuts for me please
  8. like dale Earhardt-You're number 1
  9. Did y'all watch the others?
  10. http://www.xtranorma...68909/drvers-ed With all this talk about driving school, I had to bring this out. Although aimed at a certain person, it applies to everyone. That person is still some other dog as he drives a penisbilt now
  11. Womens volley ball
  13. Dropped 4 cents since last thursday. 4 BIG CENTS!!!! Now I'm not as deep in the red
  14. http://www.newstimes.com/local/article/Redding-firefighter-dies-in-the-line-of-duty-3483947.php
  15. whatdiwin?whatdiwin?
  16. I'd be more interested in some B or C models there. Do they have any D models? Maybe check a V model
  17. We will need pics of all three. Just to see if he made the right choice
  18. Sorry, but I would rather watch paint dry than watch Baseball on TV
  19. You're only 12. Some day you might get it
  20. 1) olive don't live in Texas 2) See #1 3) Didn't get to his house yet
  21. Aye, The Tilted Kilt. Nothing better'n beer and boobs. . . . . . we will also need pics
  22. I would'nt call him that. He already givin the stink eye
  23. If you don't already know, you just wont understand (.)(.)
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