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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. If I remember correctly, O&G Industries had several DMM's also in CT
  2. AN 'GET ME A SAMMICH. bring back a beer too!
  3. I'll check for that. it seems that fuel is leaking from between the head and the jake, not from a line but I will look agin. No problems noticed re: performance. No major fuel loss either. Maybe a pic will help.
  4. 2001 E7-427 Noticed a odor of fuel recently. Cleaned off motor real good today. Ran engine for about 1/2 hr and looked. Between head and jake unit I noticed a fresh wet spot. Yup, there is the leak. But don't know where it is actually coming from. Any help please. Overheads were done not long ago, and replaced both sets of gaskets. #3 cylinder if that helps
  5. 'Nuf said right there
  6. barry, can you do anything about someone hi-jacking all the topics?
  7. Rob, thanks for bringing this up. I was wondering about him also. Thought maybe he didn't care for all the BS that was going on here lately. (not randys stuff) I do the face book thing. Get in touch with people from high cshool and up north. I feel TERRIBLE about all the snow they have up there. Yeah right. Supposed to get another foot maybe around Wed. this week
  8. Where does Mississippi fit? Going out to Texas after Ike, little fat man come flyin out. You have to come inside here. "Calls" his supervisor. Oh, OK for these trucks going to do clean-up work. So I ask about the return trip. No problem. Well, me and 4 dump trucks headin home and I swear it was the same little fat man. Pay for a three day permit to be out of the state in like 3 hours. Cost of doing business. After Katrina the told everyone-$125 CASH or you don't move Bastards
  9. Possibly plate the outside frame also. Question- What is the air pressure you have the lift set at? If it is too high, it is taking ALOT of the weight from your drives. Not to mention the steer axle.
  10. THATS IT BARRY-Rowdy is messin with us old men
  11. A) What is the outside air temp? Do you have a valve for the defroster? Open or closed? 3) No load on motor
  12. No pics of the "reporterette"?
  13. THAT is one fine looking red x there Rowdy
  14. Heres to all of you
  15. In-experienced driver. Some day said driver may find drive shaft in a pretzel like configuration.
  16. Jess meeester DOT. Me truck in berry good chape. Donde esta su cuarto de bano? No,no bano, Me juss chit in truck, no stop. See what I mean http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/crime/boca-dump-truck-driver-accused-of-causing-i-1201225.html
  17. Mehico?
  18. Welcome Diddy. Have you been following "freightrain" on here? He is working a B into a sleeper. to be used as a hauler for race car. He is doing a quality job. he prolly has run into problems you might expect.
  19. Yup- that time of year. Gonna load up on Samoas and the peanut butter ones-YIPPPEEEE Although Girl Scout cookies are very good, I would rather eat a Brownie
  20. I remember hearing his name mentioned here. Happy Birthday. We can get some cake here if you want
  21. Name: MACK CX 613 (2001) Date Added: 16 November 2009 - 05:37 AM Owner: hatcity Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  22. look over here- http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?app=classifieds&module=core&do=view_item&item_id=137 just come up today.
  23. Cut them logs into 20 foot lengths and i know a guy that can haul them Oh and about TV . It SUCKS. Rehash of old standards, not reality crap. I do enjoy the Weather Channel if Kelly Cass is on
  24. how many times did you try randy?
  25. You got the dribbling shits
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