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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. a little harsh on the 25 lb. aren't ya?
  2. fullfuel-don't know how serious his run will be, HOWEVER- he is opening up the conversation more and not being politically correct about it either We hard working taxpayers are happy that someone is willing to bring it up as it effects all of us
  3. drug dealers have their cars, homes, Rolex watches, et al; taken due to "ill gotten gains" Same thing should apply to illegals . and following the "Right to Life" movement, if the mother was pregnant when she crossed the border (illegally) THAT child is also illegal
  4. I hope that was the truck name and not his handle. Nice looking rig
  5. That aint Tom, That's Hugh from Ice Road Truckers Dem some naaaaaaasty lookin' wimmins---I LIKE
  6. good on ya mate glad somebody did something besides pulling out their phone to record it
  7. IF there was any one with real stones, Those that were overseeing the job should lose their job. FIRED-NO compensation. A fine is just going to come out of yours and my pocket. of course, the contractor will be hit very hard for doing what he was told to do
  8. Homer says it best
  9. DO like the old school paint scheme
  10. clutch is shot. dump all the air in the system. if fan does not turn freely-it's shot it's a PIA, but can be done by one person in a short day
  11. Cuban engineering right there. Believe that they welded boat propeller blades on the driveshaft
  12. should have asked-is it a telescopic piston or single stage? IF single, then like I said the packing may be shot. have you brought it down, stop, and see if it still drops? stupid question-hyd oil level good?
  13. A) the packings in the piston are bad, causing it to leak back the directional valve is got something keeping it open and holding Either way, make DAMN WELL SURE you prop the body before going under
  14. Good idea! Lets remove ALL names/markers/symbols of racial segregation Like: NAACP Congressional BLACK Caucus Urban League Negro college fund . . . set aside contractors
  15. What I should do is: SELL the company to my wife Have the name changed Doors will open for women owned business, even though the employe(me) is still doing all the work she just has to sign the paperwork Small business opportunities is a joke-under $5million women and minority owned get work just because-with no regard for the work history I;m paying just about 10k now for insurance(health) and all the other insurance to run a truck
  16. 29 year old driver from Joisy is ok
  17. happened sat. nite on/off I-75 in Manatee County, FL
  18. we are all truck drivers or enthusiasts here. not leagal eagles. BTW-to bad we can't get pics of said daughter to determine if worthy by either side
  19. where is it/you going?
  20. 1) DAMN!! does that vent window include installation? 2) nice old wrecker from Maine
  21. Originally from Danbury,CT. Knew the HiHo trucks. Then became New Haven Trap Rock? On the bumper was "Watch That Child"
  22. Read an article recently regarding $15/hr. wage. Many of those that got the "mandatory" increase, then asked for less hours as the pay increase took them off the EBT, welfare,Medicare, AND Obamaphone. So the employer now has 58 part timers LOL to run the local diner
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