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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. March 14!!! Steak and BJ DAY
  2. Steel arms are stronger. Can be heated up and bent back in shape or welded easier. Donovan Enterprises has some nice units. They are two streets over from me and I go there for the rewind spring often. They have a full kit of motor, tarp, wire, switch, and arms. Donovan-ent. com
  3. If I remember correctly-that Callaway Carriers was a suicide
  4. Mighty Fruit mentioned one important thing-STEADY WORK What is your plan for winter? Maybe a plow and run for City/County?State? One other thing- Keep the truck clean!!! The truck coming down the road is the FIRST impression everyone will have of you.
  5. You are/were a company driver? You will need to buy your own health insurance too. and what other benefits will you lose? Forgot one thing-FUEL. Make sure you find a couple places that have a high turnover of fuel. That way you know it is fresh, not old water filled. I avoid a few convenience stores despite the lower cost. Between the small pump, small/short hose, takes forever to fill both tanks. I use one most of the time because they have two pumps just for large trucks. oh, and good luck
  6. Welcome aboard. Hope you still have your turn out gear or at least the boots . . . . . . . it can get pretty deep here
  7. I agree with OD I can share some of my birthday card money
  8. OD, you believe everything on these here interweb machines? And yes, a pic would help.
  9. What ^^^^^^^^ said The risk and headaches, and worries, and costs are worth it in the end Get a written contract for work. That way, if you need to go to the bank, you have/ they have a commitment on paying the loan. Get an accountant to do your taxes stuff. They will back you up if anything is wrong Registration-about 1200-1500 dollars. June you have to do the 2290 IRS. about 500 depending on GVWR You need a paycheck every week-make sure you earn that Have a back up fund for slow times or long term breakdowns. Breakdowns are a double edge sword. You have no income, and you have additional expense for the repair. I say-TAKE THE RISK
  10. NO CRANKY YANKEES!! allowed Welcome aboard
  11. 30 minutes???!!! hell I'm only about 10 away But I don't look as good, so I gets no visitors. BTW-ECD, you spelled it wrong
  12. Glad you have that much room. Sleepwalker needs all of it to turn and I won't comment about the guys pitching a tent
  13. Heard there was a fire at the station. Damn shame to lose all that equipment
  14. Did y'all throw him any beads?
  15. he talks like that here cause at home, Momma would kick his ass
  16. did the driver look like this?
  17. looks like Thigpen
  18. Welcome aboard!! Sunny south? like where Pics of trucks are always appreciated .....or nekkid wimmins
  19. I wasn't going to touch that
  20. Happy Birthday to all y'all
  21. Happy Birthday young'n
  22. Marcel-you going against or with Armellini?
  23. Kudos to them. Now that you have a CDL, make use of it once in a while to keep fresh. Most attorneys have no idea what is what on a truck, BUT they "know" you did something wrong
  24. Appropriate for "torn up Tuesday" Damn shame too
  25. Will be done by Executive Order eff them in Congress
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