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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. Pretty good how it was done "real old school" style
  2. Looks like a nice show Agree on D-it's all about the boots
  3. As the song says "keep me in mind"
  4. 84- heard something about them HET/8V92 running backward or something. Any story? And bulldog is correct- no redheads, no fun
  5. Umm-Mark, I believe a blizzard requires SNOW. Is he looking at it coming his way? Remember one year, forecast was snow in feet, not inches. Trucks were loaded, plows on, run and tested a dozen times. Everyone in at 7 am. Lunchtime-nothing yet. Called off at 5 pm. We fiddlef---ed around all day
  6. What is the weight on that?
  7. Well THAT sucks. Lucky you have a second truck. You still get the income, but how much is lost in the motor. How many miles? BTW-I will check with my friend and see what the story is with the Red, White, and Blue
  8. Coffee comes in a plastic container. cut a little so it slips under axle. Got a drip pan AND coffee Prolly $22.95. because Ken Tool made it
  9. I could change the title to "Yardo testing the procedure"
  10. 2-6 is rear drive axle oil temp. sensor
  11. She's a beauty Clark. Looks like a fun project
  12. I can't believe Disney had either one in the mood. Could not get the eff out of there soon enough.
  13. Nevermind- I was gonna post a gif of someone, but I can't do it Green put a cork in it. or wear a rain coat
  14. Congrats on the expected Make her get things done there
  15. Any $$$ in mind? Running?
  16. Enjoy it while your young hmmm-need to send something "better" for ya I got it!!!
  17. 2-5 is front drive axle oil temp sensor. Batteries good? even turning over, not enough voltage will cause engine to NOT start. Fuel? Good? fill filters with fresh fuel and try. Remove filters again and see if fuel is low. Take fuel line off tank, along with return line. Place both in a bucket of fresh fuel and try. Tank may have a blockage. crack one injector line and turn over. fuel should be reaching injector. Also this bleeds any air. This will also cause no start. That's for now. All easy stuff first.
  18. I remember one time, randy was talking about some loads-"Can't pay me enough for that"
  19. I remember one time, randy was talking about some loads-"Can't pay me enough for that"
  20. Your right Mike, should be "all y'all"-plural
  21. gmerrill-please don't encourage him
  22. I'm sorry, but if you need a "man cave........well you ain't much of a man
  23. 7-1 is service brake switch. Are your brake lites on all the time? switch should be under dash, above pedal. Check fuse/circuit breaker, connections,...easy stuff first
  24. Jeez-not just butcher pitchers, he kills a story too!
  25. Well ECD, I don't have the luxury of being able to take selfies while working. I have to watch bucket, boom, traffic, wires all at the same time. BUT, this is my Saturday Oil, filters, air filter,..... Then it was Part II full chassis grease and inspection Part III was rotating the steers Part IV was a full wash PS, no selfies anyway. OD would just butcher them
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