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BMT Benefactor
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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. Yardo-this is the guy that was trying to lite farts with an Oxy/Acetylene torch. How smart can he be?
  2. I don't see nuttin. But just the thought got young Vincent going Heres one
  3. We was just wondering about you the other day. Keeping busy is a good thing. Missing BMT-not so much
  4. I seen you got blasted for driving in the over take lane. Then got pissed at the CRST guy for running you off the road
  5. Whodathunkit Eyetalians and garbage Trucks look good
  6. Watch what you say about Sleepwalkers new friends
  7. Nick name-Woody
  8. Wonder if MACK Australia still has the latitude now that they used to have
  9. Guess you don't get down around Miami then. They stretch a sleeper for a dump with a heavy C channel. You see them folded up on the highway often
  10. Lets see how they work on a B model first! Both of ya's
  11. does not appear to be able to work on a CX, therefore, I must decline
  12. Hey I was there too! Why OD not put my pitcher in there? I was wearin my tin hat
  13. Not much option there. So sorry to hear. Be careful now that it is harvesting season.
  14. Remember seeing Earthmovers B-81 running around Danbury all the time. Ummm-where is the noon pic?
  15. Having no commitment from anyone will be a tough nut to pay for brand new. Also, what kind of work do you expect in winter. You still have the monthly loan, whether you move or not. Me, I would look to a good tri-axle, get your name established with the locals. If they are willing to put you on steady, then consider a new unit. Having credit is good-maintaining good credit is tough. Does Ohio Highway Dept., or whatever it is, contract plowing on the interstates and major roads? See about a plow and you can run in the winter (as long as you get snow) That is also a close knit group that works the highways
  16. Reckon Vinnie was "busy" after seein' all them there trucks j/k enjoy the show...I need to get there some day
  17. I'm sorry, but I have to ask- What in the world were you looking for to find this? . . . . . . maybe I don't want to know
  18. Traded some for an extra EBT
  19. C'mon Maddog. tell us how you REALLY feel sent from one of my 7 free Obamaphones
  20. CEMEX took a beating on that deal. Bought just before the industry tanked. Paid big $$$$$$$$$ and two months later-no work
  21. The leaders of both sides are to busy talking AT each other instead of talking TO each other Or just talking to the media AT the other.
  22. Yesterday. I pondered if Air Force One would be grounded. Well, I found out that he WILL be going to some conference type thing in the Pacific Rim area. BUT, he will cut it short by not visiting Malaysia and The Philippines. You want to be a leader? LEAD BY EXAMPLE!!!!
  23. What happened to the barrel? Looks like an old Rinker truck
  24. Use some of that birthday card money.
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