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Everything posted by hatcity

  1. UPDATE-Dana/Spicer/Eaton axle. Had the brake spiders off by 8:30 today. Had to wait for the mechanic. Bottom cap would not move. 6 pt socket,pipe wrench, nothing. Had to weld a large nut to turn it. the heat also helped free it up. The pin took about 2 hours to remove. Found a dump hinge pin, and with a 8# BFH, got it to drop. Still have to put one side together. can't wait for the other side tomorrow
  2. Stuart. A little north of West Palm. Freighttrain-that might be him
  3. Got yer passport, eh?
  4. Where in Florida you at? If I remember correctly, there was a guy with quite the collection of "stuff" near Myakka City. Several GMC Generals, some old sleepers, tanks, wheels,.... Have to do some searching to find his info.
  5. Don't take this the wrong way I HATE YOU!!!!
  6. I agree with this for a work truck. But, just how much "hobby" are you talking? If the local shows, Don't see a big problem. If you are looking to Macungie or other distance, I wouldn't
  7. Ya know, i don't recall. Called Mack, told them I need king pins set. Thats what I got. They have the vin in computer and read from that It's a 2001 CX. I been under there so many times to clean/grease, and never noticed. And when i bought the truck, all I got was a set of keys
  8. Unfortunately, I have straight pins, not tapered. Top and bottom caps are screw in. We shall see
  9. That marine engine would look good in my 22 foot Bayliner! That 72 R tractor is just up the road from here. 75 is little high
  10. Thanks 39 for the instructions-that will help me. Tozzi-grease is not a problem here. Every three weeks.
  11. I have a coffee cup for change. Now 2. Seems that I am about to cash it in, one of the kids takes it. They now both have jobs, so my play money is safe.
  12. Glad to hear your folks made it home.......finally. Like I said, if needed, they could have dropped the trailer at the yard if more problems came up. That's what friends are for
  13. Are the Shinola family related somehow?
  14. Check adjustment first. I like the trailer to catch first. If adjustable, tighten then back off a quarter turn. Pull arm to see stroke distance and set all trailer brakes the same
  15. hatcity


    Hopefully the sentences are consecutive. But we still have to provide for scum like that until his death, natural or not. May Bubba be gentle on him
  16. Don't know if you dressed up the air tank, or dragged down the battery box. But it do look good
  17. I got a Johnson Bar for the train girl. Mighty big squirrels in Winfall
  18. For some tme, this forum has been a fun and informative place. Most jokes have been related to the poster or other member of the forum. UNTIL TODAY!! It has become personal when you start talking about my family,,,,and ex wife.
  19. OD is just shaking his head in disgust
  20. Barry is down here golfing with the other Barry
  21. Of course OD has to put a pic of a red head. One day while working, a lady was squatting just like that with her little boy watching me work. I smiled and waved, and smiled, and smiled,....
  22. Planning on changing the king pins this week. Mechanic was supposed to do it, but hurt his knee pretty good. He says he can come over and show me what to do and help until done. i would like to know what all is involved before hand. Got the parts, seals, even plan on replacing one set of bearings too. Any schematic I can look at out there? Thanks, Ed
  23. Happy Birthday Barry Thank you for all you do for us peons here. Also Timothy Makshilo-we don't see him no more
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