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  1. Hi Matt, this is Lee the restorer of your 49 EH. I will be in your area this summer, probably in Aug. I would like to stop in and see the old girl.

  2. Thanks for joining Brad. I have a Mack also and I am in SoCal. Now at least there are a couple Macks on the West Coast. I am the only one in our club with a Mack.
  3. I have an RV and keep it in a wharehouse about 25 miles from where I live. I have my Mack there also. I pay $120 a month to store the Mack inside. I live in SoCal so heating and cooling is not a problem. It does get dusty but that is no problem.
  4. I was born and raised in Omaha, NE where my dad had a repair shop where we repaired cars, trucks, and farm equipment. In this place I learned to love this this technology. I drove dump trucks and earned enough to go to college. My dad died in 63, my mother sold the business and I moved to CA. I became a high school auto tech teacher and did this for 38 years and retired in 01. I still teach in a local junior college 2 days per week. I found this Mack while vacationing in Idaho and had it hauled to CA and restored it. The restoration took 30 months. I did a frame up restoration. I belong to the local ATHS chapter. The Mack has a White engine which was in it when I bought it. It has sat idle for 20 years but was in good shape considering. I found a rebuilt 386 White engine on the internet and installed it. I have been married for 39 years to a retired school teacher. We have two kids. One is a high school math teacher and the other is a principal of an elementary school. We have 3 grand kids. We have an RV and love to travel this wonderful country and have put on about 75K miles traveling during the summer and on the many vacations that us school teachers get. Attached are a couple of pics. One is of the 49 Mack and the other is of me and wife with our RV. I am 65 years old. I would love to restore an LTL9000 Ford or a B Mack but I have no room.
  5. I want to send you pics but cannot seem to figure this site out. Please send me your E-mail address. Mine is lhaeb@pacbell.net. I am diffinitely interest in purchasing this diff from you.
  6. Looking for a low 5s differential gear ratio for my 49 Mack EH. The diff I have now is too slow for these California freeways and I am getting in the way. I have checked with Watts Mack and they have nothing and computer cannot locate anything in any of their dealers. Would love to find a new ring gear and pinion but would also accept a whole punkin. My parts books show a 5.125 ratio that is also available for this truck. The part number is 4 QFA 539A-P5. My book shows this is a 1500 series diff. I don't know what that means. The serial number for this diff is CR25 883 79. It is a single reduction and has air brakes.
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