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Terry T

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Everything posted by Terry T

  1. I didn't have any trouble getting in or out...
  2. Dang it Mike, I often wish I had hung onto Thumper...
  3. Seen this one on the "Fallen Flags, Old Trucking" FB page.
  4. This was a few years ago & I wasn't as tall as it appears. I was under 12'.
  5. The 1995 CH613 Century 5030 I drove for Vomac out of New Haven, IN, Smith Brothers, out of Columbia City, IN, R Model with a 750 Holmes & Campbell's CL713 with a B&B 80+ ton Rotator.
  6. Here are a couple we had at Brothers Express back around 1990. Very nice little units. Could turn a u-turn with one and a pup on a 3 lane street/road. They made excellent city P&D units.
  7. In Indiana if an officer made that stop, given the time lapse it would be thrown out of court along with the officer who made the stop. Too much time lapse & reasonable doubt that you were one in the same person/vehicle that the officer seen making the offense. I'm not a "cop basher" they are only enforcing the laws that are created by politicians and doing so the way their superiors require them to. Some are asses, even some of the 70 or so that I know can be jackwagon's but this guy probably wrote some citations that would not stand up in court if you fought them merely because of the time lapse. However, I do believe he is correct as long as you are running an apportioned plate, you are commercial but this still should be tossed because he should have never been able to get that far because he should have never made the traffic stop in the 1st place.
  8. Don't have any pic's but over the past couple weeks we put a new "big motor" into our outlaw superlate for a Memorial race at Angola, IN. On Friday on the 5th lap of practice (and 5th lap the engine had ever turned) BOOM! (metal) confetti.... Wrist pin failed and much of the new engine came out through the oil pan. As of Saturday, when we had switched back to the "little motor" our team owner & the engine builder where in discussion.... The engine builder is a stand up guy (business) and he will do all he can but I don't think it will be enough knowing the team owner like I do.
  9. Here are pic's of mine....
  10. This is the very vid that I was about to go look for but you had already posted it. When I was still Asst Chief with my county's Haz-Mat team we responded to a leaking nurse tank along a State Highway. I made the choice to go into the scene from the down wind side to chase down a truck driver & and another motorist who, unknowingly, drove into the scene just after it happened before people were in place to shut down the highway. I stopped the truck, got the driver in my car and turned the motorist around, then stopped at a home to confirm no one was there. The motorists refused treatment at the ambulance and the truck driver checked out okay. I didn't fair quite as well. I felt the burn on in my throat & chest, very minor, but it was there & now will always be there with me in the form of the emergency inhaler that I keep with me. I don't regret it though, if I hadn't done it we would have likely had 3 fatalities that day. This is a professionally made training video. The scene was staged but it will happen just like that. This is the complete training video:
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/12/us/california-bus-crash/http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/12/us/california-bus-crash/
  12. The media is very quick to sensationalize any story. And "an out of control truck careened into a bus full of high school students" is much more sensational than "truck struck by car then hits bus". I've long been a critic of the media, since my late teens when I got involved in emergency services, and I typically take anything reported with a grain of salt but sadly this time I was on board with what was first reported because of the run of bad luck Fed Ex has had over the past several months with high profile crashes in my part of the country. Those of you out west, please keep us up on this story as it continues.
  13. 900 head of cattle, 1200 square miles. What are the odds of a cow encountering a turtle in it's 1.25 square miles?
  14. Very little about it on "main stream media" but it is getting a lot of attention on Facebook.
  15. I don't think the headlights are low. Look at the curve of the fender & headlight panel. Not enough room to move them up. It looks more like the bottom of the headlight panel & fender has been abbreviated. Then there is that corner marker light.... Because I don't have any other answers I'd go with foreign built.
  16. I think it is at the ATHS forum, a long, long thread that includes a relative of the company.
  17. Um... Even worse, Nissan has a Titan pickup truck....
  18. This may have been discussed here before but I missed it. I have been fascinated with the Super Pumper System since I learned of it many years ago. I even have an "FDNY Super Pumper System" T-shirt & the Code 3 Collectibles models. This web page is the most informative that I have found about the system. http://www.fireengines.net/reviews/sp/history.htm
  19. Every time this question comes up here or at JOT there are so many opinions but the plain & simple answer is (at least to me) :The seller has a price in mind & the buyer has a price in mind & someplace in between is the value. There is no KBB o r NADA value on these things. You have to decide how bad you want it & the seller has to decide how bad he wants to part with it.
  20. Mike, Problem resolved!
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxdA3r8KHJ0 At Larry: While it is on it's side like that, it is much easier to cage brakes & pull the driveshaft. This is the way I have always done it. But I also look at my surroundings, check to see if it will roll or not when it hits its wheels and as John said, have blocks ready or some other form of catch other than the recovering vehicle. When a big truck crashes in the U.S. there is a lot of people who do a lot of investigation at the scene and they like to take their time but as soon as they are done, they expect the tow company(s) to jump right in and have the scene cleaned up in an hour! We have always been fortunate that the officers & investigators that we work with, also work with us. They will start with brakes so we can cage them right away, then they will continue the vehicle inspection so we can start rigging then they will go to the driver & paperwork then as soon as they give the green light we can get busy.
  22. I won't have much free time tomorrow so I'm posting a day early... Not my proudest moment, actually one of my worse. I was southbound on SR 59 in the west suburb's of Chicago. I was running a very short round that week because I needed to be home to see my girlfriend at the time graduate from college. So anyway on Tuesday morning I had delivered on the north side and it looked like I might make my next drop south west of Chicago before the customer went home that afternoon. I was traveling in a line of traffic & was following an empty bulk hauler. The area we were in was two lane and a vehicle up ahead slowed to make a left turn, the truck & line of traffic, in front of me drifted right into a right turn lane to go around the vehicle turning left so I did the same. Suddenly the bulk hauler slowed, no brake lights (he was running empty and had a jake which really slowed him down) I tried to slow as well as his brake lights finally came on and he whipped his truck back to the left. I was closing too fast so I stayed in in the right turn lane but he didn't get completely back into the left lane before he came to a complete stop. I couldn't get stopped and clipped him, my left front to his right rear. It turns out at the end of the right turn lane, directly at the point the vehicle had been setting to make the left turn there was a concrete island that forced vehicles to turn right into a church parking lot. The entire line of traffic in front of the bulk hauler had moved over to go around the vehicle turning left then they all braked and whipped back into the lane & had to stop behind the vehicle turning left. The cop who investigated the accident talked to the other driver & asked him if I deserved a ticket for anything that I had done and he told the cop that he didn't believe that I was following too close, speeding or doing anything improper. He felt that traffic just began to stack up very quickly and it was the actions of persons in front of both of us that lead to me hitting him. Of course I was at fault but I didn't get any tickets. I replayed that morning in my head 100's of times trying to decide if I could have done anything different and the only thing that I think I could have done is to have began braking when I seen the line of traffic move right to pass the left turning vehicle instead of trying to maintain my speed. The thing that has always bothered me was how quick that truck slowed down with just the jake brake on because his brake lights did work but that jake was very tight.
  23. When I was delivering doors, I did so off of a 48' dry van. I delivered to 3 schools up above Hickory NC someplace that were being renovated. The only way in & out had deep cut switch-backs that when I got to the 2nd school, I had green grass stains on the top 2 feet of my trailer on the right side....
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