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Terry T

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Everything posted by Terry T

  1. Don't remember a lot of issues with the '03's but the '04's... Wow! Fan hubs, turbo's and camshaft's. Company that I grew up around is a mostly Mack fleet, has been since the 1970's. They purchased 50 new 2004 CX's. I was running the tow truck for the local Mack/Volvo dealer at the time. I towed 22 of those 2004's. One of them I towed for all 3 of the above reasons. Buy the time all was said & done Mack (corporate) purchased all 50 trucks back. The company purchased available Volvo's to replace the 2004's then Mack arranged for the dealership to take the Volvo's in on trade against 2005 & 2006 Mack's. I do know there were some turbo issues starting with 2001 Mack's and continuing for several years as well as some other things but nothing like what I seen with the 2004's.
  2. a bit belated.. Happy Birthday!!! 25, hmm.... My 25th fell into that abyss of time that is really fuzzy that started around 16 & went until 30. I hope your's was a good one!
  3. I think the biggest issue is the fact that once we get our license to drive it is ours as long as we can read an eye chart. We no longer need to take a test to renew in most states. Most jobs require remedial training of some sort from time to time but now driving is no longer a privilege but a right...
  4. 25 years of use with poor maintenance and to most people it is just a piece of machinery. I'm not surprised. It is sad though.
  5. I don't know Mike... Maybe I should post the pic then everyone can decide for themselves if it is photoshopped or not!
  6. I pulled this off of a Superliner at Central Truck Parts in Sylvania, OH several years ago and added it to the block heater plug on my Chevy. I thought that the "MACK" cover was discontinued for a plain cover. If this is the case then there is a chance that the org part # will supersede...
  7. Because some ATHS members have Peterbilt's & those are strictly forbidden on Mike's property. Even though & have a picture of Mike wearing a Peterbilt hat @ Auburn in 2005....
  8. Someone should wake Vinny & let him know there is a U Model picture posted in this thread!
  9. Don't care what "the point" is, It's my money, I bought the car, I own it, I can do with it what I choose. This would be no different than when an owner posts a picture of his Superliner with a huge visor & front bumper. It's his truck, his money, etc. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion about a look, style, what have you but in the end the only person who has to be happy is the person spending the money. Do I like the big visor & bumper look? NO! Am I gonna run the guy off the forum because he likes it? NO! Everyone should feel free to voice his/her opinion but don't chastise those who feel different than you. That Corvette was built to be driven in 1978. Not to set, collecting dust for 35 years then to set forever, covered in dust in a museum. Corky Coker is huge on barn finds and leaving them "untouched" but he has also said when the time comes some of his (probably 100's) cars will be restored or become customs.
  10. A lot of those vehicles caught my attention but the '78 Indy Pace Car 'Vette would have been my dream. Left parked inside the entire time. Yeah, it still would have needed a frame-off restro but damn would that be a car to have.
  11. Terry T


    Wow Mike! I hope you are careful with those glasses when you are out in the sun, start grass fires with those!
  12. Quicker turn around than I anticipated. 1987 1M2AR07YXHM009049 MH613
  13. Parrish Leasing, out of Ft Wayne, IN use to have one. I drove it several times but lost track of it about 10 years ago. It was sold to a company in Lima, OH and beyond that I don't have a clue. I will however make an inquiry to see if by chance they still have a file on it & if they do it will have the VIN.
  14. Hope you can get the money around, can't be many 1960 Trailmobile T4-02-22's left in this world!
  15. Thanks George but at this point financially nothing is possible. I have actually had to liquidate my small collection of trucks. I'm in the fall back & regroup mode at this time. I missed a running CF that had been lightly cannibalized about 2 years ago that was only a couple miles away. I think 3250.00 would have bought the entire thing I could have removed the cab, parted it & scrapped the rest and made my money back. Entire apparatus ended up being scrapped.
  16. I wish I had money, I'd make you an offer on the complete cab. I have a plan in my head for something but it will take a lot of money and will probably just remain my dream...
  17. Many on this board post with our hearts as lovers of everything MACK not understanding that no matter what, not every truck can be saved. Everyone who posted on here would like to see every truck saved by someone although most of us, ourselves, are not in a position to do that.I believe that often what happens is that we tend to take out the frustration that we feel at not being able to save old iron on those who have the means to buy but don't do with their purchases what WE THINK should be done with them. Now that we have "the rest of the story" perhaps some will see this issue a little bit differently. As I looked at the pic's that were posted of the trucks, I looked in the background and seen other apparatus & I was sure that this was not the way you envisioned the outcome for these trucks. Sadly there is someone out there for every single useable part on these trucks but you, as a businessman, cannot afford to have your money hanging out there for what would probably be years so the best way for you to cut your loss is to "short sell" what you have, lick your wounds and move on. I hope you will give our forum another chance perhaps the next time you have a truck available there will be someone in place to purchase it and give it the good home we all would like to offer. This time it just wasn't meant to be.
  18. Not a 4070B. It's a 4070.
  19. As for Gearheadb.... She is a "sleeper cell troll". She sits, laying in wait, until she can strike. She has been banned/blocked on at least one other truck forum that I am aware of. Long ago I gave Barry a heads up about her. WIth her personal attack on Trent maybe that will be enough to get her banned from here.
  20. More than just American's died on 09.11.01. People from 60 different nations perished. If there were a shred of evidence that the US gov't did this the weight of the world would have come crashing down on our Nation.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1I2kNT-hLk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWMksT4_GOI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wrW_YJGjNo I wasn't counting but I'd say there were more than 25 Bikers as opposed to the 25-200 Muslim's that have been reported by the various media.
  22. I thought it was the B Model wrecker that I sold to Mike H...
  23. You can also look at tire straps. Do a google image search of "tire straps" & you might see something you like.
  24. 33-1-20 I would think might be a part #.
  25. I agree with 4 point tie down. With the stacker trailer we had an access panel in the floor so we could reach up from the lower level through the hole & tie down. The front car was easy because the center between the tires was open. In the 1st pic you can see the panel in place & the D rings in the floor for the front of the rear car & the rear of the front car. The 2nd pic is from the downstairs looking forward, the access hole/panel is between the 2nd & 3rd ceiling lights. In the 3rd Pic you can see the D rings from the front of the front car. This is from the front looking back. If you haven't completed your car bay yet, you could put in an access panel in the floor near the front axle/frame, it would mean crawling around on the ground to tie it down but at least you are not depending on a winch (which isn't smart) to keep the car in place.
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