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Terry T

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Everything posted by Terry T

  1. WTG Larry!
  2. Another difference in the cab is the recess in the left rocker on a U (and I assume the DM) that the R does not have. Sorry, the best pics that I have of each model in my collection.
  3. Just wondering if it isn't a Mack chassis with a cab swap. Fertilizer is hell on steel. Maybe the cab rotted out and they swapped what they had... I remember Mike Harbison having a few R Models that had been in ag in their later lives and most of each truck was still there but the cabs were destroyed by rust.
  4. I've mentioned this truck before & have posted pictures of it. Sorry the only way I can post this clip is via FB. Larry is still running his E9 daily. https://www.facebook.com/reel/373944118965291
  5. Happy Birthday Barry!!!
  6. IDK if both round/square headlights were available during the entire production run or if it was a model year change. Our 1st 4 or 6 MH's had round and the balance of them were square. 20 of the MH's were ordered units. the 21st was bought off the dealers lot, used i believe, and it was a Freedom Edition. If only I had realized at the time that the company sold it what it actually was...
  7. It's never a waste of time when talking Mack Trucks.
  8. The 1st pic is one of the 21 MH's that we had at the companies that I was involved in as a teen & into my mid-twenties. The 2nd is a friends family business. I posted the 2nd just because it seems that no matter how well they're taken care of the front corners just seem to take a beating.
  9. If you are on Facebook look for Mike Harbison. His Late father (on FB Mike Harbison Sr) had a huge collection of Mack's and parts. Mikey has done a very good job of organizing the collection. I know for fact that there is a Freedom Edition Hood there someplace because I bought it out of a salvage yard for Mike and he took it home with him several years ago when he bought my '70 F Model. Mikey has popped in on this forum only a few times. The youngers don't seem to enjoy this life as much as the FB & other social media lifestyles.
  10. He was off work all last week. He drove the motorcoach & enclosed trailer down and they were parked in the infield up against the fence. He flew out of FLA Monday morning & came straight into work. Our airport is only 1.5 miles from our facility.
  11. A coworker was down there with a couple of his buddy's hot rods. He has video of the blown/turbo'd Mustang attempting a burn out but instead it was a blow out! Probably a head gasket nothing but steam & water & the smell & taste of coolant in the air.
  12. Fantastic Idea Barry! I don't know that I'd be able to build it but I'd buy one for sure.
  13. Thanks guys! I really lived it up today. I had a dentist appointment then I went to work... The last big one was my 50th. It fell on Saturday so it was a perfect way to have a party. My 61st will fall on a Saturday so maybe that will be a party!
  14. My 1st bike was a 76 or 77 GS550. 2nd bike was a 79 GS750L. I considered buying a 80 GS750 a few years back but I like the "L" (L stood for Low or Lower) better, King/Queen seat instead of a flat seat...
  15. My '05 Road King a.k.a. My Mistress. Over the winter I replaced the 88 with a High Comp 95. The "facelift was courtesy of a doe that ran out in front of me 4 years & 6 days ago. She began life Arctic White. I always ride "with my head on a swivel". Watching, watching, watching & anticipating.
  16. CH & CL left door vents as well as bunk vents should be the same. I thought the R roof vents were in a rubber gasket but it's been MANY years since I was in one.
  17. I'm not certain but I believe that Mack used the same vent for all of their models. Others on here are more knowledgeable about part #'s and should chime in soon.
  18. The 3406 in my Ford was on an angle.
  19. Geoff, I have never worked in a union barn but spent may years working very close with union carriers when we had our cartage agency. All my life I have referred to Unions as a necessary evil...
  20. They still owned power units & leased a lot as well. Ryder might be correct but I was thinking it was Penske or perhaps a mix of leasing companies. The newest trailers were built on "the EXTREME cheap" and few other LTL's will be interested in them. TL carriers might jump on the 48's & 53's. I think a lot of the trailers will go into the storage market and many will just be scrapped.
  21. My guess is that most of these will go south of the boarder.
  22. I don't know how well this will turn out but I'll try it.
  23. As of now it Yellow makes it until Monday the 31st I'd be really surprised. Apparently the Sr VP of sales told her staff that Friday would be their last day of employment & that Yellow is filing for Bankruptcy on Monday. Later the company back-peddled and said that is not true. The IBT & UPS appear to have reached an agreement and it is now up to the rank & file to vote on it so UPS looks to be in the clear.
  24. The current word on the street is that they will probably walk on Monday 07/31/23.
  25. UPS is all small package. It will help Fed Ex & the USPS but not much else. UPS sold UPS Freight to TFI (a Canadian mega logistics company) & it is now T-Force.
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