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Terry T

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Everything posted by Terry T

  1. Was talking to a customer of mine a while back and he told me of a fleet that is still running 3 MH613's. I stopped over that way last week and talked to the owner. The one he is gonna part with 1st has less than 500k (original), 300/9 speed Mack with Mack rears on air ride. She is rough and needs a clutch. Another that I did not photograph, but it is in a background of one of the pic's is also a 300/9speed on spring and spokes. I might just hold off and wait to buy the 3rd one, 350/9 speed Mack with Mack rears on spring as it is closer to the spec that we ran back at the same time.
  2. Nice ride Mike! Mikey will love it! I hope this isn't cutting into your old truck fund, don't forget about those MH's. I am gonna try to get a peak at them next week...
  3. Actually the Trooper was parked in the median with lights activated to warn drivers to slow down as they are approaching an accident scene! The Trooper was seriously injured when the inattentive truck driver came up on the slowed traffic and ran off the road and struck the Trooper. Use your frickin' head before you post!!! He has since recovered and contiunes to work and go home to his family each day.
  4. Not really that much of a load as all the weight is on the steer axle of the Mack, stopping however......
  5. Found the pic.
  6. Looking at it again, perhaps it says Generic. I found a Generic Crane N Trucking in Bakersfield.CA listed in Manta.com and lists them as having 1 employee. This is an entirely different direction for an O/O to take. In the 2nd pic you can see his dog standing in the drivers side door window looking towards the camera.
  7. Looks like it says Generac on it, probably a Gen-set of some sort.
  8. You hope the Mack truck looks like an International engine?
  9. I cannot remember Mike's last name but he is outta Pharr TX and is a member of ATHS.
  10. Although it is still physically here, my F Model has been sold. It probably needs a bit more work then you would be interested in doing any way. Another BMT member bought it and will be taking it home after the ATHS convention in South Bend this year.
  11. Mike Harbinson's (Superdog) blue/silver Superliner is Cummins powered.
  12. Every time I see pic's of the snow in the south it is like getting kicked in the stomach! We use to be able to snowmobile right outta our yards around here, now people still ride but they are kicking up dirt. I plow snow to supplement our income and have only had one night out so far this year with 3 storms going just to the south of us by no more than 150 miles.....
  13. Merry Christmas all!
  14. Actually the racecar driver lives in Port Orange, FL & is from Batesville, AR.
  15. I can relate, I was 14 & the 1st truck I drove was a 1975 or 76 Mack Cruiseliner with the V8 & 5 speed. I was washing trucks for the leasing company then and we had 671 powered IHC Fleetstars, 8V71/13speed 4070's & 4070B's, R Model Macks, Cruiseliners and IHC Loadstar straight trucks. At that point only the Cruiseliners had power steering and what trucks had A/C, well it usually didn't work.... This isn't the V8 powered Cruiselner, but it is actually the 2nd Cruiseliner we bought.
  16. From Jay Leno's Garage: http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/at-the-garage/custom-built/blastolenes-pissd-off-pete/
  17. Found a picture of Rob's fender-bender....
  18. Back in 1990 I had to buy a utility pole, not just a run of the mill utility pole, but one of those nearly 3' diameter utility poles with 3 transformers at the top. I didn't knock it down, obviously, but I split it all the way up. That one cost a touch over 4,000.00 back then. I still stop and visit it from time to time.... I got it with my '86 Monte Carlo SS, feel asleep, hit it at approx 30-35mph. Monte SS didn't fair so well... Ironically for several years when I would stop to visit it always had new marks on it from semi drivers turning too short and scuffing my utility pole, pi$$ed me off every time I seen a new scuff, but none of those trucks ever split it from bottom to top. Guess my Monte SS was tougher on utility poles then trucks.
  19. It's been 15 years or so, so my memory of facts isn't perfect, but when I worked at DTF (Dana Truck Fleet) we had dedicated trailers that took partially completed Mack frames off the assembly line at, I believe Lancaster, PA and perhaps Lugoff, SC and delivered them to Mack in, I believe Allentown, PA and possibly Winnsboro, SC. I worked at the corporate HQ outside of Columbia City, IN and was the only dispatcher in the system on 2nd shift Sunday each week so I had some contact with everyone in the system, but now all the names just kinda run together in my old memory banks....
  20. Back in the late '80's Cummins published a report stating that their engines should never be left to idle except before shut down. The maint director at Parrish Leasing (98% Mack fleet) copied the report and it went out to every driver in the fleet. From that point forward we were required to set the throttle, later with electronic engines the speed control, at 1,000 rpm or better. with the electronic engines if we did not set them up they would shut down after 3 minutes. Cummins reason for no idle was cylinder wall wash down by the fuel. Apparently the fuel pump delivered more fuel at idle than the engine could burn and the unspent fuel pushed passed the piston rings in effect washing grooves into the cylinder walls. I am not a mechanic and no longer have the report so I am going from memory. For this reason, Since that time I have never allowed an engine to idle if it has a throttle control or is electronic below 1,000 rpm.
  21. Mike, Welcome aboard, I have been a fan of your site for about 10 years now. You actually answered some questions for me when I was trying to make some friends understand the enormity of just what FDNY lost on 9/11/01. My home town of Ft Wayne, IN has a department of 18 active stations with 18 engines, 4 trucks, 1 rescue and 5 BC's and approx 350 active FF's. Many of my friends had never been to NYC and just could not understand that what was lost by FDNY that day equates to more than the entire FWFD. T.
  22. Per this story it was a manual transmission and that was tarp as well as some bricks that were thrown out the window during the pursuit. Kid was a pretty good driver and I would have to say he had it in the high side while running in reverse.... http://www.ohio.com/news/top_stories/111366749.html
  23. They only have the one left. It runs well but the cab and hood are shot. I don't know yet if it is for sale. The semi-retired owner of the business will make the call if it is for sale or not. It has not been for sale to a few others who have inquired about it, but we have been friends since I was a toddler and I have bought 2 other trucks from him that were not for sale. T.
  24. ANOTHER TRUCK??? You keep it up and you are gonna be livin' in one of them. I am checking on a engine for you to. I cannot remember if our U Model's had 2 or 4 valve engines in them, but one of them was still running as a yard truck a few years ago but I think it is only a 300hp. I'll let you know what I find out, might just add it to the collection of stuff you have over here in your "east annex"!!!
  25. Thank you to my wife and all the Vet's on this forum.
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