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Terry T

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Everything posted by Terry T

  1. I remember it. I was 12. Those were the days before everyone had a 4X4 and a snow blower. We lived on a 3 block long dead end street. All the neighbors pitched in and we had ourselves dug out to the "traveled rd" on the 2nd day but it was another day before the city got that road opened up. The blizzard was the worst single storm of my lifetime to date. However the winter of 81/82 was terrible for Fort Wayne as we got so much snow over the winter the city trucked it to parks near our 3 different rivers then when it all began melting... the city was flooded. I believe 1/3rd of Ft Wayne, IN went under water. I was a sophomore in h.s. and city schools were closed so the students could fill and place sandbags we did this for days, non-stop. President Reagan flew in and even tossed a few sand bags. One of the news agencies deemed Ft Wayne as "the city that saved itself".
  2. A different thought occurred to me Saturday evening while chatting with my neighbors. If Biden stays in office for two years & 1 day and is then removed and Harris is sworn in as POTUS she can then serve out the balance of the Biden term and run two more times and considering what we seen in the 2020 election it isn't hard for me to believe that she could be "elected" to two terms giving her 10 years in the White House.
  3. Dang!!! I have A & B. Maybe I should put them on Ebay starting at a grand!
  4. Mike Harbison probably has a long ear dog that would be period correct.
  5. I'm not so sure that guys who own Peterbilt's every think about boobage.... (That comment was made while I was "off duty" as a mod!)
  6. Personally I strongly believe in the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, equal rights for EVERYONE no matter their color, religion, nationality, sexual preference, etc & I stand on the right side of the aisle. Several years ago Barry asked for some help in moderating this board mostly to prevent spammers. I volunteered. More recently he asked for some more help and a few more volunteered. Although I spent much of my adult life as a 1st responder and spent 13 years doing security for the 2nd largest festival in Indiana, the last 3 years, being the chairman of the security board before stepping down so younger blood could assume the reins and because my paid job was taking away from all of my volunteer work time, I really don't appreciate being referred to as "Barney Fife" but if you must throw stones feel free. Those who have been banned pushed the limits of good taste and when asked to tone it down they pushed even farther. It's very sad that we, as moderators, are trying so hard to keep this a friendly board where we can talk trucks, transportation and other things but people keep screaming 1st amendment! we can say anything we want. Well keep doing it and perhaps Barry will have enough of it and just shut us down because, as stated above websites are privately owned & governed as such so it is his right to censor and pick or chose what stays and what goes. There are millions of forums on the internet so if you want to talk politics 24/7 please find a political forum. This is Big Mack Trucks. It should be obvious that it is a truck forum and a Mack forum by it's name. Please quit trying to push buttons and just try to have a pleasant time here. I've spent 42 years in the transportation industry and I have heard it all over the years, the CB Rambo's just morphed into keyboard Rambo's.
  7. I can't say for the speaker(?) but for the seat, when I was a kid we had a steel dash R model in the fleet that was a 5 speed with the wide (bench) riders seat. Green vinyl to match the green interior.
  8. There are active members of ATHS on the JOT forum. We all get along well but there are those of us who chose not to continue with ATHS.
  9. After my divorce the only thing that I wish had turned out different was that I could have kept my B and finished it. I had chromed the door panels, dash panel, ash tray front, the glove box front & powder coated the front panel of the heater box. Yes that is a NOS just out of the box, no miles, speedo and a NOS just out of the box, no hours tach.
  10. Plain and simply it was NOT a knee jerk reaction to a few posts. It really all started with just one or two former members who were asked to tone it down but instead decided to "poke the bear" and push and push. There were many discussions among mods & admin before the final decision was made. What happened behind the scenes with some of the former members played a big part in the decision but doesn't need to be posted publicly. I agree that Mr. Hancock not being here is a disappointment but he made the decision to be a part of the issue and seemed to have an agenda of his own. I'm very glad that he is at JOT and is posting his pics there as I do miss them here. I'm extremely glad that Truck Shop came back on board as I have truly enjoyed following his build and his knowledge is very important to our forum. Just because they were the "top three posters" does not mean that they were posting non-stop good things about Macks, trucking, the old times, etc. Some of what was being posted was meant to create traffic on the threads and to stir controversy. I'm all for good healthy discussion but when name calling, racial slurs and the like become involved then it does not belong here. And yes, in vailed ways, all of that was occurring with some of the posts/threads. As for ATHS. Screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice... Well, I'm ashamed and that happened long ago. However had the 2nd go around not happened then JOT wouldn't have come into being as a forum independent of ATHS so that actually turned out good in the long run.
  11. I got to visit it a few months ago during a trip to Iowa.
  12. Yeah, all is good again over there. The forum is back, Aaron is back...
  13. Aaron.... That danged ole Cali Greenie!!!
  14. Still happening. I lost Eddy's email. If anyone has it and can get info please let us know.
  15. I believe there are a few here that also visit JOT. I visited Saturday but since last evening I've been getting "This site can't be reached" when I click on my bookmark and when I try it via Google. Anyone else having issues or possibly know what's going on?
  16. I must be very tech challenged. I keep hearing about this Tapatalk but don't have a clue what it is. I use my phone for a lot of things but I still prefer my laptop when I get home.
  17. I looked back over a 16 hour period and saw that there had been postings to 30 different topics. That's two to three times as many postings as I see on any other forum that I follow.
  18. I hope there wasn't a LOT of tank behind the tandems, as that thing would be interesting to steer even with the front mount pump. If the tank goes to the back of the body that would put in the neighborhood of 2500-2800# of weight behind the tandems.
  19. Rob will go missing, sometimes for years, from time to time then will be back and can answer almost any question asked around here.
  20. Congratulations!
  21. Not mine, just one that I've seen on websites and the net. Very well done and "rodding" an MR... It's just not done so to me it's very cool! Thinking outside the box is something that I appreciate very much.
  22. This is also ex-USPS
  23. Looks to be ex-postal service unit.
  24. There's always the "Other Truck Makes" section!
  25. Hank retired. That has nothing to do with fire apparatus. Your photos are fantastic.
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