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Everything posted by dendrill

  1. So is it the additives in the ATF that does it? Does it matter what type ATF? And does it function as a fuel additive like lucas? thanks
  2. Glad you came out of it pretty well
  3. Several years ago Adelman's in canton oh had a row of cabover Macks with no badging and were roller painted white-really ugly! The salesman said they came from UPS and they couldn't take them away in the brown paint.
  4. thanks blueknight that was fun-i wonder who did the music?
  5. I've been looking at a lot of gallery pics lately, and a lot of trucks have red frames. Why is this; did the factory paint them red ever?
  6. Very nice models Pat, some real artistry there
  7. Thanks lmackattack it has an air to air so it must be a 300 maxidine.
  8. Looking at a U model w/ a 300+ and a 5 spd. I think it is a 1985. I didn't seem to find much on the 300+ here; is it known by something else? Good motor?
  9. Brilliant! (97%) Who has time to think these things up?
  10. Thanks for those pics; my camera was on the blink saturday when i was there. Love them old excavators, i have an insley K5 drag and clam.
  11. I agree it is a great show. Last time I was there they had quite a few b models. I have even seen an old open cab ac (I think) hauling and dumping dirt. I am going today early there is so much to see.
  12. dendrill

    My Mack

    I drive past pep drilling often and I have seen that truck there-I noticed they prefer Macks like many of the other oilfield outfits. Looks like that'll be one sharp oilfield truck!
  13. Hey Freightrain i remember seeing your truck before you got it, also noticed when it wasn't there anymore. Glad you were the one who bought it. I saw it near the mall pulling a trailer not too long ago it seems, must have been one of its last missions for the towing co.
  14. Well hey 77mackr i live near Carrollton. We go to Deersville for the ice cream sometimes.
  15. I have a bucyrus-erie 22w cable drill and it doesn't resemble that at all. Just wondering if you know anything about the drill. thanks dendrill
  16. I'd better keep it and fix it eventually-I get in alot of tight situations-going down the road manuel's ok-let ya know if I change my mind-thanks
  17. Really looks like a new mack-now just needs the cat or a 22b on a lowboy w/ the flags flying that would bring back some memories-i hope i get to see that this summer.
  18. Say freightrain sounds like something that would happen to me in hilly e ohio-that where you live? I'm in carroll county 35 mi se of canton.
  19. My 1965 B61 goes about 700 miles per year hauling my drill rig. It's only got around 20K on it. I was wondering if there are maintenance issues i'm unaware of. It's really a trouble-free truck wanna keep it that way. Got a 673 na, triplex, tandem, took the air assist steer cyl off and plugged air line(leak) only heavy truck I've ever owned. Any recommendations? Oh gotta couple pics now too-great site and guys here i check every day-thanks
  20. 1965 B61 with Bucyrus Erie 22W cable drill
  21. When i first got my gmc with the detroit it would fall flat on its face pulling a hill (more than usual) i pulled the pickup tube and found a small piece of foil, looked like a diesel fuel only sticker, i guess it would suck up there when i really poured it on but would allow enough fuel under other conditions.
  22. My 1965 B61 carries my cable drill (Bucyrus Erie 22W) around to water well jobs. I've put over 2000 mi on it in 6 yrs-it's up to 19500 mi now. It's a little long and heavy perhaps but it's very reliable and doesn't get stuck. It's really fun to drive-I'm not really a truck driver but i get it around pretty well i think. I tell folks the left shift lever has 3 positions: township road, county road, and state highway. If i remounted the rig and restored the truck i wouldn't get to drive it as much!
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