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Everything posted by Moosejockey

  1. Daylight pix of the same truck. Pix are from Hank's.
  2. A couple pix of Gerosa's M 75.
  3. Dave has a point. It could have been a V8 that was changed to a 6. If the model # is correct, And it is a 733, that would have been a Cummins. It is not a real Magnum.
  4. ]H.R. Ewell inc. is stilll alive and well in E. Earl. John S. Ewell inc. is no longer around. They were bought out by Northwest transportation.(Land O' Lakes) Miss seeing the green and red milk trucks. Here is one of HR Ewells trucks ready to go to the New Holland parade.
  5. Blue Ball Pa. is a town where rt.'s 23 and 322 intersect in Lancaster county. Blue Ball hotel dated back to 1706. Building took several hits over the years. It was torn down 10-15 years ago. The town took it's name from the hotel. No, I don't know how the hotel got it's name.
  6. Are you talking about R 800's or RD 800's ? As far as I know, There were 4 R863R's built. All in 1968, all right hand drive. Looks like a DM 800 chassis and sheet metal with a center mounted cab. The RD 800 is a different animal. blue rd800.bmp
  7. Durkin contractors from Philly ran a DM 800 (unit # T060) with a 3406A with a 12 speed. Also, whem I worked for Brubacher excavating, They had 2 R 754's that ran 12 speed's behind 3406A Cat's. Both trucks came from Canada originally. As a side note I currently run a CL 733 with a Mack 18 speed trans.
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