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Everything posted by BucketTrucker688

  1. what hood do i have? i need to get a new hood due to the failing fiberglass and it seems finding a new/used hood is very difficult. the hood i have now the fenders come even with the front of the hood under the headlights. most r model hoods i come by have long fenders...my truck also has fenders that are in front of the battery box attached to the frame. it has round headlights and is a rd688s according to the plate on the door.. look at my pics and see if you can id this hood please. thanks for the help
  2. does anyone have pictures of a dual exhaust set up on a early rd with a dump body with 50 gal fuel tanks? im currently trying to go the dual straight pipe route on my 91 tri axle dump but its getting trickier than i thought it would be. i have come up with brackets to mount the stacks to but im trying to figure out a way to keep them from vibrating too bad. when i took off the old muffler it had a rod that went from the top of the bracket to the center of the frame (in front of the hoist) with rubber discs where it mounted. i am guessing that was to keep it from vibrating but when i went to take it off it seemed loose and i never noticed the old muffler vibrating to terribly so im wondering if its really nessacary. it is a real prick to do while its in the shop with the body down..no room to work. This is a 100% completely custom job and getting parts from the chrome shop where they deal with peterbilts and kenworths mostly is a real trick to try and imagine up what i can use that they have to make this work. the driers side fuel tank sits back about 5" further on the frame i figured out and now i need to pipe around that with various elbows. this project seemed like it would be much less complicated in my head before i started and now im to far into it to quit and turn around.
  3. I have peterbilt gauge covers with the visors...dab of clear silicone and your good....peterbilt toggle switch extensions fit as well.
  4. im intrested in the hood...would like to know more about it. is there headlights and trim ect...how long is the top of it from front to back..thanks
  5. i heard the noise in the dashbefore but it was infrequent and i couldnt really tell what it was. the speedometer never really worked right for awhile now as soon as you would start to move it would go up to 40mph then stay there until i stopped regardless of what speed i was actualy doing. where can i get a new speedpmeter head for it and is there a way to switch the mechanical to a electronic head. i want to switch all my gauges to the teltek digital gauges eventually. i would change to a digital speedometer now if there was away to convert it.
  6. I just had left allentown mack and i could hear a noise under the dash. sounded like something grinding but the noise would come in and out. then i looked down and the speedometer needle was spinning around the gauge like a pinwheel. i got back home to park it for the night and realized that the mileage from my pretrip was only 5.5 miles sooner than the mileage reading when i got home witch should of been about 50-60 miles. when i recorded mt pretrip mileage it was 104407 when i went to do post trip mileage it was 104413. how do i re calabrate a new speedometer to my mileage it should realy be from new?
  7. Would you happen to have any pictures of it? I was thinking of taking a t800 grille because I figure it's close and try to mount it to the inner cooler like the one that is on it but I don't want to take a $200 grille and cut it if need be just for it not to work
  9. Name: MACK R600 (1991) Date Added: 06 March 2011 - 02:55 PM Owner: jake Short Description: TRI AXLE DUMP TRUCK 17.5' BOX View Vehicle
  10. i think 58" is to long my air dryer is directly behind the fuel tank and the lift axle is directly behind the air tank. i have i think its like 30" max to mess with. and id like to get a six inch piece of exhaust pipe up through there aswell to get a stack up the drivers side after i cut the head board of the dump box down.
  11. i dont know if i have ever seen an rd style tank. have seen a ton of rd's but never took notice to their tanks. aluminum??
  12. ahh oh well thanks for checking that though...i guess i have to check the junk yards. ....yeah i gave welding it a thought but im worried whats going to happen to it when i take the straps off it...or im going to have to do some retro fitting....peterbilt made some decent looking air tank sets that i see on some of the later tri-axles.
  13. last six of the vin is 010283
  14. i have aa 91 r model with the large air tank that looks like a beer keg, well it has rusted through under the straps and naturally is now leaking air. anyone know if there is a aluminum tank avaiable that would work? mack wants anywhere from $1100-$1300 which i think is crazy for what it is. anyone have any alternative ideas of has anyone run into this problem? its only a pin hole rite now and i would take it off and attempt to fix it but i dont want to open up a can of worms and open it up more. but i think the dot wouldnt be too impressed to see that.
  15. im not sure what length i need? i want to go like 6-7" over my headboard. wich is 10'6" off the ground now. i cant see it being more than 6 feet. do you have heat sheilds for them? what did you want for them?
  16. yeah, i agree i like the look of the spokes with all chrome nut covers and id like to do the spokes and the hub the same color as the cab (dark blue) and the rim gloss black. i want to paint the cab a deep red so i think im going to wait. to do them. and then do them at the same time...
  17. any one know how a e7 350 sounds with dual straight exhaust? i would like to put dual 6" straight exhaust on my tri-axle but im not sure how it would sound. i need to cut my headboard down to make it fit alright and i think im going to have to move my air dryer to sneak a stack out on the drivers side. and does any one know where i can get aluminum fuel tanks for a 92 rd?
  18. id really like to get rid of the rusty old spoke wheels off my rd688, i hear changing the hubs is quite a process...has anyone done this? or does anyone have any suggestions on just dressing up and painting the spoke wheels? im tired of chaceing rust around on my wheels so id really like to put aluminum on it, plus the value of the truck would go up it it had some 24.5 aluminums. any one have pics of their spoke wheels done up?
  19. you wouldnt happen to have a part number or know where i could find a stainless donaldson air cleaner would you? i need replacement straps to. does the visor on that watts mack website drop or is is a standard visor becausse i found a 9" drop for it but the pictures look identical on watts site and the virgo fleet website but watts is much cheaper.
  20. i just bought a bone stock dirty 91 r688s tri-axle dump that needs some more chrome. im coming to find out chrome for these trucks are harder to come by than i thought. id like to gauge covers, a visor, misc pieces of trim, grille, winsheild surround, ect....im interested in it all. there is only so much you can do with the universal parts to make it look decent. does any one know where to get some of these parts from?
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