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Everything posted by upsman

  1. Majority they are buying are diesel.
  2. UPS getting Kenworths and Freightliners now. KW was lowest bidder on trucks by 8k a truck.
  3. And be breaking the law in the process as emissions have to meet year of truck unless titled as a glider. But only illegal if you get caught 😂
  4. Used car lot? Momma needed a new mini van? Lol
  5. We don’t have a separate lot up at the “palace”.
  6. They are only “short” drivers on first two days of week at our building but Hoffa is in bed with the company so teamsters get shit on.
  7. Not at my building which is where he is coming from. Every Monday and Tuesday we have contractors going hub to hub and some are even doing pickup accounts. We keep filing grievances and they just keep paying. We even have some guys working their vacations.
  8. Thats the standard radio in the Pinnacles you need to get a manual and change setting in the radio.
  9. Marina was running railyards to our hubs during peak(UPS).
  10. Air ride direct drive trans no emissions
  11. I like the flat spot on the bottom of steering wheel, no more rubbing on the belly! Lol
  12. Any interior shots anywhere?
  13. Maybe some headlights you can actually see with!
  14. No we have several they brought here from California when they took all our first gen Pinnacles for emissions rules out there. We have several 2013 Pinnacles I drive a 2017 Pinnacle.
  15. Oldest dog at my barn. 96 613 with 700,000 on it.
  16. Roger had the beard. Went by the handle "whiskers"
  17. I'd go with 2.79 gears with a 13 spd and drive in 11th for direct 12th up to 70 and 13th to get the hell out of dodge!
  18. Company policy to have at least three different suppliers so if something happens with one company still have parts for other brands. Went thru this when Sterling quit making trucks.
  19. Never heard of him.
  20. Thank God we are hopefully getting our country back!!!
  21. Who is he?
  22. Don't worry I'm a conservative, always in the right!
  23. Not the Illinois ones got all ours neutered at 67.
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