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Everything posted by ddtruckin

  1. Want to set the overhead on a END673, does anyone know what the valve settings should be? And which valve is exhaust and which is intake? Been 35 years since I've done it, and I don't want to f up.
  2. Would you have the part number for the outside door handles not having any luck. The shaft on the door handles are 4 1/4 inches long, everything I found is 2 to 3 3/4 long. Thanks diane

  3. Wanted to buy a 771GB459A water pump housing for b model mack. Good condition 612 306 1470 dennis
  4. thanks for the info. Diane
  5. Looking for throttle cable for my B61 restoration project. New or NOS if possible. call 320-295-8187
  6. Checked there they don't have any new or even used, suggested looking here. Thanks for the info. Diane
  7. Looking to buy NOS outside door handles for a B61 Mack. Must be in very good shape. call 320-295-8187
  8. looking for suggestions on where to get parts rechromed, also looking for ideas where to get the headliner. also if anyone might have parts to sell. thanks diane 320-855-2616
  9. looking for headliner for b61 w intergo sleeper, door handles, locks, hood accessories, budd wheels steering hubs, wig wag, floor panel, glove box, original driver seat, aluiminum battery box and cover, window channels, call if you think i might need something you might have!!! 320-855-2616 diane
  10. i am looking for a set of front fenders for my 1961 h 67 mack, any out there? 612-306-1470 dennis
  11. B61fred,

    Would it be possible to have you look to see what model # on the transmission you have? I have a trtl 72, some have trt720. I gave the hubby your phone # so he probably will be calling you. We live in Western Minnesota.


  12. I have a 15 speed triplex transmission TRTL-72 ( alumiumn casting) recently the casting crack totally around the housing what is the difference between that # and TRTL-720 ( alumiumn/cast housing). Are they compatable to interchange? Fuzzy
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