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Everything posted by Ironman

  1. An XR1200 Harley Davidson Sounds nice, looks cool too.
  2. I have to agree with ya Roxdy They were comparing apple with oranges. They should have brought out one of Ford's comparable vehicles to put up against the Vette. I think Ford did an awesome job at bringing back the retro Mustang look but they also brought it back with many of it's 60's and 70's faults, body role and fading brakes. I'm sure even Roush is shaking his head, why did we put larger rotos and bigger caliper on it, with that much hp.And that rear solid axle Motor Trend's
  3. This is a hard one... It all depends on the mood I'm in. I had a 1000 Harley Sportster I enjoyed to go cruising with through our national parks. Then on those days I felt like a bad #ss I took my Suzi 800 liquid out to terrorize the town. I enjoyed both. If I had to pick one? I'm afraid I'll have to go with my import.
  4. Welcome to BMT Chris
  5. I'm a Bow Tie Guy. I guess cause my Dad was all through my childhood And this just helps to reaffirm it
  6. IT"S SO EASY TO BE CRITICAL OF OTHER PEOPLE AND THE THINGS WE DO. But it's difficult to look at ourselves and be equally critical. I've done the same. Ah.. I'll just quickly get this done.. No need to hunt down some stand. Nothing will happen if I strategically place the jack in the center. Stands are a waste of time. And going to get them and place them under the truck is an even more waste of time. Here is an opportunity to turn back time. If you were laying in a hospital bed.... I know you would be wishing.. If I could go back I would have taken that extra couple of minutes to go get the stands. I'm glad to hear you got lucky Rob. Nobody got hurt. Keep an eye on those nine yr old tire.
  7. Welcome to BMT Lester Congratulations on your promotion to Professional Snow Bird. One of these days I hope to be one also. My wife says, Your only 47, Get back to work. If I want to keep buying parts for my truck. I better get back to work Enjoy your stay in Florida and here at BMT forum
  8. That is Soo cool to see your truck on a drag strip
  9. Oh, I think the CB radio will always be around for the real truck drivers With all that other high tech stuff at your side, you still can't contact that truck up ahead of you unless you have his number. If he has his CB on, your chances of contacting him have increased as apposed to internet, cell phones, 10-4 phones, and simply yelling out your window. I think the CB radio will always be here. They just won't be in every truck like back in the 70's and 80's
  10. Sooo Why are you going electronic ?? Did the original speedo go to that Big Mack parts place in the sky. (broken?)
  11. Nice work Larr I'm gonna try and make mine look that good.
  12. Welcome to BMT
  13. Welcome Spacer Sorry to hear the economy has force another into a carrier change. Good luck
  14. Thanks Mike For a while there I was a lil embarrassed to even post pictures on my truck in it's original state. I was thinken you guy would think I was nuts to attempt this project. Thanks for the compliments man. At this point I think if I can save that engine and get it running for under a couple $1000 I'll be a head of the game and the body work will be a breeze. That's me... Not very good with the words. I like threads with lots of pictures. I sometimes forget to bring my camera with me when I go out in the shop and work on my Panel Van. I'll work all weekend with out taking a picture. Ooops. Now I try and bring the camera and just put it on the bench as a reminder. After I get started on this resto I hope I'm not gonna be surprised in a bad way. So far what I've seen in the few visits to the truck is all good. A lot of the bad parts are just gonna be R and R the only bad part was the floor. And Phantom309 (Jim) was nice enough to give me his left over floor parts from his Car Hauler build.
  15. They're really not that expensive. I think they were $100 after shipping on ebay. You could very well be right. I'm not even sure if this block is any good. The guy I bought it from doesn't seem to know very much about the truck. We just know it drove to were it sits now. I had a sneaky suspicion there was something going on under the hood.. Some things just seem to be out of place. For instance, that upper rad hose is painful to look at, but like a nascar wreck, you can't look away. I'll know more once I get the truck home. Degrease it and look for some numbers. Trk is in winter storage for now. You can't go wrong with shiny jewelry "That's what she says." I was going to say it's helping me stay motivated on this project, but even if I didn't have all this shiny accessories I think I would still be anxious to get started on this resto. Even watching your build Jim, is making me want to rush through winter and get started on my truck.
  16. Beautiful! Just beautiful. Nice work Nice shine. I luv your dog house idea.Who would of thought of using the kitchen sink. That looks perfect. I would have never known unless you told me. The interior looks great. And the blue looks perfect. I know on my last visit, your attention to detail has paid off.
  17. Welcome Jesse Check out the gallery. I bet you'll find a bunch of good ideas for a roll off dump truck Good luck in your growing business.
  18. Can't wait to get my truck here and get started to work on it. So in the mean time I've been shopping around for some deals on some of the essentials So I found the most important part of the hole truck. The Hood Ornament Then the Side Profile Hood Ornaments A couple of Heat Mirrors And a set of new B Model Clearance Lights
  19. Thanks Rob At $3.00 a ml. I'm thinking this guy that quoted me $600. isn't that bad a deal $3.00 X 247ml = $741 The only CATCH to the $600 deal is he will haul it when it is convenient for him, possibly Spring time. Which is fine. Free storage for the winter
  20. I'm just looking to get a price to float my truck 247 ml I got one price - $600 cdn. Not sure if that's good. So I thought I shop around.
  21. I'd like to see that too Larry. I'd like eventually do a dual exhaust system too
  22. So what could I expect to pay to have my truck floated from Palmerston Ont. to North Bay Ont. It's 247 ml or = 397 km What's the going rate per Km. now in Canada?
  23. Welcome to BMT Skip That's a rather unusual hobby you have going on their. Can't say that I have ever seen a Mack Tool Kit. I'd like to see pictures of some of your collection. Good luck in your search.
  24. Yeah !!! That would be kindda cool To set up the inclosed car hauler with hydraulic beaver tail OK, now I'm just dreaming in color Just for fun... I'd like to get my hands on a HIAB
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