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bulldog man

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Everything posted by bulldog man

  1. Finally things are getting back to normal round here .
  2. It sounds good BUT : Im a Southern Country boy . if it anit Soul Food or Fried somehow i anit herd of it . Course now days i tend to stay away from the fried foods per dr orders & thats how i lost alot of weight . BUT MAN I MISS MY FRIED GREEN MATERS & FRIED OKRA !!!
  3. Wait a min Tom where the Girl in the pic ? Im looking @ a butt & not a Redhead or blondes butt . thought every picture you posted had a girl in it ? NOW IM Withdrawn Cause its not even a REDhead or Blonde in the picture !! oh well i can imagine the redhead or blonde in the picture .
  4. $4,050.00 & 11 bids so far. btw if ya see Ebay member Bulldog7231975 watching your auction on the Jimmy Brig thats me. Curious to see what the ole Jimmy is gonna bring .
  5. looking good . keep up the awesome job .
  6. Man thats a BIG Front Porch on the DM. Def tell it was a mixer.
  7. Sweet looking U Model there .
  8. It's not a bad looking truck ! if i had the bread to buy it id go look @ it & possibly buy it put a wet kit on it & Go back in business for myself as it is only about an hour to an 1 &half hours from my house. i could be wrong but it looks like a 9spd roadranger & not a 9spd Mack (nothing wrong w/that yall but i just like a pure bred Mack ) but for me starting back out after 7yrs of my family business being done id have to start somewhere pure bred or not. plus i always wanted a Superdog !! http://cgi.ebay.com/...=item2a197225d5
  9. Never seen a bulldog like that before . interesting .
  10. ya a 994 IS A HOSS !!! Id say a leturno (i dont know how to spell it either lol.) would be like trying to operate the sears tower or empire state building ... biggest loader ive been around was a 988B @ Fullen Dock & a WA 600 Komatsu @ Vulcan materials both in Memphis . biggest loader ive operated was a 966 Cat.
  11. has an eased mind now knowing old dog is in safe hands w/ his new owner & that he is still close to home & Is to restored & used as a lowboy tractor again . .

  12. Thanks Vinny . ya i got 1 pic that was taken w/ my cell phone from a few years back downloaded to my new laptop It is in my gallery here on BMT You can check it out there its kinda rough due to phone cover was tearing up on me @ the time . ive got some other pictures of old dog but need a scanner or access to a scanner to put them on here . matter of fact i might just change my profile pic from the red sleigh back to old dog .
  13. Yup thats what we raised through the year for our Annual July 4th party used to kill & clean 1 every 3rd of July & have the hog ready by 12 noon on the 4th . . those Red Duroc will eat just about anything.
  14. Oh yeah !! i grew up on a farm here round the Millington area we had a hog lot . i know exactly what your saying .(you was in Millington @ the base so you know where Lucy is. thats where im from )
  15. Rob : oh trust me this guy & myself go back to hs . he knows my back ground in excavating & site prep . word got back to me he was scared that id bury his ass in the river bottoms round here. also acid does wonders (esp when the other side of family is brick & stone masons ;-) ) Other Dog: Tom If Randy did buy old dog id know he have a caring owner & id would be honored @ randy having old dog in his small fleet . old dog has pulled equipment most of his life bout like i would think Killer B Has also . The new owner has know about old dog for years & he is 1 of us Fellers . Green Dash : It doesnt help matters that my moms side of the family is Full blooded Cajun & dads side is Scott- Irish which makes for 1 hell of a temper . i learned how to control my short temper about my late 20's up till then i was hell on wheels . its a wonder i anit in brushy mtn or West Tn correctional bout an hour from here (aka ft pillow) i know it sounds crazy but i herd my late pop & dad voices in my mind telling me not to do anything stupid to him . & as far as retailation i can get what i want from him i want now . esp since he realizes i could had hurt him or threw his ass to the wolfs . & ya the new owner is a local farmer & a good feller. he is 1 of us. Im glad Old Dog is caring hands so close to home & i can go see the ole truck. Even though we are talking bout a truck Old Dog is like family to me . Sleep Walker : Ya thats the only reason why i stopped was because of the kids i know how it is to be raised up w/o a dad although i had my pop (grand dad ) around after my dad passed of his injuries from the diesel tank exploson (85% 3rd degree burns on his body ) i didnt want them to know that feeling. Olive Id get along w/ randy as im just as crazy as he is ... later yall
  16. As some of you know i had to move old dog (my name sake )to a "buddys" house in 2006 after my grandpa passed in 2005 & the homeplace was ordered sold by the probate courts & i had to move in town didnt have the room for old dog here & my "buddy" said i could keep it @ his house. it stayed out there @ his house for a few years till his inlaws told him to get the house cleaned up (his wifes aunt & uncle own the house they live in somthing i didnt know @ the time) or get out . he was told by them to get in contact w/ me to get old dog moved . he did i asked for the standard 30 days those assholes gave me 14 days (2 weeks) i was talking to 1 of my bosses customers (which is an ole buddy of mine from when my family owned the excavating co) about storing old dog @ his lot he said ok the 14th day came round was gonna have him moved went out there & old dog was gone already. my "buddy" lied to me when i asked him if he signed a bill of sale on the truck WHEN I HAD THE TITLE !!! When i found out he signed that bill of sale & sold old dog which was in my family for 46 yrs @ the time FOR $200 I COULD HAD TOOK MY SAWED OFF DOUBLE BARRELL 12 GA MOSSBERG SHOTGUN & KILLED HIM & i cleary told him this . But common sense got the better of me i was tempted to have his ass & his inlaws proscuted but out of kindness of my heart & his 4 kids think of me as Uncle Mack i never did & i told him the reason why. i couldnt see those 3 boys & his daughter growing up w/o thier dad like i did. although my dad passed @ an early age from injurys 2 weeks after a diesel tank explosion . needless to say i have very little to do w/ him now . i speak to him bout once or twice a week but we dont hang out together like we used to. the only reason why i talk to him now is cause of his kids . i went 2 yrs w/o speaking to him & his kids was driving him nuts to see me . this person walks very light around me now & walks around me w/ his hat in his hand towards me. Well i know the guy who picked up old dog & i had the chance to get him back but @ the time $ was tight & i couldnt afford to get old dog back . my aquantince that towed old dog asked if i was gonna prosocute him & i said no brother if i thow any body to the wolfs it was the other guy . the guy that towed old dog is an old friend of my bro in law . he told me he was gonna find somebody to buy it & restore it as a favor to me . i had somebody tell me that it went to AZ that was a lie i was told old dog went to metal mangment scrapyard that was a lie also & i hadnt seen the guy that towed old dog & stored him in sometime so i hadnt had a chance to ask him who he sold it to. . Today an old childhood buddy of mine who does road side service for trucks & who i help from time to time called me today & told me old dog was NOT CUT UP FOR SCRAP OR SOLD TO SOMEONE OUT OF STATE & still round Millington & was bought by a local Farmer who is an Aquantince of my family . he bought old dog to restore & put under a lowboy to haul his dozer with. my buddy told me that my farmer aquantince wanted to talk to me bout what it would take to get old dog to run again & told me he would like it if come out & see old dog . i told him to get in touch w/ me that i had the paper work where the Mack museum researched for me. a parrael switch & fuel filter for old dog still That id gladly give him . im glad my name sake old dog is still around here @ home still alive & SAVED FROM METAL MANGEMENT SCRAP YARD IN MEMPHIS Thanks to a fellow : Man THANK YOU LORD You Made ole Mack "Bulldog" Wortham's Day . IM A Happy man today yall A very greatful & humble man aka bulldog man
  17. Ya that leveling valve can be a pain in the ass somtimes . i bet that metal brace was a STIFF Ride. but w/ new air bags & shocks i bet that ole rides like a dream now (for a construction truck) .
  18. Me either Randy & i thought i had keys to most brands of machines & either been around & operated or herd of most brands of logging ,farm or construction equipment. BUT This is a new 1 on me. INTERESTING . Please scan the brochure . would like to see it also . wonder if it had a screamin jimmy in like a Timber Jack or Tree Farmer Skidder ? here is a slide show on a KW Skidder i found on Youtube check it out yall
  19. I Agree w/ Mark a 50's DC Acar for sure my great uncle had a 65' DC Acar looked similar to this one. An W.M.C. (notice i didnt say volvo) Autocar is like a To me ive had the fever since i was a kid. esp if the Autocar has a Cummins in it.
  20. Randy we had the same problem w/ the red sleigh (the truck in my profile pic named cause the driver looked like thin verson of santa clause) bout a year after we bought it in 94' . the driver got on the radio & said he seen the back of the cab sag when he was out of the truck. i thought it might had been the leveling valve but it was the Bags under the cab . took a little scissor(sp?) jack jacked up the cab took the old air bags out replace w/ new airbags cranked the seligh back up let air build back on him & the cab raised back up & took the jack out . the red sleigh rode like a new after that. Your right its amazing what a couple shocks (or air bags under the cab in my case ) will affect the ride when wore slap out .
  21. The above picture give a new meaning to the slogan Nothing Runs like a deere.
  22. Thats ALOT of shifting w/a 2 Stroke Detroit. think id put that load on the DOG's back insted of Jimmy's back. you write the word HILL on a sheet of paper & put on the winshield of a truck w/ a 2 stroke Detroit & the truck will downshift it self . lmao.
  23. Amen Brother !! Very cool pics . thanks for sharing .
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