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bulldog man

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Everything posted by bulldog man

  1. Some nice Bulldogs there i like that L9000 Blue Oval & Jimmy 5 Star General . I agree a LWB B model is a rare dog . esp now days .
  2. Give me A IH OR JI Case or CaseIH Tractor w/ a Set Reynolds Dirt Pans (aka scrapers)!! IF I GOT BE AROUND A BOUNCING ASS SCRAPER ESP IF IT IS A TEREX TS14 Good Lord Please Put me on a D8 OR D9 Push Cat Pushing the scraper . I Dont want to bounce like a Basket ball all day & then feel like im bouncing like a basket ball @ the end of the work day. Oh BTW Tom that top pic w/ girl & the paddle wheel scrapers looks familar i dont have no idea where it came from
  3. Id say w/ the green dash & tall top hat on the air cleaner it is a 66-73 model . Hope ya Enjoy .
  4. Your Uncle reminds me of my Late Granddad that raised from the time i was 2 yrs old (aka Pop) after my dad passed @ the age of 26 yrs old . WE NEED MORE PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD LIKE YOUR UNCLE . My Pop had 3 tia "Mini Strokes" on me in 1997 & then the big one hit in 1998 . When the 1st tia hit we were clearing 65 acres Pop was Feeding the burn pit w/ an 850G Case Dozer we had, & he had stopped the dozer over by the Cat 215 B L trackhoe i was operating (i was taking a Red Oak tree down @ the time) & told me in a studdering voice he didnt feel good & a store was across the rd from us i sent our saw man over there to get a candy bar & coke to bring pops blood sugar back up as he had Diabetes (sp?) & took2 shots a day . when i found ou & Realized it wasnt that after he ate the Milky Way bar & Drank a 20 oz Coke cause usually that did the trick he was still studdering . i rushed him to the ER 15 MINS From where we were working. thats when i found out it was a TIA Or a "mini stroke" . He was in rehab 6 months after being in the hospital . it affected his speech for the rest of his life but he would make you understand him. Pop was driving The Lowboy & the dump trucks & operating the equipment just 9 months after the stroke . (what was bad the cops & DOT KNEW HIS CDLS WERE TAKEN FROM HIM FOR 2 YRS ONCE THE STROKE HIT HIM & He was moving equipment, hauling Log, dirt, brush, Demolition , Mulch, Sand & gravel everyday) The Diesel Bears around here has known my family for years & one the higher up Diesel Bears/State Trooper that has been a personal friend of the family told me they were told by the head man over this region to leave Pop alone. (pop was good friends w/ the head man in charge) He drove 2 yrs w/o any license before he the Dr let him get his CDLs back & the bears knew it the whole time. He was still bidding on jobs & running the family business & feeding his Cows w/ myself & his crew by his side the whole time. He passed on Apirl 15 2005 I made a joke w/ tears in my eyes that he beat the tax man. I KNOW this & Coon Hunting along w/ his vegtable garden & 25 acre truck patch he had is what kept him going . I Miss him & think of him daily. Later Yall
  5. Ya Old Dog was a B422T & Had an En438 that was blown we dad bought him in droped a 711 & duplex 10spd left the 6:17 ratio gas rearend in him . talk bout running slow @ top speed of 48 to 50 mph BUT The pulling Power .
  6. Clariben tilt hood i think that was the name of em . pretty darn sure of it .
  7. A While back i seen some where on the web where it was a company who made the fiberglass tilt hoods for the B models back in the day. cant remember where i seen it .
  8. I Remember the RoadWay U Models running round the Memphis area when i was a kid . & hear both the 6V92 & 8V71 (318) Screamin Jimmy Detroits in them . I've always liked my screamin Jimmy motors but when i 1st herd a W/ a detroit in it , it just didnt sound right to me . I Guess to my family owning :Pure Breed Bulldog's is the reason why it just seemed strange to me .
  9. 1st off Welcome to BMT Glad your here . 2nd : ya may Check w/ Barry in the parts Dept @ Watts Mack in Pa . Im sure he could tell ya if they have it or not , as Watts Mack has alot of Parts for B Models Watts Mack 1 888 304 6225 Barry is also the Admin here @ BMT . so he or several others could tell ya here on the fourms also . hope this helps aka Bulldog Man
  10. Me 2 Randy . Thats what we used to do too . thats what i'll do when i buy another Dumpbucket & of course it'll be a R Or DM Mack . Used to buy Tractor trucks the same way . Thats a couple good looking Bulldogs There Randy .
  11. thats 1 happy kid .
  12. Welcome To BMT !! Aka Bulldog Man on BMT .
  13. Sounds bout right ! Im middle of the road when it comes to politicsbut i lean heavy toward the Conservitive side. But @ least when clinton was in office i didnt give damn who was Doing what to who Cause i made money hand over fist . Now Ombama is in office i have more days off in the busy season than what id like .
  14. ya i had'nt thought bout the bed being that short for the stick . ya would need a 30' rollback for a backhoe . guess im to used to lowboys tilt top & tag trailers .
  15. ya but would make a good truck to haul a small dozer or backhoe with .
  16. Wonder if they make a dump trailer big enough to pull behind this dog ??? id like to pull up in the pit & tell the loader operator load me up ... lol
  17. What a crock pot full of Volv o is making it harder day by day to get parts for the OLDER Macks So they can putthat damn volvo drive train on a dog . ya see alot more older dogs running the road than ya do a POS VOLVO !!!!!!!! ESP IN THE ROCK,SAND & DIRT PITS Round here in the Memphis area !!!! BOUT THE ONLY VOLVO CONSTRUCTION TRUCKS IN THE MEMPHIS AREA ARE OWNED BY THE CITY OF MEMPHIS & THEY ARE BEING PHASED OUT DUE THEY STAY IN THE SHOP SO DAMN MUCH !!!! MY COUSIN IS A MECHANIC FOR THE CITY OF MEMPHIS I KNOW HIS BOSS (THE HEAD SHOP FOREMAN) & HE EVEN AGREES VOLVO CANT GET THE SERVICE OUT OF THE VHD VOLVO OR GO WHERE THE CITY RD MACKS GOES!!! THE RD MACKS ARE STAYING THE VHD VOLVO DUMPS ,ROLLOFFS & TRACTORS ARE BEING PHASED OUT !!!!! DOES THAT TELL YA HOW DAMN GOOD A VOLVO IS ???????????????? Know several drivers for the city in the heavy equipment divison & they perfer the old macks over the volvo vhd !!!!!!!! THEY ARE AS GOOD FOR MACK AS A BULLET IS TO MY HEAD !!!!
  18. AMEN BROTHER !! I now live in a small trailer here in Town but i grew up & lived in the outskirts of Millington on what was dwindled down to 2 acres of our 150 acre farm even after my granddad quit farming. (hell of a change for me going from a 2000 sqft house on 2 acres to a 1bdrm trailer in a trailerhood) so even when i was a kid you walk in our house w/o knocking @ a certain time of night you had shotguns, rifiles & pistols on your ass . the same goes w/ my lil place here in town now. after it gets dark & i anit expecting anybody to come over,you come knock on my door ill meet your ass @ the door w/ my 12 gauge Double barrel sawed of w/ pistol grip , 30-06 or 410 Double barrell. Ive had serveral people tell me put that d^#n Sawed off gun away. I Tell em where i come from you knock on my door or enter my house after dark w/o me knowing your coming over we meet ya @ the door w/ a gun !! then i ask em what ya want? HAD 1 TELL ME : oh i want a ride to Walmart . i tell em WALK YOUR ASS TO WALMART WE LIVE RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO THE WALTON'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!! & dont you see my personal truck anit here ive got the work truck here LOADED ? You woke me up to ask me that ? i ought to shoot your ass for that esp since i have a load of recaps that have to be in the Ms Delta the next moring @ 5am & i have to leave Millington @ 3am to get there . that person anit asked FOR NOTHING SINCE !!!! I Like my sleep & privicy @ night . Sheesh
  19. Jay Thanks for clearing that up for me . My buddy had got rearended on the I-55 Curve coming out of Ar into Memphis going towards President's Island BY an Overnite truck a few years ago (@time had been recently bought by UPS) Buddy was driving a Bobtailed KW Lowboy tractor @ the time when he got rearended he slowed down for the deep curve the Overnite /UPS Truck pulling doubles didnt slow down in time. This is when he found out that UPS Drivers had to have a clean record . & ya my hometown being just North of Memphis i herd the same of FED EX Period . got several friemds & aquantinces that work for FED EX . & FED EX Ground i hear all kind of stories .
  20. to to BMT ! Nice B Model ya got there . Your in the right place for Info on . If ya got any questions im sure there is sombody here that can help ya out. The Gauge Cluster Pannel looks goods . Please dont forget to send the museum a little donation . & Good Luck on the restoration of your truck . aka Bulldog Man on BMT .
  21. ROFLMAO as long as little Debbie grew up to be a REDHEAD .
  22. Ya i can understand the reason on the package cars . I was wondering why it was required to scrap or part out the Bulldogs, Cornbinders, Louisville Fords , & ETC Class 8 trucks . Jay is it true wht i've herd bout driving for UPS ? Ya gotta have a CLEAN Drving Record & If ya have 1 accident while working for them & they terminate you ?
  23. My Buddy i work for now used to work for a Friend of my Granddad's who had a used truck lot in South Memphis. Mr. Ben bought trucks from UPS All the time . but like yall talking bout MH Bulldogs . i seen several of them @ Mr. Ben's l Back lot w/ the Cabs cut in half . Ive also seen some @ the same lot w/ grey paint on them too . Pop was looking for an E6 237 OR E6 300 Years ago for a 79' DM. My current boss & my granddad were like father & son . he told my granddad bout all the UPS Bulldogs that Mr Ben bought . we went down there, i was 12 yrs old @ the time . IT BROKE MY HEART TO SEE THOSE MH & F Models w/ the CABS CUT INTO!!! I asked MR. Ben why did you cut the cabs in half . he said son we have to cut the cabs in half as soon we buy the truck before it leaves UPS Property ! He also told me UPS Didnt want Anyone else using even an old truck of thiers . why is that ? liability reason ?
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