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bulldog man

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Everything posted by bulldog man

  1. Very Cool Trent .
  2. I Never lmao so hard in my life . im red in the face , coughing , trying to catch my breathe & tears rolling down my face . esp when daddy sent the trunk money make sure his daughter stayed & trunk money had a 12ga pump . TOM : You needed a trunk monkey today to bribe the cop after what you told me tonight ...
  3. It was tough on this Southern Country boy to give up a lot of Southern Style Comfort food esp the way my grandmas cooked & the way my aunts , sisters & cousins cook like her to this day . but I did it a little @ a time over the years . now if I eat any grease it don't take long to go sit on the throne . but on my splurge day (if I decide to take it a lot of the time I don't ) I will occasionally eat a fried green mater or 2 . Someone told me in the gym the other day about a baked style "fried" green mater recipe . im going to have to get it so I can try the alternative option . Randy that sounds Good . I might try that one myself .
  4. How bout a Gorilla for court appearances ? I think he would make the authorities say CASE DISMISSED !!! Your Free to go ..
  5. I Take 2 family size green tea bags boil them & then make it like any other tea but I myself use a 1/4 to half a cup of Stevia To a gallon of tea (but that's my preference taste since I weaned myself from a lot of sweets) If I go out to eat somewhere I get either water w/ lemon or unsweet tea & drink unsweet tea or God forbid use a pack or two of Splenda In the tea . far as my chicken I use mrs dash, Or Lemon Pepper or marinate it . but like Ed said it all depends on your taste preferences
  6. Im On the phone w/ Tom now & i'll let him give all the details of court but basically boils down to they got the fine reduced to $1800.00 He said to tell Hatcity he's free & if Ed is on the way back to Florida to turn back around & drop the mixer back @ home .
  7. Randy I just came from the gym 3 hours cardio today. this morning I had a quart of water then , for breakfast I had the other half of the chicken breast sub from last night . now for lunch its a boiled egg & a banana. I might have a handful of grapes or a small tangerine for a snack in between now & dinner . I have Chicken ready to throw on my George Forman grill tonight for dinner which I will have a small salad with a vingerette dressing . I drink enough water & green tea ( I buy the tea bags & boil my own ) to float a battleship
  8. To the Kennel . Nice looking Flintstone style Bulldog there . If I ever get back out on my own w/ a dump bucket this the kind of S/A Dump id like to have . something similar to yours .
  9. Peter Mack : I know what your saying about working a ton of hours & trying to get a workout in . im blessed w/ guys I help, they work with me on my schedule (they are like family) to get my workout . They know what my workout means to me . not everybody would be willing to work w/ me like this. most of time during the busy season im in the gym early in morning . but if I have get a early morning run for work im usually back home by 1 to 3 pm so I get my workout then . if im cutting grass I get it in early in the morning then help my 2 of my buddies cut grass after the dew falls . As long as im moving weather its exercise doing chores or work & I watch what & how much I eat I know i'll never go back to where I once was . Yardo I couldn't had said it better brother . 8)
  10. Thanks DCR & Eddeere : It was a mind set I had to make up my mind I wanted to do this & the dr telling me what he did made my mind up . BTW Yall I used to dread being behind a push mower now I don't mind @ all . ECD - YW Keep it up & I agree w/ everything Randy (1958 FWD ) Ed (Hatcity ) have said . I Couldn't had said it better myself fellas . My grandma used to cook w/ a lot of Lard & fatback too . now I wonder how in the hell I ate like that . 1 of my other weakness besides Tops BBQ Is my Grandmother's Homemade Blackberry cobbler that my older sister , my Aunt & Cousin know how to make just like she did . I Eat my weight in it if I don't watch myself . it is 1 of my favorite splurges to this day . I had just a small helping @ Christmas & my family was surprised not only the way I looked but the way I ate . I used to eat 3 or 4 plates then 2 or 3 plates of dessert . now around the holidays I eat 1 plate & a small helping of dessert & im done . My family was trying to get me to eat more @ Christmas ...lol I didn't budge . I Used to drink Jack Daniels Black label on the weekends like water . & kept @ least a fifth in the freezer most of the time I had a half gallon of JD Black . . now I hardly drink any alcohol @ all . I drank some @ new years 1 st time in I don't know when . & whats left of the JD Honey will be used by myself or a buddy for cooking. I eat a lot of grilled chicken , white turkey meat, fish, (I love grilled salmon) & eat quite a bit of Subway, & Lenny's (a Memphis based sub shop) I rarely eat mayo anymore on any sandwich . most of the time I use mustard , or sweet onion sauce @ subway .
  11. Welcome Back Home Rob !!
  12. I Tried quotes on Tom (Other Dog & Randy Y (1958 FWD) NEITHER WOULD WORK FOR ME BUT HERE IT GOES : ECD- Congrats Hun glad to see you getting back in the gym . As Tom & Randy both sid I stay in the gym . if im not cutting grass or hauling recaps during the busy season im in the gym . after harvest season in the fall & all through winter if there is no work for me im in the gym & ill stay there sometimes for 4-6 hours . I Used to be active in my teens to mid 20's stayed in decent shape then I stayed in the drivers seat of the dump trucks we had or in the operators seat of farm, logging, & construction equipment 12-14 hours a day for many years & after I got home I didn't go any thing but sit on my butt . I Had a severe case of depression esp after my sons mother & myself got split apart by other people interfering in our relationship . Matter fact its still a bit touchy so I don't talk about them much on FB @ ALL to keep the drama down !! I USED TO BE ON 7 DIFFERNT MEDS FOR EVERYTHING FROM Acid Reflux , Depression, 2 pain killers , HBP , Cholestol, & Gout . When the dump truck I was driving was idling waiting to be loaded (& I didn't have to load myself) I was pulling out Twinkies , ho hos (no pun intended yall ) Polish sausage, red hot sausage, hot souse , bologna, any kind of candy but esp chocolate just mention a few things that was in my Coleman cooler to eat . I used to be the same way when I was loading trucks cause the same cooler stayed in the cab of the track hoe w/ me . if that machine was idle I was eating & drinking a coke. I used to drink Coke, Diet Coke & other soft drinks like water . I slowly weaned myself off of them , now I hate the taste of them & it takes me awhile to drink a 12 oz can if I don't throw it away or give it away 1st. my diet 7 days a week for many years was a NOT 1 BUT 2 JUMBO COMBOS W/ 2 LARGE SWEET TEAS FROM TOPS BBQ A LOCAL MEMPHIS BASED BBQ RESTRAUNT W/ LOCATION ALL THROUGHOUT THE MID SOUTH . I did this twice a day . The Millington location is within walking distance of my house & the wind blows to the South I can smell that hickory wood cooking that bbq. I was told by my dr in may 2010 TOPS WAS OFF LIMITS TILL I GOT MY WEIGHT DOWN . Tops was my biggest weakness . now I may go in the 3 or 4 times a year vs every day like I used to . tops now will give clean me out in 30 minutes . ...lol IN April 2004 I was 28 just a few months from being 29 yrs old : I was under our 87'R688ST Mack tandem dump (I think its a pic of the red sleigh in my gallery & named cause the regular driver looked like a thin version of Santa & the truck was tagged by the scale master in rock pit in Memphis) I was servicing the sleigh checking transmission for oil, greasing grease fittings , check other things as well . I went to crawl out from under the sleigh via the passenger side saddle tank . MY BELLY TOUCHED THE BOTTOM OF THE 75 GALLON FUEL TANK . I had to slide back behind the tank & in front of the front tandem behind the belly blower exhaust on the passenger side to get out & I struggled to get back up . My grandfather that raised me from 2 yrs old & his older brother my great uncle both told me "son that's what myself & your uncle have been trying to tell you , the crew has tried to tell you you got to loose the weight . they made me promise id loose the weight . They both passed on to the other side in April & May of 2005 a month a part from 1 another. I continued to drive tri axles dumps for buddies of mine after their passing along w/ driving a recap truck for my buddies who sold us our new & cap tires both. In April 2007 I was curious how much I weighed so I waited till the scales were empty @ the rock pit I used to haul gravel out of for ourselves . the scale master was a buddy of mine . I stepped on the scale I was 330 lbs & a 48" waist . In July of 07 ' I went to get my physical done they wouldn't pass me because of my health . I lost my CDLS IN JULY OF 07 CAUSE I WAS TOO LAZY TO GET OFF MY FAT ASS & MOVE. I continued to drive a F250, F350 Ford PSD PULLING 16' -20' TIRE TRAILERS FOR MY BUDDIES Hauling caps & casings . I used to wear out before we got the trailer loaded or unloaded . now I hang w/ the best of them . IN THE LAST WEEK OF May 2010 I Went to my dr for a check up : I was 34 & just a couple months from being 35 . he told me your almost 35 yrs old. your a stroke & heart attack waiting to happen , diabetes is in your dads family you don't have it but you'll have it soon . your on blood pressure , gout, acid reflux, cholesterol & 2 pain killers for you cebral palsy & back . He said you sit on your ass all day & you get home you sit on your ass then . He said you wont live to see your son grow up let alone see 40 yrs old . he said get up & move your ass & if you don't since you are an heavy equipment operator take a back hoe to the grave yard where your dad & grandfather are buried & dig a grave & lay down in it . He reminded me that I was still 330 lbs & a 48" waist & still had that dadgum scale ticket of my weight . cause in 07 he didn't have a scale that went to 400 lbs like he did in 10 . All that woke me up . By June 5 2010 I started walking a local track that is 3/4 mile walking track w/ no support system what so ever . @ 1st I didn't last quite last 10 minutes w/o huffing & puffing . by august 2011 I was walking up to an hour half a day close to 10 miles a day . I called my insurance company about a co pay & the lady on the other end says "Mack we pay for your gym membership as long as you pay your premiums through a program & your not using it ". I lmao told her I didn't know about it . that was 8-15-11 I found out I had old friends of mine , my parents , my grandparents , folks I worked with in the past all in the local YMCA . I FOUND MY SUPPORT SYSTEM THERE . I started there I was around 300lbs & lost about 30 by myself on the track . I started 30 minutes a day 3 days a week there & still 3 days on the track . eventually over time I phased the track out & walk the sidewalks around the Y During decent weather & I do cardio 6 days a week & strength train 3 days a week . I work out up to 4 to 5 hours a day if I don't have anything to do esp in the winter like now . If I miss a day in the gym & I don't tell them whats going on , I Get called or visited by other members or some of the staff including personal trainers . that makes me feel good that I have that kinda support . they have me on video there I have been in front of the METRO BOARD Of the Metro Memphis YMCA (Board over all the Local Y's) & told my journey . they have pics of me there also. THEY HAVE SEEN MY PROGRESSION . I don't own a full lenth mirror in my house . but I get @ the gym & stare in the mirror & wonder where in the hell the fat boy went . Im now stay about 180 -185 lbs & a 32 -33 waist . THE GYM IS MY DRUG OF CHOICE & IF I DONT HAVE IT I GET WITH DRAWLS . @ 1ST the Workout was a chore . Now its a drug : I gotta have it & im in the 6 days a week regardless of what my schedule is . & my dr has me off all meds but 1 )25 mg bp pill & said I ought to be off it soon . tells me I wish all my patients do like you did . all I take now is about 3 supplements & a vitamin & that's it. I watch what I eat & drink . im 38 be 39 in July & I feel like im 16 again tho I know im not ...lol & the dr says I can get my CDLS BACK & I Can pass the physical now . & there are times I have speak w/ old friends & family who hasn't seen me in awhile they don't know me till I speak then they reconized my southern voice ...lol . My gym rat friends & my friends from other circles & family plus 1958 FWD (Randy) Push Me & keep me going . w/o the support I have now I would have never made it this far & possible gave up . Yardo & myself give each other hell on FB All in fun & that pushes me to do more . The 1 thing im most proud of is not only the 150lbs I lost, BUT: The Fact I kept my promise to pop (grandfather) & my great uncle I Sure hope they would be proud of me . Don't over do it hun & build yourself back up slowly . you've been a gym rat before you know what im saying . I'LL be here for support if you need it . aka Bulldog Man
  13. Good Luck Tom
  14. Although they are known as Coal trucks in Coal country . those Big dumps are known as a demolition truck in my neck of the woods . Nice looking Granites .
  15. That's a nice looking DM There . I & My family made a good living w/ a DM Mack Dump. 8)
  16. To the Kennel JoeMac w/ the rest of Mack enthusiast. Glad to have you here w/ us . Get ya a drink of your choice sit back & enjoy yourself . We have a great group here & any & all questions you may have im sure somebody around here can answer them . I Know what you mean about loving an intimate object because I live & breathe the truck I get my name from. Esp my dads ole B Model that is my namesake & a friend of mine & fellow Mack man owns now . & I Have quite a bit of Mack collectable's in my house . Those are some nice pics you have there . 8) 1958 FWD Is also into Fire apparatus as well & has a very nice FWD Fire truck . they are a few more here that has the same interest in Fire apparatus as well .
  17. 8V92 IN A TRUCK W/ MY NAME ????????? I JUST THREW UP MY DINNER !!!! A Green Leaker in a Bulldog Should be against the law !! Mike : Our 77' DM685S Tandem dump was gear bound about 60 mph . Our 87' R688S Tandem Dump was gearbound about the same . Weather it was myself , my granddad or 1 of his drivers we would get passed by the K Whoppers & Red oval Dump buckets on the road BUT we were steady w/ em & pulled in the jobsites & pit both with 5 minutes or less behind them BUT They couldn't walk in a lot of the Soft ground where Red Dog (DM ) & Red sleigh Would go . (R Model named that cause the regular driver looked like a thin santa) Seen Ole Red Dog put 25 Tons of 57 Limestone in muddy ground more than once & walk back out more than once as the same of the Red Sleigh . Then those Brand X Trucks w/ walking beams or rubber block suspension have to get pulled out w/ a Wide Track dozer trying to go across the same ground . They couldn't walk where those Bulldogs could . & even as a Kid I lmao @ them . Pop & his drivers always said We be there about the same time they will & will make as many loads @ the end of the day . He also told me their fuel bill was a little more cause they wanted to roll all that black coal to look big & bad . I Seen my name sake (dads b model ) Or as I called him old dog pull a Pops buddys D7G when his Tandem Ford 9000 Lowboy tractor was in the shop . & that little s/a tractor pulled that D7G Like it wasn't back there . Old dog was gearbound around 50 mph but would pull a house down . That ole B Model now belongs to a fellow Mack man & friend of mine who farms here in the Millington Area . He has built onto his farm shed where his equipment & trucks stays just so old dog could have a place out of the weather. & wants to get it running to pull his lowboy & dozer with to his different fields . I told him it pulled a lowboy & a grain trailer many a day . Old Dog stays right next to his 68 Restored R tandem Tractor that he pulls a grain trailer with . Old Dog was the only farm truck we had that would pull out of the bottoms loaded w/o any help. the other 2 trucks @ the time were gas burners & would stall out have way up the hill out of the bottoms . I seen that ole B Pull a 1,000 bushels of Soybeans & Wheat up the hill plus pulling a S/a Ford or Chevy bob truck w/ 425 bushels on it up the hill too . So when these guys tell me eat my dust on the road & I know I had to go in soft ground . id tell them ill be there right behind you to pull that kw or large car of yours out . You ought to seen the looks I got ...
  18. To the Kennel !!! Glad your here w/ us !! Ya pics are always welcome also .
  19. I Belong to A Heavy equipment forum , GM Truck forum as well as here @ BMT . I will go in the GM Forum & Lurk but Very rarely post unless I have a question about my GMC 2500 & I learned they are strict around there on both forums & don't have a sense of humor what so ever ON EITHER SITE . I Tried kidding around on the Heavy equipment fourm & I got the 5th degree & cold shoulder . I feel like I don't belong on either site so I don't go on either 1 very much . BUT even I don't post here daily ...im here Lurking, looking @, & liking Post Daily . Here @ BMT I Feel like I belong as I have not only been named after a Mack but drove them for myself & others , Worked on them (ours no one else's ) & made my living w/ them up until 05' When Pop passed . The people here is the reason why im here day & day out . I was still driving till 07 when my dr said my health turned south & I couldn't pass the DOT Physical now he said due to me loosing 150lbs & off of all but 1) 25 mg bp pill & said I wont be on that much longer , (I was taking 7 pills a day) I can get my CDLS Back but TN now wants me to have an automatic due to the mild case of Cebral palsy in my left hand ) I drove A 2 stick for years Why do I need an Automatic now ??? Cause the way my hand looks ? I DONT THINK SO !!! looks are deceiving !! I Don't have a truck anymore but im sure I can always borrow 1 Of my local buddy's truck for my driving test again I Plan on fighting the state on that restriction !! I did before, I will again !! Im tired of being in a truck under 26,000 lbs . I Have made friends that I can relate to from all over thanks to BMT : I talk to Tom (Otherdog) , NC Joe quite a bit on the phone . hell I talk to Joe almost daily on the phone . I Have talked to several Others on here & continue to do so daily on Facebook . I talk to Herb almost daily through Facebook . Joe & myself have met 1 another I Just talked to Jake tonight & he lives just a 2-3 hours south of me here in the Mid South . & Look forward to meeting him soon . I have missed Randy M (SleepWalker) when he was in my neck of the woods a couple of times but still want to meet him , Buster & Ann . I Didn't realize I had talked to rifleman (Steve ) before when 1 of my Cousins (who is personal friends w/ him in WY) Posted a pic of Steves MH Bulldog to my Fb Wall & I knew I had seen pics of the truck before & couldn't remember where duh ... Then Steve & myself became friends on FB . It wasn't until he told me in a PM On FB About his upcoming article in Bulldog that I put 2&2 together & I had talked to him on here . I enjoy seeing pics of Barry's car . Maybe I can get up towards Toms part Of the world & meet him as well . I Want to make the Macungie show 1 year & meet the rest of yall as well . I see Mike In the Mack Forums on FB & Comment on his pictures as well. Man I like that R Model he had that 1 was nice looking Dog you had back in the day Mike . Yardo Helps me keep motivated w/ my workout weather he knows it or not by posting workout pics or posting on FB about his workout as he & I both went down the weight loss road. Thanks Randy I have not made the kind of friendships on any other truck or equipment forum like I have here . Its almost like a family around here cause we talk about anything & everything . & even when I was w/o a computer there for awhile & had to borrow 1 I would spend hours on here catching up on threads . but I could access FB Through my phone & if I wanted to relay a message to BMT I did so w/ help of other BMT Members through FB Or by calling them . Now i'll go to the corner table put my back up against the wall & buy the BMT Family a Round !! & A Toast to the BMT CREW WE HAVE A HELLUVA GOOD FOURM HERE YALL thanks Barry
  20. Got the Black eye peas & greens ready to cook on the stove & also the Corn beef & Cabbage ready cook in the crock pot tomorrow. Happy NEW YEAR YALL !! .
  21. Happy New Year Mark !!! Man now that's a Purdy View there . Im staying home this year . Got my Jack Daniel's Honey whiskey , 7 UP & Canada Dry ginger ale , shrimp ring & cocktail sauce ready for tonight Black eye peas , corn beef & cabbage ready to cook tomorrow .
  22. As yall know : Im from W. TN just north of The Bluff City . & the coldest I ever been was when I pulled Trailer frames from 1 Gulstream plant to another on a Run from Elkhart, IN To Montevideo, MN after Katrina . The fella I was teamed with was from Duluth, MN . It was in the upper 30's the day I started in Elkhart, IN. He looks @ me & says "Rebel all you have is 2 sweat shirts , a pair of long johns & a Carhartt coat ? " I said "yep yankee that's it " he laughed told me where he was from & he knew where we were headed to just 2 to 3 hours south of the US/Canada Border & told me it wasn't cold yet . I Got just outside of Chicago that damn wind was blowing off that lake , it was snowing & it was a high of 15* for the day 1st thing I asked him was where the nearest Walmart was . . I pulled that T300 KW In a Walmart parking lot , went in & Bought $225 in warm clothes . he laughed his ass off & said You got cold huh? I said yep I thought I knew what cold was till I came up here . The next few days up North esp when we got to MN W/ a load of frames the high was a blistering Humid 5* for the high one day & -20* that night . there were nights I seen it get down -30* up there . most snow I seen im my life was LA Porte,IN . It started snowing & we were told if the weather got bad to find a hotel & layover & they would reimburse us for the room . We & another truck ran together . We got the last 2 rooms in the Hampton Inn there in LA Porte. our room was on the corner of the building & faced the big road from 1 window & a residential area from the other window. I went to bed that night w/ a dusting of Snow on the ground I got up the next morning it was so much damn snow . I never knew it could snow so damn much so fast & it was still snowing . they got a total of 38" of snow according to weather reports when it was done. When I got up the next morning I was already up before my buddy "Yankee" & I was lmao while drinking a cup of coffee . he wakes up asked what the hell are you laughing @ ? I told him there was this dude Digging out this Honda Accord on the residential street & when he just got the car dug out not even 2 minutes went by these 2 ) Tandem F2574 International Snow plows came down the street & covered the car back up & that dude THREW THE SNOW SHOVEL @ THE 1ST PLOW . He said that happened a lot up there . I Came home about a year to year & half later (after we got done w/FEMA We stayed on hauling frames & rv trailers to dealers ) It was close to Christmas my buddy looks @ me & says you know its 28* out here & your in short sleeves & no coat on . I looked @ him & said the wind anit blowing & this is a heat wave from where I been the last few months . he looked @ me & said you been up North too long ..
  23. Mike & Dig Dug Yall get better soon . hope yall have a speedy recovery & i'll keep you fellas in my prayers .
  24. Come to Find out Steve & a Cousin of mine are friends in WY. & I have talked to Steve of Facebook some . Indeed a Very nice Fella . Congrats Steve on the Bulldog Article
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