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bulldog man

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Everything posted by bulldog man

  1. I like Detroit's Hell I was raised on the 2 stroke screaming Jimmies . BUT A Detroit in a Bulldog ? Isnt there a law against that kinda thing ? 8V53 Is a RARE 2 stroke Detroit . ive only seen 1 of them in my life time . 1 of the old timers that was friends w/ my pop said they were used in military applications. Good luck on your project
  2. Nice Find Matt . A Good looking B model there Congrats to yall on the clean looking find .
  3. A Little late but better than never . Happy birthday E.C. !! Hope it was an awesome day . Lord 25 Seems like yesterday & for me it was actually 13 yrs ago I was 25 . Id work all week then go to the dirt & drag track then to the bars in Memphis on the weekend . AHH The good ole days ...lol Now I go the gym work & come home . the gym is my alcohol/ drug of choice now ...lol
  4. @ Trent & Jake yall took the words right out my mouth cause I was thinking pretty much the same thing . & Jake ive herd my pop (granddad ), great Uncle (who worked for pops buddy) & 2 of our drivers say the same thing about pulling out a book ...
  5. It's an auction on Ebay for a oil painting of a U Model going down a 2 lane Black top . heres the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/DeChiara-Art-Original-Oil-Painting-Impressionism-Semi-Truck-Vehicle-Industrial-/171156611991?pt=Art_Paintings&hash=item27d9baa397 Thought you might like this .
  6. I Don't think the grapple could handle it . better get a crane To lift it on A Superdog W/ a 50 Ton Lowboy trailer .
  7. Ditto What Joe Said
  8. Some nice looking trucks & equipment also . The museum looks like a very interesting place . We don't anything like that in my neck of the woods . Would really like to see it .
  9. Yup Tom It wasn't all that long ago you could find them in the truck stops . When We bought the Red Sleigh (87 R Dump ) back in the mid 90's I remember I went to W. Memphis to buy a radio for the truck & I always deal w/ the cb shop behind the Petro . after leaving cb shop I went to the petro & bought the switch extensions there along w/ a couple of Red Glitter Shift knobs for the 2 stick 6 spd . I also used to find them @ Long town truck stop @ Exit 35 on I-40 & the Pilot @ exit 42 on I-40 But they are even hard to find there anymore @ either truck stop .
  10. Yup me too . & being a Govt truck it wouldn't surprise me .
  11. I had A 89' F250 XL Custom w/ 302 & Cherry bombs , 98 f150 4.6 (leased 3 yrs ) & a 2001 F150 XL w/4.6 police interceptor . (was built for the city of Millington but they didn't have enough in the budget for 6 trucks @ the time so I bought it new ) & a 94 F350 XLT flatbed W/ 7.3 Turbo (pre PSD ) & straight piped ALL My Fords were 4 times the trucks the 3 GM Trucks I had /have (im driving a 94 GMC 2500 NOW When my01' F150 got totaled by someone else stupidity ) The 94 GMC Im driving I bought from my buddy I help & I had to rebuild the transmission when I got it but I needed something quick & cheap @ the time after "the beast" got totaled & couldn't beat what I had in the truck even w/ having the tranny rebuilt . BUT I want a 7.3 F250 OR F350 To work out of now . Im A Ford Man stuck in a GM .
  12. Said a E6 350 Motor & looks like a 9 or 10 spd by the splitter valve Looks like a wet kit on it too . also mentioned a air leak Here is the link . http://www.govdeals.com/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=363&acctid=1900
  13. Nice pics there Tom & looking @ that black cast iron pot full of Mulligan Stew & boat oar bring back some good memories . Thanks for posting the thread to my Fb wall too got a couple of cousins that may see that & we were talking about the old days & making Brunswick stew the other day ..
  14. Yup I got this brouchure here @ the house myself . I just don't have a scanner . Back in 2003 Never seen one on the Lot of Tri State In Memphis though let alone around Memphis .
  15. Congrats
  16. Ya I seen that Video . Those Videos are saved to my favorites too . love the sound of the Waukesha engine . & You & I both can say we worked our asses off & each of us lost a whole another person . & as I said before Congrats Bud .
  17. Ya that's a good series of video @ the "exit" . I Seen your truck in the 3rd part of the series I Thought was your MH There . Think I seen 57 BCR Truck in the video series also I just cant remember which video & where in the video .
  18. SMDH What a Damn shame . All these old dogs leaving the states thanks to these GD Fing exporters . I See some Macks in Puerto Rico thay look that good or Chromed out more than the R Models in the pics . if they are gonna export em wth not exprt em to Puerto RIco . what ive seen of the Bulldogs there in pics & on video they seem to be taken care of for the most part . Id love to have a good older R Model Dog to start over again & Run in & out of the rock , sand & dirt pits all day . Sure be easier for me to work on when something goes wrong . . & if Tri State in Memphis didn't have certain parts anymore I know of several guys around my neck of the woods that have enough spare parts & could build a R , DM , U, F, & MH Models out the spare parts .
  19. Congrats on the Excellent save there Mike . In my book that's DOWN GRADING !!
  20. Not sure if this video has been posted here or not . If so I apologize in advance for reposting . Though I have never seen this truck in person id know it if I seen it as ive seen pics & video of it before . You see Yardo topping the hill behind a Orange & White KW W900 about 7:48 but & hear him give a blast on the siren about 7:59 I just didn't like the fact who ever shot the video spent a little more time on a couple of Transtar IH than Yardo's FWD (id rather look @ the FWD Than that box on wheels ) even though the camera is on the IH By this point you can still hear the FWD As Yardo is leaving . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaqg7io6zcc
  21. Jake yup I recognize all those Bulldog's The Red & Black R Model was the particular Bulldog I was thinking of . & the teal R Model could be the ole Red & white R Model w/ a new paint scheme (almost looks like a JTW R Model back in the day ) Looks like it might be a Mississippi Materials Redi Mix truck in the back ground on 1 of the pics as they run Red bulldogs w/ yellow barrels . & Ya as far as im concerned if the trucks are from our neck of the woods they are considered TN Macks because most everybody around here w/ a dump bucket hauls in, out or around Memphis as you already know all to well .
  22. Nice Pics Looks like you seen a caboose too ....maybe more than 1 type of caboose .. Like the LTL 9000 Ford . Watch driving a Cornbinders when they are near a corn field & those sudden cornfield stops they like to make
  23. That looks like a Wortham Grading Company truck load . Exactly what my grandfather would tell me "put 6 more buckets on there boy we amit running the main drag . We are running the backroads ." If that DM & R Model didn't have dirt falling off of them while in the backwoods of Millington he wasn't happy . Now if we was running 14, 51, the Memphis interstates or main roads in Memphis our trucks was loaded w/ dirt UNDER THE SIDE BOARDS & Tarpped BUT it was a different story if we was running across 14 or 51 & staying in the backwoods . he believed in giving his customer their moneys worth .
  24. Glad to Hear you & Ann are Ok Randy . Way to keep your cool driver !
  25. Liked the pics Tom & as I said on FB If you wanted to see A lot more goats you need to come to Goat Days here in Millington 1 year . They just had this years goat days this weekend & finished up yesterday . They even have the fainting goats there .
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