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Everything posted by JStevens120

  1. My B has the TRTL720. .69 with both boxes in over. cruises right along at 70MPH on the way to the track with a 673C under the hood 4.63 rear gear and 11R22.5 rubber.
  2. It has been quite an ordeal, but I got the old girl up and running again. Turned out both heads where cracked, and all the valve springs and valves where worn out. found a couple heads that where already repaired and machined and a couple new push tubes(Thanks Fifth Wheel...). While I had it apart I had the injectors all rebuilt, built a new wiring harness(maybe the lights will stay on this year), and replaced every piece of hose in the truck. She will now hold some air pressure overnight! I'm off to go get some heat in the motor so I can re torque the heads...
  3. So this weekend i was going to drag the race trailer out of its storage spot and get some work done. I plugged in the old B and let her warm up for a couple hours. When I turned her over she fired almost instantly but I had a nasty popping coming from the intake. I shut her down right away and pulled off the valve covers. The pic shows what I found. #6 exhaust valve is very sticky in the guide, if I force it open, it takes about 30 seconds to a minute to come all the way closed again. So, the heads are off to the machine shop tomorrow, and the injectors as well. Anybody know where I could get a couple pushrods, the intake is bent too, just not as bad? I knew I should have gone through the top end before I started running her.....
  4. I haven't figured that out completely either, most of the time I just run the gear I'm in till I get to the top. No sense trying to tear it up. I have found that it is quite a bit smoother if I run about 1700-2000 until I get up to my cruise speed. I agree those guys that drove these things for a living had skills that will never be seen again. The new stuff is like driving a car.
  5. if I drive faster the paint looks better, heh...
  6. I'm trying to learn this video stuff, don't know why it doesn't work for everyone. Its an ENDT673C with a double over triplex and a 4.63 eaton rear on 11R22.5s.
  7. We had our first points race this weekend and I got the GF to get out ahead of me and take a video of the B model going down the road. It's probably as close as I will ever get to being able to see what she looks like on the road since she can't get the clutch to the floor and nobody else wants to try to learn the Triplex. I put her on a scale and I'm at about 25,500, and the old girl pulls it like its not even there. On the way home I even ventured out onto the freeway where i was able to run 70MPH pretty easily, but decided to keep it down around 65 as this truck attracts enough attention, and cruising at 1700RPM is nice. http://www.facebook.com/v/1770359026887
  8. My B75 single axle is about 10700 half full of fuel. I wouldn't think a B61 would be much different.
  9. The tach was a little dry. The old oil had got all gummed up inside the tach. A little brake clean and some light oil on the wick and it works like a champ again.
  10. Name: Mack B-753 (1956) Date Added: 10 January 2011 - 02:16 AM Owner: JStevens120 Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  11. I got my old B Model home a few months ago and she has been doing a lot of sitting, but this weekend I actually got a few things done. The first part I decided to restore was the shutters, seemed like a good place to start, at the front, LOL. Hopefully I can actually get a little heat into the engine once I get them back in. Before wide open with a 22K lb trailer I could only get 150 deg. Completely stripped them down and blasted each part, refreshed the cylinder with some air tool oil and a clean up, and then riveted it all back together and a fresh coat of paint. now on to polishing up the radiator. starting with 220 grit on the DA. I also got the Tach working right instead of bouncing all over the place, and got the windshields out and ready to be re sealed once I get the new lock strip. Yeah!!!
  12. Using the same numbers as rowdy and changing the trans ratio I got 60.3 MPH with a .87
  13. Hi all, I've been lurking around here for a while now soaking up knowledge and decided I had better introduce myself. A couple months back I got a B75 that my dad bought about 25 years ago and it's been sitting in the barn ever since. took a couple hours but I got it running again and started investigating what it would take to get her back on the road. I had to put a head on the compressor cause the water wasn't drained and the aluminum end cap on the oil cooler had the same problem. replaced a few hoses and finally I was able to take it around the block last weekend. I still have some electrical problems to work out, and put some new rubber on, but she is almost completely back to life. I'm planning on pulling a 2 car gooseneck trailer back and forth from the track, and I think it will be perfect for that. Someone has already changed out the rear to a 5.78 ratio and with the double over triplex it cruises right along. Anyway, just wanted to say that this is a great site and this truck is turning into a fun project. now back to work, race season is almost here... Jesse
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