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  1. impressive to be able to do all that and clean all parts and services.isn't book time around 20 hrs
  2. your shop can R&R a cam,h rings,reinstall head,front timing gear cover,radiator and cooler in 12 hrs?
  3. H rings dislodge causing cam followers to rotate destroying cam lobe.you need special tools to remove and install.you need to check and compare height on everyone.you have to remove heads to replace H rings
  4. Stalk switch?im not sure what it is.
  5. 2010 gu fire truck.Personal OS limit exceeded comes up on screen.Does anybody know what that means?
  6. vision with E7 460.140k on it,water temp running about 180 to 200 deg but oil temp running around 220 and on long pulls it will go to 235.When oil gets up in temp engine brake cuts out below 1500rpm works fine when oil temp is same as water.truck is serviced on regular intervals and is in showroom condition in and out.owner operator.Wondering if there was a fix for this condition.
  7. no cam sensor
  8. jake starting to drop out at 40 psi.It does not have external oil lines.Any suggestions haven't opened it up yet.Engine has 130k on it.oil pressure at idle is 20 when hot.
  9. jake starting to drop out at 40 psi.It does not have external oil lines.Any suggestions haven't opened it up yet.Engine has 130k on it.oil pressure at idle is 20 when hot.
  10. Pull the charge air cooler.The front of the radiator mostly the middle will be plugged.Had a couple of customers with same problem,they tried t-stats,fan hubs,etc......
  11. Early ones had bad roller rockers.That would fail and wipe the cam instantly.All rockers need to be up dated if has the old ones.Other wise its a time bomb.
  12. This may be dumb question did you start with the correct cylinder with the firing order using the flywheel opening in the bellhousing.
  13. vision 386 who do you use in n.j. i'm looking for a new pump guy
  14. yes sorry for getting back so late.Truck is like a homing pigeon just keeps coming back for different things.Found the turbine to snap off the shaft blocking the exhaust.Strange that the compressor side felt normal,[no play,and spun freely]Couldn't even pull the shaft for excess end play.Now i'll check both sides on the turbo next time just for this reason.It was a reman turbo right from mack only lasted 8 hours.The dealer said he had a bunch back for the same reason including volvos.One of the new uni pumps started leaking at the flare where injector lines seal.Tried a nother new line and 2 old ones still spraying had to replaced uni pump with another.It would have to be #6.At least the customer was understanding and knew it wasn't due to the service just faulty parts.
  15. Just got done rebuilding 427 ai out of frame.Ran great now after 2 days of running all of sudden no power and once you get above 1400 rpm no load starts missing and blowing white and tan smoke.Idles perfect and up until 1400 runs and sounds good no load.Replaced all six injectors #6 was soaked others were ok but still changed them.Still same problem.Changed uni pump on #6 still the same.Checked fuel pressure at fuel temp port.Between 60 and 70 psi through out the entire rpm range even while missing.Replaced fuel line from tank to primary filter.Checked fuel regulator coming out of block.Brand new turbo also on engine.Checked inter cooler for leaks.Under load hs zero power and pouring out black smoke and missing bad.Almost like like computer isn't adjusting for uni pump timing through the rpm range.Help!!!!!!!!!
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