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General Ike

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Everything posted by General Ike

  1. Why don't you give more specifics about the motor, the job it does and why you need more rpm. I sounds like folks are concerned about doing this.
  2. I'd wait to see before saying that the motor won't get the job done. Power is up again for this year to 440 hp and 860 lb-ft.
  3. That thing doesn't look like it's going to fair well in a wreck vs a conventional cab tractor.
  4. This is an interesting video. This firm's core business is representing the trucking industry. As a way to better understand the people and companies they defend they went to truck driving school and all received their CDL's. At first I'm thinking to myself "oh great so now they think they are truck drivers" but at the end of the video the senior attorney makes a statement indicating that although the attorneys don't have near the experience that the career truck drivers do, at least they can speak the same language. Interesting.....
  5. The man is an empty suit. His executive authority exists only if the people want it to. The unions that build these engines and trucks, who supported him twice, should take stock of their future ability to produce trucks that meet the standards under an untenable timeframe thus threatening their jobs. It's time for the left leaners to realize that this guy has done nothing to help them.
  6. They were a mid Atlantic quirk years ago but have been gaining popularity elsewhere. I was at a FF funeral today in Orlando and the rescue wagon had one. City of Winter Park uses them on all frontline suppression apparatus too.
  7. Never got to drive it to a job but this is the first Mack I ever drove. Unfortunately it got replaced before I was done with driver training on it. 1959 B95FSW #1144
  8. I have purposely put off going to meet with folks that work for me in Cookeville because of the weather. Walked out of my house early last week to catch a flight to St. Louis... Suit jacket was all I brought with me because it was a day hop. Landed in St. Louis and it was 3 degrees out. Froze my ass off that day. For a guy who spent 28 years in NY that was just plain dumb.
  9. I don't disagree... Between his pandering to the rest of the world while ignoring our country, to the Benghazi nonsense, to Obama Care(less) it'll be in my mind forever.
  10. While I personally agree with everything that was written in this letter, a little online research reveals that this is almost 5 years old at this point. It would appear that she forwarded the letter on and her email signature was automatically added to the bottom.
  11. MackLegacy.... I just read the article on Trailer/Body Builder website and I see he switched Volvo for Mack in the title. That's odd. Remainder of the article is the same though.
  12. Pierce and Seagrave have what most consider the best products out there. Sutphen, KME, HME, Ferrara, and E-One are also large manufacturers. Then there are regionals and mom and pop shops out there too... Crimson, Rosenbauer, SVI, Alexis, Smeal, Spartan ERV. Smaller shops like Gowens-Knight still turn out great truly custom products.
  13. That is a shame. Not that the current company was even a fraction of the old, but it was a tremendous brand. One of the best rigs I ever had the pleasure to wheel was a 1976 American LaFrance Century pumper. The original Millwood, NY E247. It had a Detroit 8v71 that was loud and proud. It was fast, always started, and would maintain a draft if in worst of conditions. I'd love to know if it survives to this day. The other ALF pleasure in my life was the 1924 ALF Brockway Torpedo that while in college I took an interest in and convinced the Millwood Fire Company to have restored at Lady & Taylor in Heidlersburg, PA. It is one of the finest existing examples of their early work. Others include Hastings On Hudson NY's Century tiller, Biglerville, PA's refurb end FDNY pumper, East Berlin PA's Torpedo and so many more.
  14. Oh come on... Let it rip.
  15. I should have prefaced that I'm in Florida and my mom is in Westchester County, NY. I'm not around to pester the crew about what's going on so when she started talking about guzzlers today my first reaction was "what the hell is a guzzler vs a vac-con". The tank was properly abandoned in place but the company is out of business. Records shredded not long ago. Doesn't help that every lib buyer from NYC wants the tank removed even though it poses a greater environmental risk to move it than to leave it considering that it was prepped properly.
  16. Long story short... My mother is selling my childhood home. It had an unground oil tank that was discontinued and at the time properly prepared for abandonment in place. She has decided to remove it because many potential buyers want it gone. The enviro company says that a vacuum truck won't clear the sandy, oily mix that's left and he has to find a guzzler truck. What's the difference between a vac-all and a guzzler?
  17. Where was HB Sproul located. Any relation to RC Sproul?
  18. Croton-On-Hudson, NY Fire Department converted what was a oil or septic rig to its original tanker which eventually went on to serve Pocantico Hills Fire Department a few miles south. Found pic on google. Credit to original photographer. http://www.angelfire.com/ny5/crotontanker10/welcome_to_croton_tanker_10s_photopage/index.album/the-first-tanker-10?i=2&s=1
  19. That thing is a mess. Love old Dodge rigs but not this one.
  20. Had a 1999 350 dually. Pulled a fifth wheel tri axle double race car trailer with it. Chip, up and down pipes for the turbo, turbo back exhaust and a huge finned aluminum oil and tranny pan and diff cover. Got great mileage and never missed a beat. Even on RT 17 going from NYC to Watkins Glen or in the mountains north of Montreal. Trailer was all steel. Guessed that total weight was at or slightly above max GVWR. Great truck. When the trailer went so did it. Miss that ole girl
  21. If it seems that the court is going to stick with the officer you can ask for a few things to see if there is a way to get it thrown out... 1: Ask about the scales that were used and how they are calibrated. When are they required to be calibrated and who does the calibration. Ask for verification/certification with regard to the scales being in compliance with their required calibration at the time of the violation. You're looking to find something that throws out the credibility of the scales measurement. 2: Ask about the type of certification that the officer must have to perform such a stop and if training is provided on how to use the scales that were in operation that day. Is the officer up to date on any annual or periodic training required to operate the scales or perform the stop in question. You're looking to find something that throws out the credibility of the officer. 3. Make sure that all the information on the violation/ticket is correct. If the officer improperly documented something then there may be grounds to throw it out.
  22. Joemac - You're a man after my own heart.... A fan of old Mack fire trucks AND Porsches... I own Gettysburg FD's 1957 B85 Mack and I've owned and raced Porsches for years... Funny both built in Pennsylvania... The Mack obviously in Allentown and my last Porsche race car built by Peter Dawe in Stroudsburg.
  23. The Mercedes Benz sourced diesel (the same one that still goes into ML350's and GL350's) that went into Grand Cherokees about 6-7 years ago was a great motor. If you look for used Grand Cherokees with an oil burner from that period you'll have a hard time finding one and if you do, it'll fetch top dollar. I'm not a fan of the government's involvment in how Fiat ended up with Chrysler, but this motor is good for the this segment of the market. It'll be silky smooth with plenty of power and provide great fuel economy. I'm actually considering trading my 2007.5 Ram 2500 Cummins 6.7L on one of these. I don't need that much truck any more but don't want to drive a gasser either. Take note Ford and Chevy.
  24. I'm no expert but I'm nearly positive that Mack sold B to R conversions back in the late '60s and '70s that would become BCR's (B converted R) That's obviously the oppisite of what you're looking for. I believe that one issue you will run into is the width of the R model front axle compared to the B model body and fenders.
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