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General Ike

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Everything posted by General Ike

  1. Call Jere Lady at Lady and Taylor body shop / Pennsylvania Fire Apparatus. (717) 528-4196
  2. You can also look for a used one... depending on how much power you need, you can get them for less than a grand on ebay... some new some not.
  3. Chappaqua, NY has an MR or MC Rescue that I believe has the same trick setup.
  4. Yup
  5. Does it only happen when the trailers are hooked up?
  6. GearheadGrrl For the sake of an educated conversation, can you please tell me and anyone who cares to read on, what President Obama has done to make our Nation a better place since he took office. If you will, a summary of accomplishments? Full Disclosure so you can figure out what kind of spin you want to throw at me: I am Christian, married, pro life, have two kids, 36 years old, college educated, own my home, legally own firearms, healthcare executive, former fireman, amateur race car driver, can drive a quad box without lifting my left leg, AND vote for candidates who will work to make the federal government smaller and let me and the rest of our Countrymen keep as much of our hard earned dollars as possible.
  7. Yup. A hair over 30k in water. It is nicknamed the Queen Mary by some. Replaced a two of a kind 1958 tandem axle B95 with enclosed 5 man sedan cab and 1500 gal tank that I featured pics of a few months back along with my B85 from the other department I was active in. The KW is a great driving piece of fire apparatus and even with its length has a good crimp angle so it's more maneuverable than one would think in proper hands. It's only fault is the air assist auto trans. If you wait for it to downshift you'll bog the motor on big hills. There is a trick to getting out of the throttle early and manually selecting the lower gear and right before the the air assist will effect the shift the tranny will freewheel for a fraction of a second. If you learn to time this right you can blip the throttle to match the downshift and the turbo is already spooling up. Minimal loss of speed and keeps the motor in its sweet spot. That's probably more than ya'll wanted to know.
  8. Tanker from my old FD just north of NYC in Westchester County. Cummins N14 500hp. 1500gpm hale pump, 3600gal water, full engine company equipment, 1000+ ft of 5 in supply line. Photo taken by my buddy J.T. Camp (Ossining FD)
  9. With a 2 plus hour ride, a truck that's been sitting for years, and unknown gremlins yet to come I'd get up to road speed and temps for about 10-15 min and do your first check. Then stop about every hour. Also do a few panic stops when conditions permit to make sure the brake system is holding up. Just my 2c
  10. They may not be taking new clients but will add the vehicles of existing clients. Try Parrish-Haycock I previously used them for my B85F and for my race car. Several family classics and race cars still insured by them.
  11. I've got a 6V53 in my B85F. Great motor for a rig of this size. Just keep some kitty litter under it.
  12. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Fidrych
  13. York Springs is about 10 miles from a small den of Mack fire apparatus in Heidlersburg, PA just south on US15. They run a 1965 CF that was rebodied and refurbished in 1990 by Lady & Taylor (same folks that restored my Gettysburg FD B Model for me). Its got Jere Lady's signature square headlights which I could do without. They also run a 2001 one of a kind Mack/Sutphen pumper that was a failed partnership between Mack and fire apparatus manufacturer Sutphen. If I recall, it's a Mack chassis and motor with a Sutphen body. Interesting to say the least. Finally, they've got a 2008 Granite tanker. Pics here... http://www.hfd25.com/apparatus.htm
  14. I'm going to go out on a limb and say a tree fell on it.....
  15. Rather them live to work again overseas than die in a crusher here!
  16. What's up with the super long noses? 12v71?
  17. The B95FSW I posted from Millwood Fire Company just outside NYC is an example of a 2 door sedan with rear seat firefighters entering through the officers side door and scooting behind his seat.
  18. Its up for debate... I thought it was in Andy's hands but I'm getting word that it may be in another collectors hands close to Andy's warehouse/museum.
  19. Bulldogboy I am certainly aware of other tandem B fire apparatus. The Museum informed me that 1144 and 1161 were the only SW fire apparatus produced by the factory. I'd be curious to know if they are wrong or if the other rigs were built on a B chassis by a third party.
  20. Doubt it... It's been on the east side of the river it's whole life.
  21. Yes indeed it is a sedan model cab
  22. The Noroton Heights fleet is no joke. 4 CF's that are modern equipped fire apparatus on bullet proof underpinnings. The rescue although not a CF, is a well sorted MR.
  23. Thanks ill post any progress
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